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Amazon Releases Details on New Crowdsourcing Platform

Amazon logoDetails have been revealed about Amazon’s new crowdsourcing platform. It’s for romance, mystery & thriller, and science fiction & fantasy books. From their email:

Thanks for subscribing to receive updates on Amazon’s new publishing program! We’re excited to announce that we’ll be opening for submissions in a couple weeks. We’ll be welcoming submissions for English-language books in Romance, Mystery & Thriller, and Science Fiction & Fantasy genres.

Any adult with a valid U.S. bank account and U.S. social security number or tax identification number is eligible. It only takes 15 minutes to complete a submission.

Here are the things that

2020-02-21T07:53:28+02:00October 2nd, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , |

17 Services to Tweet a Book

Tweeting your book is a tricky proposition. It can seem a lot like spam if you do it too often. Some say you shouldn’t do it at all:

The dumb-ass secret to promoting your book on Twitter is:

Don’t tweet about your book.

Shouting about yourself and your achievements (which is exactly what you’re doing when you tweet about your book) is the fastest, easiest and laziest way to get ignored on Twitter.

That may be a bit much. Everything in moderation. If you’re shy about potentially annoying your followers, and still want to get the word out, one […]

2020-02-21T07:44:53+02:00July 31st, 2014|Categories: Resources|Tags: |

How Do You Develop and Use a List of Your Readers?

Build Your List

One of the pieces of information authors are finding invaluable is a list of their readers. If you want to announce a new release, a promotion or a giveaway, the instant access to a list of your readers is priceless. It could mean an instant jump in rankings and an increase in reviews both critical to the success of your book.

The reader list is being used to develop friendships and relationships far beyond the sale of your novels. Building a list is a lot like farming. You cultivate the field. You plant the seed. You watch it grow. Then […]

2019-02-18T12:06:01+02:00July 24th, 2014|Categories: Features|Tags: , |

Crowdsourcing Sites for Authors: The Complete List

Crowdsourcing may be how most books are published in the future. Forget advances from publishers – it’s another avenue that makes going it alone much easier, because you’re not really going it alone at all. The process is simple: create a project, add some incentives (signed copy, marriage, etc.) and you can get a book fully funded – pay for cover, editing, marketing and more. Here are 10 good tips for creating a crowdsourcing campaign. The main trick is to find the sweet spot: enough money so you can pay for what you need, not so much so it’s […]

2020-02-21T07:53:32+02:00July 2nd, 2014|Categories: Resources|Tags: |

A New Way to Promote: Pay With A Tweet

There are good arguments for both sides of the issue on eBook pricing. A lower price may devalue your work, but it may also drive sales. There’s also the option of giving it away for free.

Henry’s recent experiment with giving his novel away for free got me thinking about doing the same with mine. I have a sequel due out later next year, and giving the first book away for free might be a good way to drive sales of the next one. Still, there’s that sticking point of giving it away without anything in return. I’ve been gun-shy […]

2020-02-21T07:44:39+02:00October 26th, 2011|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: |

First Ever USB Multimedia Book: comrade calculator Quits Smoking

Part of self-publishing a book is learning, first hand, the trials and tribulations of self promotion. It is a fine line between working hard to make your dream come true, and being the guy at the party who wont stop trying to sell his product.

That being said I would like to promote what I am doing. Not necessarily to sell my book, though clearly that is my end goal, but instead to spread the word to fellow authors that there is another new and interesting way to self-publish YOUR book.

I’m releasing the first edition of my novel on […]

2020-02-21T07:53:35+02:00October 10th, 2011|Categories: Features, Lead Story|Tags: |

How you can sell your e-books via mobile phones?

There are great services like Ether Books, which are designed to reach mobile readers and populate their minds with high quality reads tailored to mobile conditions. But what to do when you are not lucky enough to be one of Ether authors?

If you are a self-publisher actively using social media to find readers and draw their attention to your books (probably published in an electronic form), this post is for you.

I’d like to share a simple way to make your e-book available for instant purchase by mobile phone users. As you’ll see – it’s very easy.


2020-02-21T07:44:45+02:00February 3rd, 2011|Categories: Publisher Reviews|Tags: |

Kickstarting My Book: Why I Chose to Crowdsource

The Story

I had a problem.  After several months of work, I was finally ready to publish the second edition of my novel, A Life Transparent.  The details were in place, the cover design tweaked, the revisions made.  All of this was set up for a re-release in anticipation of the book’s sequel early next year.

I picked CreateSpace as my printer and publisher.  I’d read good things.  Their integration with Amazon was tantalizing,  and the free ISBN was a perk.  There was low cost involved, and I wanted very badly to get away from Lulu, whose rates spiked […]

2020-02-21T07:53:48+02:00June 15th, 2010|Categories: Lead Story, Resources|Tags: |
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