Non-Fiction Book Reviews

Review: It’s Like Here Only Better by Robin Landry

It's Like Here Only Better by Robin LandryIt’s Like Here Only Better by Robin Landry is a telling of real events of a lost son whose inspiring messages from the afterlife continue to give his family and friends hope and comfort about his unexpected and devastating fate.

Landry describes how after her son Tim’s premature passing in a tragic traffic accident, he returned to his loved ones in their dreams in time to deliver news of his time on ‘the other side’, and how he continues to watch over those left behind, speaking of other loved ones, and passing advice down to his living associates.

Otherwise unexplainable […]

2015-01-06T08:59:46+02:00January 6th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Bleaklisted Books by David M Brown & Donna Brown

Bleaklisted BooksThe Bleaklisted Books is a sarcastic and original book that tells how one cat really feels about literary masterpieces.

Charlie, the cat, decides to become a book critic to determine which books should be bleaklisted. What does bleaklisted mean? According to the introduction, “Bleaklisting is simply an offshoot of the well-known word ‘blacklisting.’” Charlie, who thinks he’s as powerful as Napoleon Bonaparte, doesn’t really like books and he really dislikes books that don’t feature him. Nevertheless, he reads many of the “great” books and renders his verdict. This volume includes twenty-five books that Charlie has decided should be bleaklisted. David […]

Lies, Lies and More Lies by Vivek

vivekIn Lies, Lies and More Lies, author Vivek sets out to prove that Hindutva is an ideology that doesn’t equate to Hindu fundamentalism. He states in the preface that he is frequently asked: “Does a billion-strong community really need protection?” He says yes they do, and his essays demonstrate why the author believes Hindus need protection, and how Hindutva “remains the sole bulwark against the spreading Islamic fundamentalism in South Asia.” Furthermore, according to the author, the English-language media has an agenda to vilify Hindutva.

This work, which is the second edition, consists of essays published by Vivek addressing […]

2014-12-19T06:56:10+02:00December 19th, 2014|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: The Supplement Guide: An Unbiased Review of the Best and Worst Sports Supplements by Tim Mielke

The Supplement Guide: An Unbiased Review of the Best and Worst Sports Supplements by Tim MielkeThe Supplement Guide: An Unbiased Review of the Best and Worst Sports Supplements by Tim Mielke is a revised edition of a previous publication, The Book of Supplement Secrets: A Beginner’s Guide to Nutritional Supplements, an insider guide to the pros and cons of the supplement industry, and the common lies bought into by consumers. The book has been rewritten, and is now around double its original size. It now includes more research, more content, and more tips and tricks to get the most out of your supplements, and how to use them in your training properly, without getting […]

2014-11-22T10:51:22+02:00November 22nd, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Legacy of Leadership – Zenon C.R. Hansen by Steve Myers

Zenon CR Hansen

Zenon Hansen was an all-American enterpreneur with motivational skills who became the president of Mack Trucks, one of the biggest trucking companies in America. Starting off as an Eagle Scout, he won a badge that led him to give his life to the Boy Scout movement. Pitched by writer Steve Myers as an inspirational read for young adults who need a guide to take action into adulthood, this book is a detailed biography of an obviously very personal hero for the author.

Filled with photos and factoids on Hansen, as an historical document of 20th century America in the throes […]

2019-02-11T09:24:23+02:00October 14th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Tweeting Da Vinci by Ann C. Pizzorusso

tweeting da vinci Imagine if Da Vinci were alive today – would he tweet his ideas and discoveries? Writer and veteran geologist Ann C. Pizzorusso explores Italy with Da Vinci, an accomplished geologist and polymath as her guide, as if he were here today as a Bill Gates/Stephen Hawking figure, using all current technology, including Twitter, to share his mind with the world.

But this is no dry book about rocks. This is a book about finding, among other amazing discoveries, the real Underworld, a stairway to Heaven and the fountain of youth. Pizzorusso looks at how geology profoundly affects the civilization that […]

2019-01-22T18:26:23+02:00October 9th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: When All Balls Drop: The Upside of Losing Everything by Heidi Siefkas

WhenAllBallsDrop CoverHow can a devastating accident end up leaving you in a better place in life?

This is the key question author Heidi Siefkas tries to answer from her personal perspective through her inspirational memoir When All Balls Drop: The Upside of Losing Everything.

A candid recollection of events arranged from memories and diaries, Siefkas writes about her experiences of physical and emotional recovery from a freak accident as victim of a falling tree that left her without a career, without a marriage and without a life to her own. With only a fight for her lost independence left, Siefkas begins […]

2014-08-04T12:55:08+02:00September 2nd, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Here, There, Everywhere by Peter Dunkley

Here, There, EverywherePeter Dunkley was going to become a lawyer when he fell in love and gave it all up – and then gave all that up – for a life of travel and adventure, starting in Bombay in the 1950s.

Now retired, Peter’s book Here, There, Everywhere is a charming memoir on a road less traveled by an Englishman abroad, finding true love along the way.

Dunkley really is one of those lucky souls who manages to land on his feet, and maybe it’s his capacity to embrace anything that comes at him and fully experience it that makes this book […]

2014-09-02T14:48:52+02:00September 2nd, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |
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