Science Fiction Book Reviews

Arklight: Operation Nightfall by J.M. Myrick

Arklight: Operation Nightfall

Being able to step back in time to change the future is a common theme in science fiction, but author JM Myrick puts a new spin on this old idea with Arklight: Operation Nightfall. This ambitious novel, the first in a trilogy, tells the story of an elite team of soldiers who are mysteriously transported back to 1943 into the dark heart of Germany under Hitler’s control.

Supernatural forces bring them back to this crucial moment in time, and what they discover is something that the world has never known: Germany had a weapon that could have won the […]

Gift From Above by Frank Cardinale

Gift From Above by Frank CardinaleA compelling message and two well-drawn protagonists make Frank Cardinale’s Gift From Above a unique work of science fiction.

Andy Milton has managed to land himself a dream job working for Londra Aeronautical Engineering. At the helm of Londra is CEO Wally Smith, Andy’s idol. Andy’s relationship with Wally gets off to a rocky start and when Wally asks to see Andy in his office the next day, he believes he’s about to be fired. Andy fearfully heads to the meeting, little suspecting that his life is about to drastically change, as his boss reveals that he was whisked away […]

2018-02-21T09:44:20+02:00February 21st, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Lower World by Eloise Harmann

Lower World by Eloise HarmannFor fans of science-fiction fantasy, author Eloise Harmann delivers a list of classic touches that include a hugely diverse cast of characters, quotes by Neil deGrasse Tyson, and a weighty page-count, in this unusual underwater saga.

In Lower World, author Harmann writes a corporate tech-political murder-mystery that sees an underwater community, the tetrapeds, threatened by a landlubbing world. Teeming with information on marine life and geological features of the ocean’s floor, the premise explains that the Great Unexplored is not Deep Space at all, but the oceans of our own planet, offering a highly inventive world that skirts the […]

2018-01-12T08:24:35+02:00January 12th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Soul Census by AJ Vega

★★★★ Soul Census by AJ Vega

Finding purpose after a life-changing event is something to which all readers can relate, and such is the fate of WWI veteran Willem Maddock, feeling the sense of despondency and alienation following the impossible tragedy of war. However, in Soul Census, written by AJ Vega, the story delves much deeper than a standard novel about post-war America. Instead, it penetrates the veil between mortality and spirituality, hinting at a form of existence that doesn’t end, but simply transcends.

Returning to find a cold world that doesn’t worship the right heroes, the tone is set for Maddock to be granted […]

Review: Salvation Day by RD Meyer

★★★★ Salvation Day by RD Meyer

Mike Faulkner has just attended the second funeral he never thought he’d have to experience: first, his daughter Samantha, taken far too young, and now his wife, who has taken her own life from grief.

Mike is more than a grieving father, and more than a fresh widower – he’s emotionally detached, yet intellectually brilliant. Currently, he is working as part of the team on the verge of a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionize energy production forever, and his family tragedy will soon affect his work dramatically.

Despite his colleagues’ hesitance, Mike’s pain becomes fuel for his work, spurred […]

2018-05-09T10:47:52+02:00January 7th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

The Matriarch Matrix by Maxime Trencavel

The Matriarch Matrix by Maxime TrencavelThe Matriarch Matrix by Maxime Trencavel is an epic work of science fiction spanning the distant past to the near future. The book takes place in various time periods and locations, from Siirt to San Francisco, to the ancient wars of the Black Sea, all following the tale of the titular entity known as Matriarch, and the lives she has changed over 12,000 years.

The book is largely a mystery thriller with a slight supernatural twist with the presence of the mythical Matriarch ever-looming in the background. What the Matriarch is, or what precise relevance it has to the overarching […]

2019-01-22T05:41:41+02:00December 18th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Sundown by Carl H. Mitchell

★★★★½ Sundown by Carl H. Mitchell

When the world stops working and the oil runs out, no one is exactly sure what sort of chaos will unfold, but author Carl H. Mitchell has a pretty good idea. Sundown: Engineering Gives the Devil a Sunburn is an ambitious and entertaining peek into what lies ahead for the world. A corrupt Supreme Leader is pulling the world’s strings in dangerous directions, the fabric of American democracy has crumbled, and survival is becoming more important than maintaining any semblance of society.

The novel begins with a bang – or rather a strangle – of the vice president of […]

Review: Free Will Odyssey by Larry Kilham

★★★★ Free Will Odyssey by Larry Kilham

In Free Will Odyssey, author Larry Kilham imagines a not-too-distant future where humans are able to have complete control of their lives. By enhancing one’s free will, and preventing one’s body from dictating the choices you make, this new technology could usher in a new generation of human achievement and happiness.

Upon that fascinating premise, this short novel weaves the intricate and thoughtfully crafted tale of Peter Tesla, the brilliant young inventor and engineer that is responsible for creating this revolutionary new technology. The plot is highly dependent on certain elements of VR and AI, extrapolating some of […]

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