Review: EMMA By Michael Segedy
We like to think that a strong point of view is one of the traits of a good work of art. Be it prose, poetry, or even film, a distinct […]
Review: Guilty of Honour by Tony Mead
The chase is an intense one. Dogs and men alike are hounding him, and to make matters worse, the weather is absolutely terrible. Even as Ben is running, he knows escaping will mean never seeing his aunt, uncle, and the girl he was falling in love with behind. Then again, it’s perhaps a good thing Ben got away from […]
Review: Flight Into Darkness by Roger Hardy
Roger Hardy’s Flight Into Darkness takes place after bin Laden’s death. When a new hi-tech jet vanishes in the night over the Saudi desert not many people notice. The aircraft was touted as the safest in the world, so what happened? James Hayward is an air accident investigator for the Directorate of Aviation Security. Nothing about the crash has appeared on newscasts or on the Internet. Furthermore, no official report was filed. Who submitted an anonymous report, and more importantly, […]
Review: Price of Justice by Alan Brenham
It takes a certain kind of mystery or crime thriller to hold my complete attention. The cookie cutter plot lines of James Patterson make me laugh every time I see him hanging out on the New York Times Bestseller list. I enjoyed the occasional Mary Higgins Clark or John Grisham back in my high school days, but even they don’t do it for me today. Thomas Harris has always been a fav, but he’s written all of five books in three decades. These days author Gillian Flynn has me screeching like a vamp crazed teen girl every time a new […]
Review: My Trickster by Serafima Bogomolova
The story is told with dual and often overlapping points of view. We see the action from the point of view of Angela (La) alternating somewhat randomly […]
Review: Of Saints and Sacred Shadows by Jason Dean
Jason Dean’s novel, Of Saints and Sacred Shadows, is a mesmerizing story that involves angels, demons, vampires, witches, police detectives, heinous crimes, and so much more. When Detective Richardson starts his investigation […]