Poetry Book Reviews

Review: Side Steps Terrorizing Sound Bites by Amy Jean

Side Steps Terrorizing Sound Bites by Amy Jean

A poetic guide for choosing an authentic life against a global backdrop of injustice, Side Steps Terrorizing Sound Bites by Amy Jean is a creative and powerful collection, accompanied beautifully by illustrations from Eric Savage.

With the underlying theme of taking control of one’s life, rather than being swept along with the systems in place, these poems are empowering, accusatory, curious, and fearless. The subject matter of these lyrical passages varies wildly, from the wonders of the natural world to inequality of all kinds, yet each of the poems in this extended “chime” feel carefully constructed, without wasting words.

Jean […]

2020-12-02T09:24:22+02:00October 26th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Perfectly Round Ripples (Made by a Jagged Stone) by J. Flaherty

Perfectly Round Ripples (Made by a Jagged Stone) by J. Flaherty

In the first, eponymous selection in the engaging collection, Perfectly Round Ripples, poet Johnny Flaherty recalls throwing three objects into a pond—a golf ball, a jagged stone, and “an old sneaker with laces missing.” They all splashed differently, but then, each one

…made perfectly round ripples

that traveled all the way

to the farthest shores

From this Flaherty suggests that our deeds, whether good or bad, will likewise make equal, round ripples in the cosmic sea – a motif reflecting the serene and emotive nature of these poems. He often returns to water, to the sea, for inspiration, as […]

2020-11-09T05:09:07+02:00October 5th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Out of the Whirl by Ron Sanders

Out of the Whirl by Ron Sanders

Poet Ron Sanders has gathered a disparate and impactful collection of verse, capped by a parable-like novella in Out of the Whirl, a free-wheeling, experimental, and powerful collection.

Sanders’ poetry is both elemental and spiritual, tapping into universal and abstract themes of resilience and fortitude, faith and power, while using language that is natural and immediate. Pieces like “Masters of the Wheel” come across as nostalgic mythology, while “Dust to Dust” reads like a musing on the inherent pain of life – the crushing anxiety of existence. These are decidedly heavy themes, and many are expanded on in the […]

2020-08-27T03:43:45+02:00August 26th, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Providence in the Fall of a Sparrow by Robert Judge Woerheide

Providence in the Fall of a Sparrow by Robert Judge Woerheide

In this inspired collection, composed over seven crucial years in the life of poet Robert Judge Woerheide, we learn what it is like to be a prisoner and what it is like to be free, from within and without.

The first selection in Providence in the Fall of a Sparrow: A Journey of Poems, “Neanderthal Love,” pictures a prehistoric tribe carefully watching over a wounded comrade, his broken legs necessitating his cradling and foretelling his death, after which they will dig a grave a meter deep: “perhaps the first to ever be loved in this way.”

“Elegy for the […]

2020-08-26T05:40:57+02:00August 25th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

The Ring of Azurmus by Andrew Chiniche

The Ring of Azurmus by Andrew Chiniche Andrew Chiniche shows himself to be a poet in a class all his own, displaying his storytelling whimsy, dark descriptive powers, and deep understanding of ethereal connection in his new collection, The Ring of Azurmus.

Inspired by cards of the tarot deck, and brought to life through stories that surge and fade like smoke, this poetic saga is unique, like a handwritten spell book for romance. The language is not only carefully chosen, but also playful and unpredictable: Alice is the Chalice / and the lynchpin in my search / for the Talisman. These moments of poetic grace are refreshing […]

2020-08-03T05:31:11+02:00August 3rd, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Gaze the Moon by Andrew Chiniche

Gaze the Moon by Andrew Chiniche

Using mystical imagery and plaintive language, poet Andrew Chiniche weaves a powerful experience of magick poetry in Gaze the Moon.

Centered largely on deep soul love that transcends common ideas of connection and romance, the poems vary wildly, from heartfelt and straightforward to abstract puzzles of symbolism. At times, the pieces resemble adages or mantras, such as the simple “You are the light that makes the darkness worthwhile,” but their brevity doesn’t undercut their weight. They offer the chance to take a breath, process the wisdom being shared, and ready oneself for the next impactful page.

Much of the poetry […]

2020-08-03T05:38:59+02:00August 3rd, 2020|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Gates by Jay Green

Gates by Jay Green

A short but significant collection of ideas, memories, and imaginings are offered in the varied and expressive work of poetry, Gates by Jay Green.

The volume opens with a reflection on judging and condemning others, “Namesake.” The poet suggests that trust and forgiveness play a role in finding balance and “braving any distance” between people. “Sunset on the Bayou” paints the lovely perception that “Someone dropped ice cream on my Louisiana sky,” inviting him to relax and watch the celestial substance melt. An interesting take on writing is explored in “Penmanship” in which, as a child, Green tried to imagine […]

2020-06-18T03:16:02+02:00May 27th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Silent Muse Poetry by Ariele Tee

Silent Muse Poetry by Ariele Tee

The timeless theme of love gained, appreciated, and lost is explored in Silent Muse Poetry: A Tale of Heartbreak and Becoming, the eclectic debut collection by poet Ariele Tee.

Tee’s book is divided in five parts. An introductory piece in Volume 1, “The Buildup,” states the issue clearly: “This love ran through my veins, ignited flames and drove me crazy.” Here, the poet focuses on the blindness of the early stages of love. She refuses to see the lover’s flaws, enumerating the virtues and vowing her eternal devotion. She wants to be the one and only (“9-5 and weekend”), […]

2020-04-03T04:50:16+02:00April 2nd, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |
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