Non-Fiction Book Reviews

Review: The Unfinished Tower of Babel by Dr. Robert L. Bonn

The Unfinished Tower of BabelToday, the never-completed Tower of Babel remains a symbol of how a divine, otherworldly power can enter into and change the course of human history.

Dr. Robert L. Bonn, a sociologist, delves into how the biblical story of the Tower of Babel has influenced history in his fascinating book The Unfinished Tower of Babel. His work offers a non-conventional view of the biblical tale. He purports that the biblical account is actually a myth and symbolizes the Babylonian Empire. Using this theory he analyzes other empires and argues that history proves that empire building can only have one result: […]

Review: Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook by Helen Sedwick

SP-Legal-Handbook-Kindle-coverEach year more and more authors have opted to self-publish. Many of them probably read a how-to guide before venturing into self-publishing. There are many handbooks that are insightful, informative, and helpful. Yet, when a certain topic comes up, most of the authors say that they can’t give any advice since they aren’t experts. What’s the topic? Legal issues.

A lot of people don’t like to think about legal issues. Many more don’t understand or stick their heads in the sand and hope for the best. Helen Sedwick noticed that there weren’t any legal handbooks for self-published authors when she […]

Homeless Hero: Understanding the Soul of Home by Mike Tapscott

Homeless Hero: Understanding the Soul of Home  Written from an inside perspective, Homeless Hero: Understanding the Soul of Home aims to explore the issue of homelessness, not ‘what went wrong’ in the decisions and events that lead to becoming homeless, but instead what differences – and similarities – there are between the way those who have and have not experienced homelessness think. Tapscott does this partly through his own exploration into work with homeless clients and his first real interactions with homeless people in general, and partly through his interviews and conversations with those around him.

Journaling his experiences, Tapscott questions the ideals of those who live […]

2014-08-01T13:52:53+02:00August 1st, 2014|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

112 Hours by Rian Hughes

112 HoursThe fifteenth volume of this font guru’s fascinating obsession turns this time to numbers. Rian Hughes, a British designer based at Device Fonts, manages to make typography massively interesting by putting together a beautiful, artful layout that holds the eye and attention.

Rian studied at the LCP in London before briefly working for an advertising agency, i-D magazine, Smash Hits magazine and a series of record sleeve design companies. Having cut his teeth drawing comics for Paul Gravett’s seminal alternative press comic magazine “Escape”, for Belgium’s Magic Strip he co-wrote and drew the graphic novel “The Science Service”, published in […]

2020-02-20T12:47:24+02:00July 1st, 2014|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Travels With My Hat by Christine Osborne

Christine Osborne is a travel photographer who has dedicated her entire life to capturing on film what it is to live on Planet Earth. Tracing a line through the Middle East and Africa, into countries that might be thought of by most to be “scary” destinations for a slim, blonde woman, Christine jumped in feet first with her Australian roots to help her along,  in her trusty blue hat and a camera her constant companion.

This book is written so well because Christine has lived these details, these colors, these characters. There is no substitute for writing what you know, […]

Review: Searching For Pekpek: Cassowaries And Conservation In The New Guinea Rainforest by Andrew L. Mack

searching for pekpekYou won’t find a lot of cassowaries in this book, just a lot of their droppings. What you will find is a beautifully written, well-told story of a biologist who goes to the Papua New Guinea (PNG) rainforest to live among the native Pawai’ia and do basic research. In the process he learns a great deal about how cassowaries distribute seed throughout the forest, and a great deal more about the challenges and heartbreaks of international conservation.

Of course it all starts with pekpek, the Pawai’ia name for cassowary dung. Mack brings a literary flair even to the description of […]

2019-01-23T12:36:08+02:00April 21st, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Interview with SPR Awards Non-Fiction Winner Christine Osborne

Christine Osborne Winner SPR Awards Non-FictionSPR talks to author Christine Osborne, SPR Awards Winner for Non-Fiction about her book, Travels With My Hat.

Tell us about your winning entry to the SPR Awards.
Travels with My Hat is about my adventures and misadventures as a solo woman writer and photographer working in the Arab world.

How did you come to self-publish? Did you try to get published traditionally?
I am a published author of fifteen non-fiction books and travel guides. I have always used my photos to illustrate my work, so having text without images in this new book was unthinkable. I tried a few […]

2014-05-06T11:14:03+02:00April 17th, 2014|Categories: Interviews|Tags: |

Review: The Book of Supplement Secrets by Tim Mielke

supplement secretsThe Book of Supplement Secrets: A Beginner’s Guide to Nutritional Supplements is written by Tim Mielke, a bodybuilding expert with years of first-hand nutritional supplements experience under his belt, and a body to prove they work.

Did you know your body stops producing essential amino acids under stress? How about that multivitamin pill you take every day – does it really deliver all you need? What type of weight-loss supplement truly works? What about Omega Oils? Are you sure you know what sugars are in your weight-loss shake? A lot of us sheepishly wash down a handful of various pills […]

2019-08-21T04:02:34+02:00January 31st, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |
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