Self-Help Book Reviews

Review: Unbarred Innovation by Mayur Ramgir

★★★★ Unbarred Innovation: A Pathway to Greatest Discoveries by Mayur Ramgir

Mayur Ramgir is an entrepreneur – founder of the up-and-coming Zonopact, and the single creator and developer of the CLINTRA software. Holding an MS in Computational Science and Engineering from Georgia Tech, as well as and other degrees and learning from from University of Sussex, University of Mumbai, MIT, and University of Oxford, it’s safe to say that he is well-versed in the concepts of innovation, and self-created success.

In his new book, Unbarred Innovation: A Pathway to Greatest Discoveries, Ramgir attempts to tell the stories of the great innovators of our time, and how they may have […]

2018-05-09T10:20:52+02:00September 8th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

A Journey with Panic by Dr. James Manning & Dr. Nicola Ridgeway

A Journey With Panic by Dr. James Manning & Dr. Nicola Ridgeway

A Journey with Panic: With the Latest Advice on How to Stop Panic Symptoms Using CBT is one of the latest of a series of books by Dr. James Manning and Dr. Nicola Ridgeway that aims to use the principles of CBT – cognitive-behavioral therapy – in self-help guides to various common problems, both in normal day-to-day experiences and for those who suffer from more severe symptoms. CBT is a therapeutic approach that asks those taking part in it to self-examine, self-confront, and address their bad habits, thoughts, and behaviors in hopes of setting their minds and habits to a […]

Review: CBT Worksheets for Anxiety by Dr. James Manning and Dr. Nicola Ridgeway

★★★★ CBT Worksheets for Anxiety (Adult edition): A simple CBT workbook to help you record your progress when using CBT to reduce anxiety by Dr. James Manning and Dr. Nicola Ridgeway

“CBT,” short for “cognitive-behavioral therapy,” is a type of psychological therapy designed to alleviate anxiety, depression, and related or co-morbid disorders and issues. It is an action-oriented approach that asks those undertaking it to work towards goals and actively “reprogram” themselves away from bad habits and into healthier mind-frames. It is currently considered one of the most effective approaches in psychotherapy and is often stated to be the most visibly effective of these in popular psychotherapy.

Despite its name, CBT Worksheets for Anxiety is much more than just a stack of worksheets for a patient to work through. It […]

Review: Leadership Wisdom by Bob Vanourek

★★★★★ Leadership Wisdom by Bob Vanourek

Leadership Wisdom: Lessons from Poetry, Prose, and Curious Verse by Bob Vanourek is an enlightening collection of sage and timely advice.

Books about leadership and self-improvement seem to be a dime a dozen, which makes it difficult to know who to heed and where the best advice actually comes from. Sidestepping that common failing, Bob Vanourek’s new book, Leadership Wisdom, instead relies on great minds and wise figures from human history to support his unique perspective.

While it can be easy to dismiss the occasionally condescending lessons from modern leaders and success stories, it is far harder to […]

Review: How to Fail at Life: Lessons for the Next Generation by Mark Aspelin

★★★★★ How to Fail at Life: Lessons for the Next Generation by Aspelin Mark

Failure sucks. There’s no denying that. But every pratfall and tumble has an upside, even if it’s just the schadenfreude of knowing someone else screwed up too, or even worse than you ever have.

Enter Mark Aspelin. Aspelin bills himself as an “experienced practitioner in the failure arts” who has “been there, done that, and got the t-shirt when it comes to messing up in life.” Aspelin boasts years of speaking experience prior to his newfound membership into the circle of author-hood, focusing on the subject of failure and the lessons to be learned from the falls we inevitably […]

2016-06-16T03:15:56+02:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming

 The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming

The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming is an insightful book about a topic no human being can escape. Cuming’s book addresses how to live with the knowledge that one will eventually die. But it isn’t only about a person’s impending doom. She discusses at length how to view the aging process and how to accept it as part of life.

The topics in this book aren’t easy to confront, no matter what stage of life the reader is in. Almost every person on the planet has lost a person they loved or has encountered insurmountable grief […]

Review: The Manual: A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method by Rod Bremer

★★★★ The Manual - A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method

The Manual: A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method (Concentration, Super Memory, Speed Reading, Note-Taking, USM, & Rapid Mental Arithmetic), Second Edition , by Rod Bremer, is a wonderful companion for those who are serious about enhancing their learning skills.

The Manual is a guide to enhanced concentration, super memory, speed reading, optimal note-taking, rapid mental arithmetic, and the ultimate study method. The techniques presented are the culmination of decades of practical experience combined with the latest scientific research and time-tested practices.

Bremer’s book is for those who are serious about learning. If you’re the type who likes to […]

2018-10-29T12:00:28+02:00March 6th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Teachings on Being by Codrin Stefan Tapu

Teachings on Being by Codrin Stefan TapuTeachings on Being: The Holy Book of Religious Leaders, Followers, and Non-Believers by Codrin Stefan Tapu is a collection of aphorisms about what Tapu calls “The New Faith.”

The New Faith accepts all faiths under one umbrella as a sort of syncretism, while promoting union between different religions and heritages. As an outcropping of this ethos, Teachings on Being collects together a number of different chapters, each a few paragraphs long about how humans can be united and live together peacefully.

Though there are profound ideas woven into the book, it follows in the footsteps of Jodorowsky or Chopra in […]

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