Non-Fiction Book Reviews

Review: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants by Rick & Brenda Redner

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants by Rick and Brenda Redner is an informative and important book.

There are certain books that may be uncomfortable to pick up in a bookstore, or leave lying about on your coffee table, even if their subject matter is completely normal, and something that affects tens of millions of men around the world. Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants has a bold title that leaves little mystery as to the subject matter, but readers might be surprised by the value and insightful […]

Review: CBT Worksheets for Anxiety by Dr. James Manning and Dr. Nicola Ridgeway

★★★★ CBT Worksheets for Anxiety (Adult edition): A simple CBT workbook to help you record your progress when using CBT to reduce anxiety by Dr. James Manning and Dr. Nicola Ridgeway

“CBT,” short for “cognitive-behavioral therapy,” is a type of psychological therapy designed to alleviate anxiety, depression, and related or co-morbid disorders and issues. It is an action-oriented approach that asks those undertaking it to work towards goals and actively “reprogram” themselves away from bad habits and into healthier mind-frames. It is currently considered one of the most effective approaches in psychotherapy and is often stated to be the most visibly effective of these in popular psychotherapy.

Despite its name, CBT Worksheets for Anxiety is much more than just a stack of worksheets for a patient to work through. It […]

Review: Leadership Wisdom by Bob Vanourek

★★★★★ Leadership Wisdom by Bob Vanourek

Leadership Wisdom: Lessons from Poetry, Prose, and Curious Verse by Bob Vanourek is an enlightening collection of sage and timely advice.

Books about leadership and self-improvement seem to be a dime a dozen, which makes it difficult to know who to heed and where the best advice actually comes from. Sidestepping that common failing, Bob Vanourek’s new book, Leadership Wisdom, instead relies on great minds and wise figures from human history to support his unique perspective.

While it can be easy to dismiss the occasionally condescending lessons from modern leaders and success stories, it is far harder to […]

Review: The Voice of Divine Love by Arlene Dayrit

The Voice of Divine Love by Arlene Dayrit

The author of The Voice of Divine Love, Arlene Dayrit, is self-described as a fervent attendant to God’s will and has spent much of her life in constant search of God’s redemption and love through her spirituality and religious devotion. The result of her meditations on scripture and Christian ideals is her first published work.

Essentially a re-examination of the scripture, the book takes the point of view of the Lord expressing his infinite love for his children and how to interpret his messages from a first-person point of view. Rather than a fearful, vengeful figure depicted elsewhere, Dayrit […]

2019-02-11T09:44:23+02:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Cooperative Wisdom by Donald Scherer, PhD and Carolyn Jabs

Cooperative Wisdom: Bringing People Together When Things Fall Apart by Donald Scherer and Carolyn JabsDespite their best efforts, why do good people find themselves in conflict so frequently?

Cooperative Wisdom: Bringing People Together When Things Fall Apart, written by acclaimed philosopher Dr. Donald Scherer and award-winning journalist Carolyn Jabs, introduces a novel approach to ethics that consistently dissolves conflict, restores goodwill, builds common purpose, and helps people thrive. Written as a spirited exchange between the two authors, Jabs brings up tough and pointed questions a smart reader would raise while Scherer lays out the human virtues that promote sustainability in natural and social environments. Their collaboration distills a lifetime of research and analysis […]

2016-06-10T10:05:17+02:00June 9th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

The CSR Way to Add Value and Increase Your Profits Compiled by Kalpana S. Murari

CSRCSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a tricky subject – what do corporations have to do to leverage social responsibility? How can a company act responsibly without affecting profits? This compilation of materials used for the study of sustainability for issues such as carbon emissions and climate concerns has been compiled by Murari from various sources to assist those looking for a more compact study guide. Murari took a Masters at Lewis and Clark College, and states that this book is inspired by text books from that course, although the exact course or Murari’s own expertise in the subject is not […]

2016-06-07T10:23:20+02:00June 7th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming

 The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming

The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming is an insightful book about a topic no human being can escape. Cuming’s book addresses how to live with the knowledge that one will eventually die. But it isn’t only about a person’s impending doom. She discusses at length how to view the aging process and how to accept it as part of life.

The topics in this book aren’t easy to confront, no matter what stage of life the reader is in. Almost every person on the planet has lost a person they loved or has encountered insurmountable grief […]

Review: Crowning Glory by Stacy Harshman

★★★★½  Crowning Glory by Stacy Harshman

Crowning Glory: An Experiment in Self-Discovery Through Disguise by Stacy Harshman is an original and laugh-out-loud memoir.

Stacy Harshman, an unemployed musician and artist, decides to embark on an experiment in hopes of coming to terms with her crippling depression, panic attacks, and psychotic breaks. The project involves wearing different wigs and eye-catching outfits. Harshman hires an assistant to keep track of the data while she parades in different parts of New York City. Will Harshman be the same after weeks of pretending to be other personas?

The e-book revolution has spurred many to pen their memoirs. This boon […]

2016-05-27T09:32:34+02:00May 27th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |
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