Science Fiction Book Reviews

Review: Free Will Odyssey by Larry Kilham

★★★★ Free Will Odyssey by Larry Kilham

In Free Will Odyssey, author Larry Kilham imagines a not-too-distant future where humans are able to have complete control of their lives. By enhancing one’s free will, and preventing one’s body from dictating the choices you make, this new technology could usher in a new generation of human achievement and happiness.

Upon that fascinating premise, this short novel weaves the intricate and thoughtfully crafted tale of Peter Tesla, the brilliant young inventor and engineer that is responsible for creating this revolutionary new technology. The plot is highly dependent on certain elements of VR and AI, extrapolating some of […]

Review: Blowback ’63 by Brian Meehl

★★★★ Blowback '63 by Brian Meehl

Overlapping timelines in different centuries, epic struggles of self-discovery, and enough fantasy thrills to make your head spin, Blowback ’63 by Brian Meehl is a roller-coaster of a novel, but also a clever and well-planned drama. Following on the heels of Blowback ’07, the first installment of this series, Meehl continues his era-jumping narration and sheds even more light on Arky and Iris, the enigmatic core of these novels.

As in the first book, Arky and Iris are still doggedly searching for their mother, trapped somewhere back in time. The magical family instrument, the Jongler cor anglais, […]

Review: Past Obsession by Richard Keith Taylor

★★★★ Past Obsession by Richard Keith Taylor

In Past Obsession by Richard Keith Taylor, a number of surprising twists, and an entertaining hero, make this novel stand out from other books in the genre. Taylor creates a powerful mood throughout the novel, and readers will be inevitably drawn into this time travel thriller that doubles as a shadowy L.A. noir tale.

Jim Mercer, freelance writer for the LA Times, is handed a puff piece on a gifted artist – Emily Torrance – whose life was snuffed out seven decades earlier. While the story isn’t out of the ordinary, given his professional realm, his instant captivation […]

Review: iDENTITY by Cynthia Kumanchik

★★★★ iDENTITY by Cynthia Kumanchik

iDENTITY by Cynthia Kumanchik brings the reader into a future that feels like it could be any town, state, or country around the world. Set around 2040, a time when science can make you whatever you would like to be, iDENTITY follows a group of hand-picked citizens through their journey of becoming their ultimate self with the help of a little green pill and some sketchy scientists, who don’t seem to be telling the whole truth abut the project.

The reader is introduced to a handful of wayward souls early in the book who attend a meeting at Optimal, […]

2019-01-11T14:52:11+02:00October 26th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Isabel and Siofra: The Heist of 2098 by K.D. Blackwall

Isabel and Siofra: The Heist of 2098

For an adventurous time travel tale for the middle-grade reader, look no further than Isabel and Siofra: The Heist of 2098, written by K.D. Blackwall with illustrations by S. Red Amparo and Oshred Art.

It’s the year 2115 and the first day of the new school year. Isabel (Izzy) Akilina and Siofra (CeCe) O’Malley meet on the hoverbus on their first day as fifth graders at Luna Elementary, located in Luna City on the moon. They’re both in Mr. Saladin’s science class, and during their first day in school both girls discover two important things. The first is that […]

Review: The Court of Crusty Killings: A Captain Space Hardcore Adventure by Michael Ronson

★★★★ The Court of Crusty Killings

In the realm of the surreal, silly, and downright hilarious, The Court of Crusty Killings by Michael Ronson is an unexpected delight, packed with more tongue-in-cheek humor than one book should ever hold.

Captain Space Hardcore is a character torn from sci-fi pulp thrillers of an older age, but the sharp wit and unique personality of this unforgettable leading man makes him eternally contemporary. His manservant and sidekick, Ebeneezer Funkworthy is an equally entertaining complement to the heroic central figure, and their adventures are truly the stuff of a bizarre imagination.

The premise of Captain Space Hardcore – the […]

2017-11-29T07:49:02+02:00October 12th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Known Shippable, Will Not Fix by Roy W. Russell

Known Shippable, Will Not FixThe banal life of a Quality Tester takes a surreal turn in Known Shippable, Will Not Fix, a remarkably strange and entertaining novel by Roy W. Russell.

When everything you once thought of as reality is stripped away and shown to be nothing more than a bug-filled simulation, it can certainly make for a weird day. Casey, the intrepid QA tester at the core of this fast-paced tale, is as strange as the story itself, and more than neurotic enough to carry the story and keep readers interested. The stakes inevitably get higher, and Casey is forced to become […]

2017-09-29T06:03:35+02:00September 28th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Pursuit of the Guardian (Children of the Republic Book 2) by Jason T. Hutt

★★★★½ Pursuit of the Guardian

Great space adventures aren’t easy to find, but in Pursuit of the Guardian, the second installment of the Children of the Republic series, author Jason Hutt hits all the right buttons for sci-fi fans. Combining the broad creativity of “Star Wars” and the rough-around-the-edges universe of “Firefly,” this novel is an action-packed and immensely satisfying read.

Reading the first novel is crucial to appreciating the various characters populating these pages, particularly the dynamic of Senator Maria Cahill, who is blinded by grief and the desire to crush Max Cabot, the restless hero of this tale. Max Cabot may […]

2017-10-23T10:43:18+02:00September 25th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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