Science Fiction Book Reviews

Review: Danger Lies Within by K.M. Krenik

Danger Lies Within by K.M. Krenik

K.M. Krenik delivers a thrilling and timely warning with Danger Lies Within, a wildly imaginative first piece of the Ranfurly Mysteries series.

A vigilante billionaire in a covert group of rebels is hunting those who prey on young women and children, but moonlighting as a crimefighter would be much easier with reliable childcare. Courtney is a widowed mother of two, who lost her politically outspoken husband to the violent “Peace Alliance” regime, and needs a new job now that her own kids have left the nest. As the live-in tutor for Lord Robert’s children, Courtney is quickly drawn into […]

Glitches of Gods by Jurgen “Jojo” Appelo

Glitches of Gods by Jurgen "Jojo" AppeloA near-future techno-thriller that obliterates the line between sentience and software, Glitches of Gods by Jurgen “Jojo” Appelo is a mind-bending work of visionary sci-fi.

Still haunted by a deadly technological blunder from his past, Julien doesn’t trust himself to make another near-sentient AI, but if he doesn’t do it, someone else surely will. Before he can put his genius back to work, a bizarre string of technological glitches escalates into widespread chaos, just as a fresh target appears on his back for his role in the Class 4 catastrophe that claimed the life of his own father. It seems […]

2024-06-11T16:56:35+02:00June 11th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning by Aaron Ryan

Dissonance Volume 2: Reckoning by Aaron Ryan

Rebellious warriors defy power and the odds in Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning by Aaron Ryan, a hellish but hopeful vision of humanity’s future.

A raw and hard-nosed thrill from start to finish, this post-apocalyptic thriller features flesh-eating aliens with psychic paralysis weapons, and picks right up where the first volume left off – with Sergeant Cameron Shipley seething behind bars. He is a hurt and haunted protagonist, betrayed by the man he considered a father, reeling over the needless death of his beloved brother, and overcome with a desire for revenge against one of the most powerful humans on the […]

2024-05-30T15:50:59+02:00May 3rd, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Day of the Space Voyager by James Parker Walker

The Day of the Space Voyager by James Parker Walker

A reluctant hero’s journey of self-discovery like no other, The Day of the Space Voyager by James Parker Walker is a gripping tale of aliens, angels, and ancient protectors of the stars.

When a solitary thinker, William Henry, encounters an interstellar traveler named Axzum one cold Colorado night, he is launched on an incredible journey into the unknown, even as he continues to explore the depths of his own consciousness and identity. Learning more about his connection to Axzum and his mysterious home planet, Will must come to terms with the truth of his eons-long mission.

Sent as a refugee […]

Tribal Logic by Stella Atrium

Tribal Logic by Stella AtriumStella Atrium delivers the resounding final chapter of The Tribal Wars series with Tribal Logic, an electrifying conclusion to her speculative fiction saga.

Jesse Hartley is desperate to return to Dolvia to be with her father for the release of an imprisoned rebel, but a sinister scheme rockets her into even more danger. Relentlessly battling for trade alliances and dignity for tribal life after undergoing her own horrific violations in captivity, Brianna Miller is broken but not beaten. Navigating coups, wormholes, and vicious slavers, Hershel Henry is sent into the belly of the beast, but heroism requires sacrifice.

Deftly exploring […]

2024-03-25T13:38:24+02:00March 25th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Nemesis Earth (Weapons of Choice Book 8) by Nick Snape

Nemesis Earth by Nick Snape

Bringing the genre-pushing Weapons of Choice saga to a fitting and explosive end, Nemesis Earth by Nick Snape is an all-out clash of titans, large and small, which will decide if humanity survives its apocalyptic alien incursion.

As the ravenous and unforgiving Garr continue their conquest, the surviving shreds of human resistance are desperate to turn the tide of a war with only two outcomes – victory or annihilation. Delta Squad launches a last-ditch mission to find a silver bullet, backtracking through planets and systems they had previously visited, fought for, or liberated in a nostalgic search for allies to […]

2024-04-19T17:46:17+02:00February 28th, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The End of the World: Rise of the After Lord by H.S. Gilchrist

The End of the World: Rise of the After Lord by H.S. Gilchrist

Bitter enemies become unlikely allies and chart a new course for the shattered remnants of humanity in The End of the World: Rise of the After Lord by H.S. Gilchrist, a stunning work of genre-bending sci-fi.

Cut off from the mind-controlling force that has dominated her existence, a mechanized killing machine wanders the wasteland, reckoning with mortality and nearly forgotten sentience. A brother and sister, horrifically traumatized by their own dark secrets, encounter this enemy on the edge of death, and an unexpected peace is struck. When their mutual enemy comes to collect, however, their uncertain alliance is sealed in […]

2024-01-26T15:24:53+02:00January 21st, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Dreaming Under an Electric Moon by Kris Powers

Dreaming Under an Electric Moon by Kris PowersModern society’s culture of entertaining escapism becomes a nightmare realm of mind control in Dreaming Under an Electric Moon by Kris Powers, a gritty and sinister sci-fi mystery.

Two agents of the nearly defunct FBI, Mason and Zahra, are given a seemingly open-and-shut murder case, but their prime suspect reveals a dark secret – the real killer was actually inside the victim’s mind, puppeteering the young boy to his death. In this tech-mad carnival mirror of America’s fractured future, citizens can escape the brutality of life by existing online in a fully immersive augmented reality, but like any digital space, […]

2024-01-16T17:58:43+02:00January 16th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |
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