Non-Fiction Book Reviews

Review: Chasing the Runner’s High by Ray Charbonneau

If there’s one thing Ray Charbonneau understands, it is runners. In Chasing the Runner’s High he may claim that he isn’t sure what a typical runner is, but if the proof is in the pudding, not only is Charbonneau a true blue, died in the wool, run in the sun, rain or snow runner, but he talks the runner’s language. And it sounds like heaven.

At least it does until you remember how hard it is to get yourself out the door after bout of laziness during the holidays.

I picked up Charbonneau’s “Chasing the Runner’s High” sometime before the […]

2011-12-28T14:01:46+02:00December 28th, 2011|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Dancing with Duality by Stella Vance

Once in a while you stumble across a person who’s actually lived the life some have fantasized about but never had the courage to pursue. Stella Vance is one of those. She’s lived and worked in several countries all over the globe, enjoyed searching through myriad philosophies and religions of life, and experienced love in a number of satisfying, if not all permanent, relationships.

In Dancing With Duality: Confessions of a Free Spirit, Vance tells the story of her life decade by decade, but not from a lofty vantage point, glossing over the darker elements. Neither does she write […]

2011-12-23T13:53:46+02:00December 21st, 2011|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |
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