Science Fiction Book Reviews

Heavy Weight of Darkness by JM Erickson

Heavy Weight of Darkness by JM EricksonA violent clash of duty, truth, morality, and vengeance, Heavy Weight of Darkness by JM Erickson is a soul-searching second piece to an exceptional sci-fi series.

The interplanetary “terrorist” Cassandra Kurtz has become a liberatory force to be reckoned with, terrorizing the wealth-wielding Patrician class by freeing slaves and disrupting their colonization efforts on Mars. Acting Captain Thomas Bennett, after two years of reputational destruction and imprisonment for failing to kill that same rebel leader when he had the chance, is given a redemptive shot at revenge. However, Bennett’s experiences on the opposite side of the truncheon have changed him, […]

2024-09-17T16:00:17+02:00September 17th, 2024|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: The Gemini Project by Ian Moran

The Gemini Project by Ian Moran

Author Ian Moran paints a terrifying picture of moral collapse in the guise of progress in The Gemini Project, a timely dive into the worst fears of humanity’s fate.

In a climate-ravaged future, society has solved the problem of ecological destruction and greed through a severe yet subtle program of population control. For students at The Corpo Academy for Development, this means being separated from their fathers for the first eighteen years of life, avoiding any education that might inspire critical thought, and dedicating themselves to physical development in preparation for their post-graduation purpose.

Jan Ericson is not your […]

Chronicles of the Space Marauders: Jericho’s Odyssey by William Rongholt

Chronicles of the Space Marauders: Jericho's Odyssey by William RongholtA rapid-fire mix of western and space opera, Chronicles of the Space Marauders: Jericho’s Odyssey by William Rongholt will satisfy readers of both classic sci-fi and westerns alike.

An artifact of untold power pulls Jericho and the Desperado crew into the crossfire of merciless enemies, both new and ancient, and having their memories wiped certainly disrupts their easy freedom as rambling space marauders. Armed with their wits and some fancy new gear, the roguish captain and his robot sidekick face down deadly factions, outsmart aspiring AI overlords, and navigate high-stakes heists to bring balance to their Wild West corner of […]

Review: Ira by Jason F. Boggs

Ira by Jason F. Boggs

Packed with dreams of vengeance, intergalactic scheming, and even some sci-fi levity, Ira by Jason F. Boggs is an unpredictable new chapter in the Devil’s Dragon series.

After her epic defeat at the hands of Nelson, Alene, Wong’s Pirates, and an alliance of fearless humans, the villain Ira Bilis has fled to the shelter of the stars, furiously plotting her next move in a war she refuses to abandon. After following a quantum-jumping orb through a sungate to a new star system, Ira finds an enigmatic but untrustworthy ally who sought her out to join forces and rule at her […]

2024-09-06T15:51:26+02:00July 30th, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Citadel by Frank Dravis

The Citadel by Frank Dravis

Power-hungry corporations, priestly pirates, extraterrestrial warriors, benevolent guardians, and the ghosts of ancient aliens collide in The Citadel by Frank Dravis, the explosive third installment of his Dianis, A World in Turmoil series. A female-led epic that brilliantly blends classic and contemporary sci-fi themes, this adventure of cosmic protectors and priceless planetary bounty is a meticulously written marvel.

Disguised as a simple Dianis trader, Achelous has been captured and is now being shipped to the heart of the Nak Drakas Empire, where he faces a potentially gruesome fate for his supposed crimes, but one of his clever captors suspects that […]

2024-07-24T13:00:29+02:00July 23rd, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Paradox by Michael Woudenberg

Paradox by Michael Woudenberg

The essence of humanity is challenged by the sentience of technology in Paradox by Michael Woudenberg, a timely and ominous first installment of The Singularity Chronicles.

Apparent heirs to a world-changing legacy, Kira and Noah are first linked to the field of AI by the loss of their mother and the potential of their absent father’s genius to extend her consciousness beyond death. Kira gravitates to the academic realm, excelling in her studies and research as she tries to shed the unavoidable shadow of her father. Noah instead pushes back against the technology that “stripped his mother of her […]

2024-08-19T12:39:09+02:00July 23rd, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation by Aaron Ryan

Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation by Aaron Ryan

Humanity falls under a shadow of doom when a mysterious alien force arrives on Earth in Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation by Aaron Ryan, a revealing and suspenseful starting point to this riveting series.

In this dramatic prequel, hundreds of thousands of tentacled aliens descend into the atmosphere, hovering ominously for months, spreading a blanket of fear and dread across the world with their unspoken intent. Within this reality-redefining invasion, Andrew Shipley, a dedicated firefighter and devoted family man, must navigate his personal terror about keeping his beloved wife Melissa and their three children safe from the unfolding apocalypse.

Most readers […]

2024-08-08T18:18:29+02:00July 11th, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Dissonance Volume III: Renegade by Aaron Ryan

Dissonance Volume III: Renegade by Aaron Ryan

The final factions of humanity and gorgon vie for survival on a blasted Earth in Dissonance Volume III: Renegade by Aaron Ryan, an explosive and riveting finale to the elaborate Dissonance series.

The vicious and costly battle at Mammoth Cave was only a precursor to President Graham’s ultimate plan to manipulate the gorgons into attacking three key targets around the world and then nuking them into oblivion, taking out her foreign rivals and humanity’s invaders in one fell swoop. The only thing powerful enough to pull Cameron out of crippling grief over the loss of his bride-to-be is his need […]

2024-07-31T13:50:24+02:00July 5th, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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