Thriller Book Reviews

Review: Blood Upon the Sands by Sheldon Charles

Blood Upon the Sands (An Evan Davis Tale Book 2)

The complexities of geopolitics are no longer being kept to the realms of academia and politics, and fascinating stories based on real-world conflicts are becoming more and more accessible with every passing year. In Blood Upon the Sands, the second book in the Evan Davis series by Sheldon Charles, the intrepid writer-turned-world traveler finds himself in Kuwait, where there is serious trouble brewing.

Working for a local horse-breeder, Evan’s obvious foreignness makes him stand out, while his instincts as a writer tell him to never ignore a story – particularly when it is dropped directly in his lap. What […]

Review: Urgent Justice (Vigilante Justice Book 2.5) by John Etzil

Urgent Justice (Vigilante Justice Book 2.5) by John Etzil

Jack Lamburt has already had his fair share of fights as a small-town sheriff in rural New York, but this latest thriller by John Etzil, Urgent Justice, sees the intrepid hero hit the road in search of a missing local girl. However, this time, the sheriff won’t be going on his action-packed adventure alone. With a rough-around-the-edges nonagenarian sidekick, Jack Lamburt must take down a powerful religious leader and child abuser with an entire town gunning for the vigilante duo.

While their journey begins as a simple mission to scope out the town where the girl supposedly disappeared, Lamburt isn’t […]

2019-05-17T08:05:49+02:00May 16th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Madisonville by J.A. Huff

Madisonville by J.A. HuffMadisonville by J.A. Huff is a thrilling novel with a great premise – a prison where prisoners are hunted like prey. Six college students come up with the “perfect” crime: having access to a system of tunnels underneath their town, they plan a series of bank robberies…which go horribly wrong. Things get worse from there, as the young men end up in the prison at Madisonville, and soon they find out that “recreation” at the prison means that they are hunted for sport.

Huff is a spirited and engaging writer – he knows every corner of his story, which keeps […]

2019-05-09T09:34:01+02:00May 9th, 2019|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Epiphany’s Gift by Mallory M. O’Connor

Epiphany's Gift by Mallory M. O'Connor

Any reader of popular fiction knows that underestimating the unlikely heroine is never a good idea, and this is poignantly restated in Epiphany’s Gift, a timely thriller by Mallory M. O’Connor.

Epiphany Mayall stands in the center of this story, while a storm of corporate corruption, spiritual energy, betrayal, climate change and grief swirl around her. Returning to Ohio to see her nonagenarian mother, Epiphany must face the difficult past she left behind so long ago, but this time with the wisdom of age.

Epiphany has known she was special since birth – always able to read the energies […]

Review: The Fractured Mind by Ottavio Lepore

The Fractured Mind by Ottavio Lepore

As the old saying goes, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Ryan Stark learns that in the hardest way possible in The Fractured Mind, a tense and gripping new novel by Ottavio Lepore.

What begins as a harmless getaway spirals into a desperate fight for survival and sanity as Ryan discovers that not every good samaritan wants nothing in return. A tragic car accident sends him and his partner from the throes of a weekend trip into the intensive care unit, and Ryan’s life is turned upside down in an instant.

Facing a long […]

2019-05-07T09:49:40+02:00May 4th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

High Flying by Kaylin McFarren

High Flying by Kaylin McFarren

High Flying, the bold novel by acclaimed author Kaylin McFarren, elevates the time travel genre to new heights – literally. It boasts an instantly engaging protagonist in the persona of Skylar Haines, a volatile powerhouse of a character with an adrenaline addiction and a dark, troubled past.

While flying a plane in one of her daredevil acts, Skylar Haines barely manages to make a safe landing during a terrifying storm, but soon realizes she has somehow slipped back in time. Faced with the prospect of being able to change her family’s past, Skylar must reckon with the timeless conundrum […]

A Burning in the Darkness by AP McGrath

A Burning in the Darkness by A P McGrathA twisted confession leads to horrifying consequences in AP McGrath’s gripping religious thriller, A Burning in the Darkness.

Thirty-three-year-old airport priest, Father Michael Kieh, has packed for his return to Liberia, the homeland he’d left behind at seventeen, when he receives a text message indicating that there’s a confessor waiting. After Michael assumes his position in the confessional, the man on the other side cryptically announces, “she won’t be waiting for you.” After demanding to know where “she” is, Michael races to a tunnel near one of the terminals and finds a woman, a ticket to Liberia clutched in […]

2019-04-16T06:56:15+02:00April 14th, 2019|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: The Last Defender by Travis Pearson

The Last Defender by Travis Pearson

If you were witnessing the end of free will and life as you know it, would you have the courage to stand up and defend what you believe in? This is the gripping question that author Travis Pearson tackles in his rapid-fire new novel, The Last Defender. Seamlessly blending social commentary, dystopian science fiction and thrilling action, this novel casts a wide net in terms of a potential audience.

When a larger-than-life politician is elected to rule a sovereign nation, his constituents have no idea what horror they’ve signed up for. A shift in tactics is one thing, but […]

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