Religious Fiction Book Reviews

I Am Not Nothin’: The Serpent Handler’s Daughter by Tommy G. Robertson

I Am Not Nothin': The Serpent Handler's DaughterI Am Not Nothin’: The Serpent Handler’s Daughter by Tommy G. Robertson takes readers back to a time and place where things might seem simpler on the surface, but in reality they are not. Centered in a coal mining “company” town, the cast of characters are dealing with a type of indentured servitude to the owner of the coal and coke company while they are just trying to get by in life.

The novel follows Dorie, Eli, Bud Maynes, Josiah Johnson, and their family, friends, and co-workers through their mundane, yet complicated lives and gives the reader a look into […]

Review: Yeshua’s Loom: A Tapestry of Cats (Yeshua’s Cats Book 5) by C.L. Francisco

Yeshua’s Loom: A Tapestry of Cats

The life of Biblical figures is told by a trio of observant cats in the intriguing and inventive Yeshua’s Loom: A Tapestry of Cats, the fifth volume in the Yeshua’s Cat series by author C.L. Francisco.

This entrancing saga begins when Aeliana who finds a protector and potential spouse in the Roman businessman Chariton. They make their way to the home of Chariton’s parents, where they will have to prove that Aeliana has become a Roman citizen before the marriage can be approved. Until that happens, Chariton cannot access the great family wealth to which he is heir.

The humans […]

Lionhearts: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel by Ray Keating

Lionhearts: A Pastor Stephen Grant NovelIn Lionhearts by Ray Keating, the seventh installment in the Pastor Stepehn Grant series, readers see their pious hero, Pastor Grant, defending his country, faith and the bedrock of morality in a new setting – his home soil. When radical terrorists begin attacking Christians around the country, this man of God with a loaded Glock puts his own life on the line to fight back against the encroaching forces of evil.

With tense, sharp writing and a rapid pace to much of this novel, Keating doesn’t leave much room to breathe. Blending philosophy and theology with heroics, this particular Pastor […]

Angel Curs: Adam & Eve by Michael Thomas Griswold

Angel Curs: Adam & EveSpanning more than 100,000 years of imagined history, Angel Curs: Adam & Eve, the first book in the Angel Curs series, is an innovative novel that leaps from humanity’s beginnings to a looming third world war. Michael Thomas Griswold’s fantasy is based on the premise that Angels, actually descendants of Neanderthal Man, sparked all Earth’s development, fighting but eventually intermarrying with the Curs, or ordinary humans.

In 2030, only one Angel remains – Gabriel, now driven by his inherited destiny to collect three ancient books written by Angels, and to present their knowledge to the world and prevent the […]

2017-08-21T06:16:34+02:00August 21st, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

A Burning in the Darkness by A P McGrath

A Burning in the Darkness by A P McGrath A Burning in the Darkness by A P McGrath is a compelling thriller about the dynamic Father Michael Kieh, who hears people’s confessions at a busy English airport, including the confession of a murderer. When a murder happens at the airport, and Kieh recognizes one of the victims, accusations fly his way, and he must prove his innocence, as well as reconcile his dark past.

A Burning in the Darkness is riveting because the strength of its characters, primarily Michael Kieh. At times, he is dynamic to a fault, but his thoughtful interior life and his life story is what […]

2017-06-14T09:11:44+02:00June 14th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Maybe God Is An American by Bernie Donnelly

Maybe God Is An American by Bernie Donnelly

Following the thrilling events of Maybe God Was an Irishman, author Bernie Donnelly brings readers back to the surreal premise of a 21st century Second Coming, where there is still much work to be done, in Maybe God Is An American. With the same blend of religious philosophy and off-the-cuff humor, this new book reveals what happens after Father Sean disappears, and welcomes readers into a new adventure on the other side of the pond.

Father Sean may have disappeared in the eyes of the world, but his disciples, Linda, Miguel and Anna, know that he is very […]

2020-05-28T10:12:27+02:00May 26th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Brethren (The Villeins Trilogy Book 1) by Jeremiah Pearson

Brethren by Jeremiah Pearson

Brethren is the first book in Jeremiah Pearson’s Villeins Trilogy, a Christian/historical fiction series about a sect of Anabaptists in 16th Century Europe.  Based in the Holy Roman Empire just prior to the Protestant/Catholic wars of religion and amidst the Ottoman/Hapsburg conflicts, this is a fascinating look at the lives of pacifist protestants during the bloodiest religious wars in history.

First, it must be said, the historical accuracy of this novel is astounding. Many historical fiction writers take great liberties with facts in the name of fiction. To his great credit, Pearson does so sparingly enough as to be […]

Review: Maybe God Was an Irishman by Bernie Donnelly

Maybe God Was an Irishman by Bernie Donnelly

The complexities of religion, faith, love and tragedy tangle in the pages of Maybe God Was an Irishman, an entertaining and insightful novel by Bernie Donnelly. With an overflowing cast of peripheral characters and multiple story lines that brilliantly overlap, this is an expansive novel that stretches across oceans and philosophies, making it an addictive read for anyone who appreciates clever writing and heartfelt narratives.

Initially, it is difficult to determine who the protagonist of the story is, but that is Donnelly’s way of setting the stage for what is to come. Readers are soon introduced to Sean, an […]

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