Poetry Book Reviews

Infinite Sea of Stars by Shannon Crossman

Infinite Sea of Stars by Shannon Crossman Guiding readers through negative emotions towards a higher resonance with the universe, Infinite Sea of Stars by Shannon Crossman is an inspiring, spiritually charged collection of poetry.

Divided into three thematic sections – “You,” “Me,” and “Us” – these lyrical verses are journeys into the arms of the divine, along with all the comfort and deliverance one might find along the way. The language is carefully chosen and laden with wisdom, asking readers to challenge themselves and their own ideas of satisfaction, becoming something of a work of self-help. Exploring the relationships we have with ourselves, our loved ones, and […]

2022-11-07T13:40:36+02:00November 6th, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Sit Down and Have a Beer Again by Greg Wyss

Sit Down and Have a Beer Again by Greg WyssAuthor and poet Greg Wyss has gathered a career’s worth of musings, stories, and verse in his eclectic collection, Sit Down and Have A Beer Again.

Reminiscent of the pacing and subject matter of Charles Bukowski, at times, the poetry is gritty and raw, yet still polished. Reflecting on everything from laziness and responsibility to loyalty in relationships and the grind of work, these are everyman poems, shining an honest light on the exasperating business of being alive. “The Poem I Never Wrote” is a standout, capturing that unique tone of visceral human experience. Tired and begrudging as the […]

2022-10-31T14:54:06+02:00October 21st, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Transformations: Poetry and Art by G. Jordan Maclay Ph.D

Transformations Poetry and Art by Jordan Maclay

Transformations: Poetry and Art is an eclectic, whimsical, and deeply personal collection from the mind of G. Jordan Maclay Ph.D. From amusing vignettes about pets to cosmos-sized musings about existence and the foundation of the universe, this combination of poetry, prose, and art is like few other books on the shelf, especially from a Ph.D whose other published work is a dense text on quantum mechanics.

Turning the mind of a theoretical physicist towards the realm of poetry is inherently original, but Maclay is far more than a scientist with a flair for art. When appropriate, he effortlessly lays a […]

2022-07-13T01:24:31+02:00May 30th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Every Awful Thing by S.E. Bourne

Every Awful Thing by Sophia Bourne S.E. Bourne unleashes her life through language in the standout collection of flash fiction and poetry, Every Awful Thing. 

This collection is an acknowledgment of struggle, a tour de force of vulnerability, and a celebration of life’s arcing flow. There is a gritty, matter-of-fact feel to Bourne’s early pieces, but the tone matures along with the writer as she moves through her own scattered memoir. From her youthful thieving antics and teenage chambermaid duties to Mexican road trips and cigars on the Mag Mile, the first half of this collection sparks with energy and potential in every direction. The flash […]

The Humbling and Other Poems by Robert J. Tiess

The Humbling and Other Poems by Robert J. Tiess A momentous and impressive display of carefully crafted poetry, The Humbling and Other Poems by Robert J. Tiess is a complex yet accessible collection.

Balancing experimental rhyme schemes and free verse poems with traditional patterns and melodic bursts of language, the breadth of Tiess’ technical skill is impressive. Meticulous in his meter and self-imposed structures, it is clear how much curation and editing has gone into every line of this collection. The imagery ranges from predictable and iconic to radically creative and clever, but the rhythmic flow of word choice stands out as the most exceptional element.

Broken into seven […]

2023-06-05T12:57:00+02:00May 5th, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Song of a Lotus Leaf by Renhui

Song of a Lotus Leaf by Renhui

With a reverent pen and an enlightened mind, Renhui delivers a restorative collection of poetry with Song of a Lotus Leaf. As the title implies, this is classic meditative poetry about the inherent and simplistic beauty of the world, but there is a strong base of self-examination beneath the surface of these observational pieces.

Acknowledging the clear divide in her years, between lifetimes in China and the United States, she also blurs the lines of experience and memory, making this polished collection both a memoir and a guidebook – a tome of appreciation, presence, and peace. While some of the […]

2022-05-06T06:01:49+02:00March 29th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Rise by Henry Lee Thomas

Broken up into distinct thematic sections – “Love & Family,” “Spiritual & Inspirational,” “Nature,” and “Philosophical & Social” – followed by a short fiction section, Rise: Poetry for Lovers and Thinkers by Henry Lee Thomas covers an impressively wide sprawl of topics and poetic forms.

Some of the pieces follow traditional rhyme schemes in this varied collection, while others are more narrative and free in their flow. The romance-inspired poetry reveals an intense, hot-hearted passion that the poet doesn’t always know how to control. Desperation and deep desire conspire in these poems, along with a see-saw of joy and struggle […]

2022-05-03T07:43:06+02:00March 28th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Penelope and Ulysses by Zenovia

Penelope and Ulysses by Zenovia

An unforgettable story of love, longing, and loss comes to life on a new stage in Penelope and Ulysses by Zenovia. The titular characters have been studied and admired for more than 2,500 years, so any author exploring such legendary lives must bring something truly original to the table, which Zenovia certainly achieves.

This work is written in the style of dramatic verse, with only a handful of acts and scenes, but stunning in its poetic grace and depth of storytelling. The eternal relationship between Ulysses and Penelope is at the forefront, as well as the machinations that led Ulysses […]

2022-03-10T04:16:09+02:00March 9th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |
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