Non-Fiction Book Reviews

Review: Selling to China by Stanley Chao

Selling to China by Stanley Chao

A Chinese American business expert presents his latest wisdom regarding how small trading companies can establish economic links with counterparts in China in Selling to China: A Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses.

The primary tenet for an SMB (small to medium-sized business) to bear in mind, Chao states, is that Chinese and American entrepreneurs have the same goal – to make money. This is especially true since the older “Mao” generation is phasing out, being replaced with what the author calls the “Me Generation” (age 20-30), which is less traditional, and more prepared to make deals.

When Chao […]

2018-10-27T12:22:57+02:00September 27th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: 2018 Tax Reforms: And What It Really Means for You by C D Leonard

2018 Tax Reforms – And What It Really Means for You?

2018 Tax Reforms: And What It Really Means for You, C D Leonard’s examination of the new tax laws of 2018, is a well-organized, accessible analysis of a generally complex subject.

In this comprehensive overview, Leonard aims to clarify both the facts and the myths regarding the new US legislation known as the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) enacted this year by the Trump administration. Because the details of the TCJA can be daunting to a layperson, Leonard endeavors here to try to explain the basics of the new legislation to those who will be affected by it.[…]

2019-01-22T15:29:49+02:00August 28th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , , |

Review: The Life and Lessons of a Young Author by Sunayna Prasad

The Life and Lessons of a Young Author by Sunayna Prasad

Reflections with instructions from a young writer, Sunayna Prasad’s manual, The Life and Lessons of a Young Author, is a solid source of information about creating books in the 21st century.

By the time Prasad was 25, she had already had successes and failures in the complex, mostly online, world of writing and publishing. When she was a child she began writing stories, illustrating them with her own drawings. By third grade she had written a complete chapter book. Then followed a lull in her creative life, until age 16 when a full-blown idea came into her head […]

2020-02-21T07:17:31+02:00August 23rd, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Happiness and Success by Raphaël Savoy

Happiness and Success by Raphaël Savoy

Author Raphaël Savoy has created a pragmatic philosophical guide for leading one’s life more fully through acceptance in Happiness and Success: 12 Key Steps and a Few Little Changes to Transform Your Life.

Savoy has aimed his book at people who are ostensibly comfortable based on their location and station in life, but who continue to feel dissatisfied – in other words, to be happy with success, not just to achieve it. He begins by stating that human beings are uniquely designed to seek happiness – as humans have evolved, they have designed complex cultures dedicated to principles of […]

2018-08-24T10:37:32+02:00July 31st, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Relaunch! Stagnation, Change and Renewal in Mid-Career and Beyond by Steven Simon, Ph.D.

Relaunch! by Steven Simon, Ph.D.

An experienced career counselor shares wisdom about recognizing and surviving a professional life crisis in Relaunch! Stagnation, Change and Renewal in Mid-Career and Beyond.

As Simon lays out methodically, there are many ways that your career may grow stagnant. For example, you may feel underappreciated in general, or perhaps your job no longer seems meaningful. Conflict situations at work can lead to anger, frustration and depression. Perhaps you are doing work you don’t enjoy simply because finances dictate it, or you have lost your job and are experiencing the challenges of seeking new employment. All of these circumstances can […]

2019-03-04T13:04:24+02:00July 11th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: The Perfectionist: Peter Kilham and the Birds by Larry Kilham

The Perfectionist: Peter Kilham and the Birds by Larry Kilham

A paean to a father by an admiring son, The Perfectionist: Peter Kilham and the Birds is a remarkable chronicle of invention, exploration, and a lifelong search for perfection.

Author Larry Kilham’s childhood was idyllic, living on a homestead with his parents and siblings. His father Peter ran a thriving business, Tekton, designing and selling innovative metal furniture to wealthy clients. When his products began to be supplanted in the 1950s by mass-produced items like aluminum-tubing lawn chairs, Peter switched to the manufacture of metal-bending machines, on which he held significant patents.

Peter Kilham concentrated so minutely on the perfection […]

2019-01-22T11:37:39+02:00July 8th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

On the Margin of the Sky by Dee Plecic

On the Margin of the Sky by Dee PlecicDee Plecic’s autobiographical account of life in a war-torn city presents a world where racism and religious tyranny gradually replaced multiculturalism and tolerance is an amazing tale of one woman’s endurance.

In 1992, the city of Sarajevo, the capital of the Balkan country Bosnia and Herzegovina, fell under siege in the Bosnian War. The center of a multi-ethnic, multi-national power struggle among Serbs, Croatians, and Bosnians erupted, bringing the term “ethnic cleansing” into modern-day vocabulary. The author lived in Sarajevo during much of that time, and describes the daily conditions in harrowing detail: snipers firing on people getting water at […]

2018-07-05T12:41:04+02:00July 2nd, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

From Hell to Happiness by Christopher Cooper

From Hell to Happiness: How to Heal When Your Loved One Is TerminalSorrow and hope are equally mixed in From Hell to Happiness: How to Heal When Your Loved One Is Terminal, an inspiring memoir about life with a cancer sufferer by Christopher Cooper.

Cooper and his wife Jenn were enjoying a happy, successful life in their early 30s, with two sons and good career prospects. Then Jenn was diagnosed with a serious form of cancer and the long-term outlook was grim: even with heavy chemo treatments and surgery, she might likely have a fatal recurrence of the disease.

Cooper describes his day-to-day struggles: how to tell the boys what was […]

2018-06-19T09:31:44+02:00June 19th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |
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