Non-Fiction Book Reviews

Review: The Sibold Effect by John David Miller

★★★★ The Sibold Effect

The Sibold Effect: Beyond Science, History, Ghosts, and the Appalachian Supernatural by John David Miller is a comprehensive look at supernatural activity at Clover Hollow in the Appalachian Mountains. Purchasing a property in the area, Miller discovers that the property actually belonged to his ancestors, raising questions about the nature of coincidence, destiny, and how history is shaped by forces we cannot see. A thoroughly-researched and intriguing look into the paranormal and how it affects people both personally and historically.

John David Miller is an expertly detailed writer with an engaging voice. His interests in the region are varied […]

Review: The Struggle by Lincoln Gordon

The Struggle by Lincoln Gordon

The Struggle by Lincoln Gordon is a non-fiction work on the conformist attitude many people have about race and religion – especially in the African American community, of which author Lincoln Gordon is a part. He laments the ideas he found growing up about how one should behave as a person of color. A man who has lived his life by the beat of his own drum, Gordon’s The Struggle can be seen as something of a philosophical manifesto about identity in a multicultural society, as Gordon implores us to live by the rule that we’re all part of one […]

2019-02-11T09:43:55+02:00April 15th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Rescuing America’s Democracy From Its Collapsing Morality by Savannah Jordan

Rescuing America's Democracy From Its Collapsing MoralityRescuing America’s Democracy From Its Collapsing Morality by Savannah Jordan is a polemic about how America has gotten off the path of helping all of its citizens. In a culture that is seeped in celebrity worship, drug abuse, homelessness, and a litany of other problems that are not being adequately addressed, something is seriously amiss. Jordon covers everything from evolutionary biology to religion to specific policies that can help the country get back on track.

With a title like “Collapsing Morality,” one could be led to believe that the book focuses specifically on religion, but this is not the case.  […]

2016-04-05T12:09:05+02:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: The Emergence of One American Nation by Donald J. Fraser

The Emergence of One American Nation by Donald J. Fraser.

In the divided political climate of modern America, it’s time to look back at the differences, and the similarities, to the early days of the truly United States of America. In The Emergence of One American Nation by Donald J. Fraser, the spotlight is on the days of the founding fathers, their concordances, their bitter disagreements, their unions, and their separations. A new Constitution, and a new country, is born from the ashes of disparity. The history is laid out in simple terms, within the wider context of the Revolutionary War, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and the […]

2023-06-30T17:21:55+02:00March 23rd, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Debt Cleanse by Jorge P. Newbery

Debt CleanseDebt Cleanse: How To Settle Your Unaffordable Debts For Pennies On The Dollar (And Not Pay Some At All) by Jorge P. Newbery is just about the most comprehensive guide to getting out of debt without losing your credit rating you could possibly find. While most debt guides concentrate on one area of debt, Newbery has been through huge amounts of debt himself and came out the other side after going through the courts and dealing with banks and repo men several times over, so he knows how to navigate just about every single area of debt anyone could need […]

2019-01-22T15:30:37+02:00March 18th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

Review: The Manual: A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method by Rod Bremer

★★★★ The Manual - A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method

The Manual: A Guide to the Ultimate Study Method (Concentration, Super Memory, Speed Reading, Note-Taking, USM, & Rapid Mental Arithmetic), Second Edition , by Rod Bremer, is a wonderful companion for those who are serious about enhancing their learning skills.

The Manual is a guide to enhanced concentration, super memory, speed reading, optimal note-taking, rapid mental arithmetic, and the ultimate study method. The techniques presented are the culmination of decades of practical experience combined with the latest scientific research and time-tested practices.

Bremer’s book is for those who are serious about learning. If you’re the type who likes to […]

2018-10-29T12:00:28+02:00March 6th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Overcoming the Lie of “Race” by John L. Hodge

Overcoming the Lie of “Race” by John L. HodgeOvercoming the Lie of “Race”: A Personal, Philosophical and Political Perspective, by John L. Hodge, is a treatise from every angle on the supposition that race doesn’t exist. It’s a thorough, well-researched look into this oft-times controversial topic, injected with Hodge’s evocative personal tales in his own life being defined by race, as well as his family. Because of Hodge’s sincerity and passion for the subject, the book is well-argued and persuasive.

Hodge’s book is a good introduction for those who may not be familiar with all the angles of this debate. The fact that some people have darker […]

2016-03-04T09:52:14+02:00March 4th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Fixed by Doug Piotter

★★★★ Fixed by Doug Piotter

Doug Piotter’s memoir, Fixed: dope sacks, dye packs and the long welcome back, is an eye-opening account of the author’s dysfunctional and seemingly hopeless existence as a young man. Fueled by almost every illegal substance known to man, he stumbles through bank robberies, drug rehab, and has many encounters with a whole host of crazy characters. When he starts his “long welcome back,” his tale turns into a positive one  and he embarks on the beginning of a life of hope and productivity.

With no conventional parental guidance to speak of, Piotter quickly slides down a very slippery […]

2016-03-24T07:51:08+02:00February 29th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |
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