Science Fiction Book Reviews

Review: The Gertrude Threshold by Christopher Brooks

TheGertrudeThresholdWhat would happen if it were the last day on Earth? In The Gertrude Threshold by Christopher Brooks, a scientific formula named after its creator calculates to the day the last moments of global warming: when Earth crosses that threshold, Earth will burn up taking those last human beings left, who are living in brown tubes underground, with Her.

In the novella we follow one family as they struggle through the last day. Ky, a young, good-natured boy who was born into an apocalyptic world. His grandfather Brandon: grumpy, old and waiting to die to join his wife Lilly. Brandon’s […]

2014-11-17T04:49:05+02:00November 17th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

The Representative by Thomas H. Cullen

therepresentativeThe Representative by Thomas H. Cullen is a completely unique approach to writing a book, often with less that two sentences per page with many spaces and blank pages between, with an empty black cover. The writing follows a prose-like form, and speaks of a father and daughter, Mariel and Croyan and their relationship, which is enveloping the latter’s current three-Trokan crisis.

This book employs a writing technique that the author insists is “precise”, but it will be up to the reader to both decipher the need for this layout and the actual meaning behind the style of writing. One […]

2014-11-26T15:02:02+02:00November 14th, 2014|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

An Interview with Christopher Brooks, Author of “The Gertrude Threshold”

Christopher BrooksTell us something about your book. The basics: what’s it about?

When our Sun grows suddenly, and irreversibly accelerates, it begins to fry Earth into a cinder. Humanity survives by migrating underground. The Gertrude Threshold follows three generations of a single family on the day that scientists had calculated to be the final one on Earth. The three main characters, and the rest of the underground survivors, have no future, only the past, and less than 24 hours to reclaim the years the Warming stole from them while Earth begins to fall apart around them.

How did you come to […]

2014-11-12T13:22:23+02:00November 12th, 2014|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , |

An Interview With Raita Jauhiainen, Winner of The Full Moon Awards Sci-Fi Prize

Raita Jauhiainen is the winner of the SPR Full Moon Awards 2014 Science Fiction Prize for her novel, Alliance.125: Hirunda, The First Book. She lives in Finland, and the Alliance.125 series is her first foray into writing fiction.

Tell us about your winning book.

Hirunda, The First Book is written in the voice of four lead characters who live in the post-apocalyptic world, where nations no longer exist. The story takes place in the capital city of the world nation, Gavialis. In Gavialis there are seven circles in total, from which the seventh forms the core of the city and […]

2014-11-06T08:53:13+02:00November 6th, 2014|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |

Goddess by Dakota Kemp

Goddess by Dakota KempGoddess by Dakota Kemp is part one of The Shrike Chronicles, introducing the colorful character of Samuel Shrike, a mercenary, lover of dive bars as well as a good fight. When space pirates, mob queens, and his desire for an alien mercenary collide, he might have found a battle he cannot survive. Goddess is part romance, part science fiction, and an exciting introduction to the series.

If this sounds like a strange (and bold) first sentence of a romance, you’d be right: “The whole place stank of piss to him – piss and refuse and poverty.” That’s because Goddess[…]

2014-10-21T00:51:41+02:00October 21st, 2014|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Faraday by Mark Lingane

Continuing from Book 2 of the Tesla Evolution series – DecayFaraday further tells the story of a war between cyborgs and their technological dependence and supremacy, and the humans relying on their final aces-in-the-hole in their steam-crafts and near-magical abilities in the Dystopic wasteland that houses the last surviving knowable life on Earth. Our hero Sebastian – though young and still but one of many – is dead, his allies scattered, and all is lost as the war comes to a shuddering halt… until a strange breakdown of security in a cyborg stronghold fails, and a desperate gathering […]

2022-04-28T07:34:13+02:00October 3rd, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Memory Hunter by Jon Konrath

The Memory Hunter by Jon KonrathIn the far-flung future of 2007, in a world that never quite recovered from a Cold War which didn’t stay cold, where Japan seized the global economy and the world went in the direction that novelists predicted decades ago, society now relies on commercial brain implants – artificial memories that afford skills and knowledge to the owner to give them immediate access to better standards of living. Some people bite off more than they can chew on payment, and that’s where recall comes in. John Bishop makes a meager living for himself on the edge of civilized society with these […]

2014-09-25T07:18:21+02:00September 25th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Interview With Lateral Collateral, Author of “Know No Boundaries”

An interview with author Lateral Collateral, author of “Know No Boundaries.”

How did you come to self-publish? Did you try to get published traditionally?
Self-publishing was the only viable option available to me. Writing is not the profession that wins bread for me, though I love to write to connect to the world. I could not risk my hard-earned money by submitting my book for the review of traditional publishers, where the chance of getting selected is less than 0.1%. The turn-around time is also prohibitively high. I would grow too old, before my book is published.

Therefore, I did […]

2014-08-13T08:36:36+02:00August 13th, 2014|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |
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