Science Fiction Book Reviews

Review: Energy Wars by Lionel Lazarus

Energy Wars by Lionel Lazarus

Intergalactic power struggles and a universe driven by the hunt for precious fuel, Lionel Lazarus dazzles readers with Energy Wars, the second and third parts of his Energy Exchange series.

Immensely powerful and ageless, but still able to be surprised, The Eight is returning to his home galaxy onboard the Hela, but finds that an unthinkable coup has occurred. His beloved companion, the supreme leader of the Overlords, is gone, and now The Sixth threatens the historic peace the Overlords had worked to achieve.

Having learned from past battles, The Eight knows to rely on brains, rather than brawn, […]

2023-01-23T17:51:04+02:00January 19th, 2023|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: The Message by Bill Harvey

The Message by Bill Harvey

A sci-fi thriller replete with psychic energy and covert intel action, The Message by Bill Harvey is a creative chapter of an expansive near-future world.

Instilled with the quiet knowledge that he was always destined for a greater purpose than an anonymous military life, Martin Williams is the perfect reluctant hero protagonist. His uncanny hunches, guided by “the advisor in his mind,” have made him a renowned military man, but hint that his instincts may be heightened by dormant psychic abilities. The world is changing, and the rules of war continue to shift, as do the weapons.

Williams is unexpectedly […]

Review: Pandemonium by Bill Harvey

Pandemonium by Bill Harvey

In a world where psychic agents have entered the battlefields of covert intelligence and geopolitics, Pandemonium is an apt title for this head-spinning novel from Bill Harvey.

One of Theta Force’s most powerful trainers has disappeared, and Ed Templegard is tasked by the president himself to find him. Templegard’s persistent curiosity and ability to enter the minds and awareness of others in the halls of international power makes him a perfect spy, even if that leads him on a crash-course with the same megalomaniac murderer who had once captured and tortured him. Navigating the murky waters of mental manipulation, loyalty, […]

Review: Earworms by Zack Duncan

Earworms by Zack Duncan

Blending character-driven drama and hometown heartache with a psychological crime thriller, Earworms by Zack Duncan is an addictive spiral of visionary sci-fi storytelling.

A lucid-dreaming journalist with a penchant for digging up truths people want to keep hidden, Max Barker has returned home after many years to bury his father. He hasn’t seen his old friend Oren West in over a decade, but the now-famous case-cracking PI is at the funeral with an unusual request: Oren needs Max to operate an illegal memory-accessing device in order to locate a missing 16-year-old girl. Still reeling from the shock and grief of […]

Review: Temberlain’s Ashes (Age of Axion Book 2) by D.M. Wozniak

Temberlain's Ashes by D.M. Wozniak

A bold and breathtaking piece of sci-fi imagination, Temberlain’s Ashes by D.M. Wozniak is a fantastic second installment of the Age of Axion series.

The adventure of Dem, Blythe, Chireseal, and Chimeline is far from over, as they seek to eliminate the cruel practice of voidance across the land. Through their practice of eleutheria, they can free the trapped souls enslaved by dark arcane arts, but convincing people to give up power is no easy feat.

The legacy of magical oppression and unchecked power lingers, particularly in a scarred realm trying to rebuild after the bloody war and the defeat […]

2022-11-28T12:52:34+02:00November 25th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: The Noble Exiles (Ocean Black Book 1) by E.J. Wedge

The Noble Exiles (Ocean Black Book 1) by E.J. Wedge

Author E.J. Wedge plunges readers into the dark and unknown ocean of the future with his first novel, The Noble Exiles, the first installment of the Ocean Black series, a sprawling and visionary sci-fi debut.

Unknown centuries in the future, with Earth long ago abandoned, the scattered seeds of humanity have spread to dozens of other stars and planets across the galaxy. However, the details of how the interstellar Nation was finally united, and how the Forging War saved our species, may not be the true origin story of cosmic peace.

The tale is told largely from the perspective […]

2022-11-28T11:22:48+02:00November 14th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Imperious Realm by Athene Z. Adam

Imperious Realm by Athene Z. AdamA mysterious virus is eliminating the adult population and creating Antisenents, children who don’t age and are confined to their childhood bodies in Imperious Realm by Athene Z. Adam, a highly inventive work of topical science fiction.

On the planet Eiyesa, the population can’t reproduce and could disappear while political rivalries threaten both the society’s stability and the young hero Sergen’s efforts against all the adversaries and obstacles that confront him. An innovative tale that interweaves multiple issues – politics, the environment, and discrimination alongside family bonds and struggles – the novel balances well the hero’s quest with timely themes.[…]

2023-10-16T12:10:30+02:00October 19th, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: The Defense of the Commonwealth by John J. Spearman

The Defense of the Commonwealth by John J. Spearman

Diving back in time and space within a realm he knows so well, author John J. Spearman launches a new series with his latest thrilling work of science fiction, The Defense of the Commonwealth.

Hundreds of years in the future, humans have spread into the stars, with wealthy nation-states settling and colonizing habitable planets, though the deep-seated conflicts of modern humanity have regrettably persisted. Alliance strongholds are being overrun in what seems like a coordinated attack against cosmic colonists from the United States, which could endanger the settlements of other nations.

The Inter-Planetary Commonwealth, with as much clout as […]

2022-12-09T14:08:26+02:00October 17th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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