Non-Fiction Book Reviews

Review: The High Price I Had To Pay by Jamila Davis

★★★★★ The High Price I Had To Pay

If you are not already privy to the race/class imbalance of the USA, this amazing story will make your eyes pop out of your head in disbelief – if you are, like most of us, this tale is just about the seal on the deal. A 25-year-old woman without a college degree at the time, gets accused of bringing down Lehman Bank for millions of dollars. Yes, actually breaking a huge investment bank. Her male, white bosses get paltry sentences while she gets 12.5 years in jail.

Jamila Davis, an African American from New York, was seen all over […]

2016-03-04T02:40:51+02:00January 29th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Less Stress: 88 Best Practices by Gabriella Kindert

Less Stress

Inspirational quotes books are always fun and interesting, but when the person writing the book is also inspirational, that’s when the book gets really good. Gabriella Kindert, author of  Less Stress: 88 Best Practices and Inspirations from Historical Leaders is something of an “overachiever” – mother, wife, hugely successful in her career, world-traveled, speaking several languages, and drop dead gorgeous. If she were a character in a novel, she’d be described as “having it all.” So what makes this book immensely attractive to inspire the reader is the idea that maybe if the author has made it this far by […]

The Real Matrix by Michael Evans

The Real Matrix by Michael EvansThe Real Matrix by Michael Evans is not about a technological Matrix, in which we’re caught in a computer simulation. However, we’re caught in a simulation all the same: one that’s built by upbringing, societal pressure, the media, and more that not only inform how we think, but lock us into a particular mindset. The Real Matrix lays out all the ways we’re conditioned and aims to break those bonds.

The book is at its best when its talking about big picture issues – such as the impact of religion or law on personal outlook. For example, the issue of […]

2018-05-09T10:22:02+02:00January 22nd, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Embracing the Wild in Your Dog by Bryan Bailey

★★★★½ Embracing the Wild in Your Dog by Bryan Bailey

Embracing the Wild in Your Dog by Bryan Bailey teaches the important and eye-opening lesson that dogs are, and will always be, part wolf. Though owners may anthropomorphize dogs and see them like little humans, they have inherent wild instincts at the core, and this knowledge will enhance every dog owner’s relationship with their dog, as well as how they approach training.

What makes Embracing the Wild such an engaging book is that it’s not only a book for dog owners. I’m not currently a dog owner myself, and the book is a fascinating look into dogs’ true nature, […]

Review: The Healthy Habit Revolution by Derek Doepker

The Healthy Habit Revolution by Derek Doepker

We all have habitual behaviors we wish we could jettison: biting fingernails, interrupting spouses, eating candy bars while watching reality shows. And of course there are many behaviors we don’t have that we wish we did: regular exercise, healthy meals, daily writing, perhaps? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could make those desired behaviors as habitual—as easy to do and as hard to avoid—as the troublesome ones?

Well, it’s not exactly easy, but if you follow the program Doepker sets out in this slim but thoroughly packed volume, you’ll almost certainly see changes. Everyone has something they’d like to do […]

2019-02-11T09:28:20+02:00January 6th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Rise from Darkness: Paths Out of Depression Toward Happiness by Kristian Hall

Rise from Darkness by Kristian HallRise from Darkness: How to Overcome Depression through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Positive Psychology: Paths Out of Depression Toward Happiness is Kristian Hall’s comprehensive guide to overcoming depression. Combining personal history, a guide for both sufferers and friends/family members, and step by step instructions about how to lift yourself or others from the scourge of depression, the book covers depression from every conceivable angle with great erudition and empathy.

The book’s main weakness is one of organization. Someone who is in the deep throes of depression may not have the patience to read the fundamentals of brain chemistry, for example. […]

2018-05-09T10:22:20+02:00January 4th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: My Father’s Son: A Memoir by John Davis

★★★★½ My Father's Son: A Memoir by John Davis

My Father’s Son: A Memoir by John Davis is the harrowing yet riveting story Davis’ tumultuous and abusive childhood at the hands of his father, who was a high-powered cocaine dealer in Brooklyn, and a complete tyrant with Davis at home. Even after his father left the house, he gets replaced with a series of other tyrants, so Davis never had it easy, but still managed to come out ahead with an amazing strength and warmth of spirit. My Father’s Son is at once heartbreaking and uplifting with a dramatic climax that you’ll never see coming.

What makes the […]

2016-03-04T03:53:18+02:00December 30th, 2015|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Ten Mistakes Made by Most Pulpit Committees by Don K. Clements ★★★★★

Ten Mistakes Made by Most Pulpit Committees by Don K. ClementsAmong the most important decisions that any church body must make, choosing the correct pastor is of the utmost consequence.  Jeremiah 3:15 states:  “I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.”  In a nutshell, this is the role of the pastor today.  The pastor is the leader of the church, the one who will direct the flock in the way it should go.  He provides encouragement and guidance and is entrusted with the most imperative of duties.  He must study The Word to discern God’s heart and instruct his congregation.  There […]

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