Science Fiction Book Reviews

Galactic Mandate: A Radical Cause by M.R. Richardson

Galactic Mandate by M.R. Richardson

Being the heir to galactic reign may seem like the foundation of an easy life, but in the incredible world of Galactic Mandate, author M.R. Richardson turns that assumption on its head.

Devante, the protagonist of this story, is a troubled young man whose loyalties become savagely split, and as his destiny is revealed, he must choose between what he has been trained for, and the truth he knows in his heart. The galaxy is divided and heading for a catastrophic conflict between the Clone Defense Force and the Acolyte Empire. This is far from a simple story of […]

Review: Cold Solar by Anthony C. Robinson

Cold Solar by Anthony C. Robinson

There is always an envelope to be pushed in the realm of sci-fi, and in Cold Solar, author Anthony C. Robinson smashes together unlikely companions in an incredibly creative setting, delivering a memorable and violent romp through a terrifying future. The complex premise and deeply interwoven characters, combined with Robinson’s unpredictable plot lines, makes for a genre-defying novel that reads fast and feverish.

In this visionary future, the dominant corporation that essentially rules Earth is rapidly flying towards a conflict with their oppressed colonies on Mars. While a Mars-Earth battle plot is not unique in the genre, this story […]

2019-08-14T12:29:40+02:00September 7th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Arklight: Force Interdiction by J.M. Myrick

Arklight: Force Interdiction by J.M. Myrick

Novels that could easily fit into 5 or 6 different sections of a bookstore don’t come around very often. Arklight: Force Interdiction by J.M. Myrick is one such creation, a sweeping and creative ride that transcends time, heroic ideals and the traditions of genre.

The plot and premise that Myrick began with Operation: Nightfall is sharpened and expanded in this sophomore offering, with the ancient weapons of the Knights Templar once again being fought over, and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. Many of the same compelling characters from the first book reappear on Spear Team, the special […]

Review: Voidstalker by John Graham

Voidstalker by John Graham

Envisioning the spread of mankind throughout the stars has been a rather recent development, but these dreams of expansion have sparked countless books, movies, television shows and even space program initiatives. John Graham taps into this common passion to deliver a powerful and frightening vision of humanity’s future in Voidstalker, which more than delivers with its dark, prophetic undertones.

Now that human beings have expanded into new corners of the galaxy, new threats appear, but the old failings of greed and deception still linger, given humans’ darker impulses. Gabriel Thorn is one of the elite operatives who is trained to […]

2018-12-07T07:43:54+02:00August 28th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: The Rebellious Earthling: Tale of The Turquoise Mirror by Andi Hayes

The Rebellious Earthling: Tale of The Turquoise Mirror

For those readers who are looking for both a depraved and darkly amusing novel, The Rebellious Earthling: The Tale of the Turquoise Mirror is a story that should not be missed. Coming across as a long-form allegory for the weakness of mankind and the rise of evil in modern society, this whip-smart book may seem outlandish, but the underlying messages are deeply rooted in reality.

When one of the Fallen Angels insidiously ruins an entire village of peace-loving, animal-honoring goblins, a new horrifying species is created, full of cruelty, selfishness, violence and an (almost) complete lack of morality. In Tartarus, […]

Review: Electric Order by Armani Martel

Electric Order by Armani Martel

Electric Order, winner of the 2017 Baum Book Prize, holds no punches in its startling and unique vision of the future. The prologue has a razor-sharp hook that will grip you from the very start.

Set in a future not too far away, the story follows two characters – Paulo, a down and out police detective, who’s just about done in by a job that seems to have no end. He’s the compelling lead protagonist as he pursues Daniel, a mysterious villain wanted for a high-status murder. Paulo is the everyman: disgruntled but easy to like, if it were […]

Review: World, Incorporated by Tom Gariffo

World, Incorporated by Tom Gariffo

At the rate humans are progressing in terms of technological advancement and artificial intelligence, it seems inevitable that reality will be shaken to its foundations in the near future. In World, Incorporated: A Modern Dystopia, author Tom Gariffo takes us to that not-so-distant future, the year 2058, and spins a masterful tale where the line between man and machine has never been so blurred.

A handful of decades in the future, the face of the globe has irreparably changed, with corporations controlling and documenting every citizen on the planet. Individual identity still exists, but it no longer has the […]

Review: Reaper Town (Rented Souls Book 2) by Eirik M. Dahll-Larssøn

Reaper Town by Eirik M. Dahll-Larsson

When the fabric of reality breaks down, there’s no telling what terrors might begin to creep out from the shadows. With that sinister mood in mind, author Eirik M. Dahll-Larssøn welcomes readers back to the madness of Swayze and Dwarf in this second installment of the Rented Souls series.

In this strange slice of paranormal brilliance, two unlikely heroes rise to meet the tide of evil, and they do it with a tongue firmly set in their cheek. Carrying on from the dark tones of the first book in this series, these two unlikely comrades are once more battling back […]

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