Memoir Book Reviews

Review: Forty Bibles and Forty Dictionaries by Hae-Lyun Kang

Forty Bibles and Forty Dictionaries by Hae-Lyun KangForty Bibles and Forty Dictionaries is an autobiographical account of the lives of author Hae-Lyun Kang and her family: Korean, Catholic and middle-class, living in Sydney, from 1970 to the present. With an obsessive mother, a hard-pressing father, unusually-humored sisters, and a brother who fired two shots at Charles, Prince of Wales in January of 1994, Kang describes from her own perspective how she and her brother both grew into becoming who they are, and what may have lead her brother to the infamous circumstances in Sydney.

Advertised as the “memoir on the family of the man who committed affray […]

2019-01-22T15:52:17+02:00December 28th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Mongolia Monologues: One Woman’s Quest to Experience, Learn and Grow… by Joanne Nussbaum

Mongolia MonologuesMongolia Monologues is Joanne Nussbaum’s travelogue memoir about her time as a Peace Corp volunteer in Mongolia at the age of 53, following the death of her daughter. She wanted to work in sub-Saharan Africa, but instead was sent to Mongolia to work in youth community development. The book is a comprehensive overview of the whole trip – from applying as a volunteer, to the ins and outs of Mongolian culture, to the Peace Corps process, and the wisdom learned along the way. The memoir is told with good humor and optimism, even when things get tough.

There’s a refreshing […]

2014-11-26T03:14:03+02:00November 25th, 2014|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Choices by Staffan R.B. Nordqvist

ChoicesThere is a trend in self-publishing for the “selfie” book, a written version of the frequently-seen Instagram snap that appears online so often. Choices: A Physician’s Journey On Two Continents by Staffan R.B. Nordqvist is such a book:  a memoir of a Swedish doctor who emigrates to the USA.

Sometimes humorous, sometimes hard, Nordqvist makes the step to New York in this passage,

I arrived in New York in the early evening. It was raining, cold and dark. I took a taxi to Manhattan and MSKI, my new employer. I told the driver how happy I was to be back

2014-11-20T12:35:43+02:00November 20th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: The Ituni Experience by Forbes Skinner

ituniHave you ever met someone who has almost accidentally cut off his leg with a chainsaw, set himself on fire trying to light a cigarette, who was thrown from a tractor, and lived to tell about it? Meet Forbes Skinner, author of The Ituni Experience: The Trials of a Chainsaw Logger. In his memoir, Skinner comes across as a very determined, stubborn, intelligent, naïve, and unlucky man. Many readers may be unfamiliar with Skinner’s country, Guyana, and about chainsaw loggers. They won’t be for long. One of the most fascinating aspects of The Ituni Experience is the inside look […]

2014-10-16T10:21:48+02:00October 16th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Here, There, Everywhere by Peter Dunkley

Here, There, EverywherePeter Dunkley was going to become a lawyer when he fell in love and gave it all up – and then gave all that up – for a life of travel and adventure, starting in Bombay in the 1950s.

Now retired, Peter’s book Here, There, Everywhere is a charming memoir on a road less traveled by an Englishman abroad, finding true love along the way.

Dunkley really is one of those lucky souls who manages to land on his feet, and maybe it’s his capacity to embrace anything that comes at him and fully experience it that makes this book […]

2014-09-02T14:48:52+02:00September 2nd, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , , |

Review: Straight Lines by Gregory Sacchet

92a35148e90e21b9e8f3831752413ca8ee5e69ffAddiction memoirs are an interesting genre, because really they’re all variations on the same basic story. A person gets involved in their drug of choice, hits rock bottom in a myriad of ways, and then climbs their way back up. The very fact that there’s a book implies that the addict has pulled his or her life together to a degree, so by design the book is uplifting, even when telling tales of degradation. Given that there isn’t a lot of difference between the nuts and bolts of an addiction memoir, it really needs to have a unique spin in […]

2014-05-27T17:20:26+02:00May 27th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: What if Tomorrow Never Comes? by Neil David Schwartz

what-if-tomorrow-never-comes-neil-david-schwartz-paperback-cover-artWhat if Tomorrow Never Comes? is the tragic and moving story of Neil David Schwartz, an attorney in Los Angeles whose daughter passed away from a rare form of cancer in her late twenties. In the middle of this trying time, his wife died in her sleep – literally, it would seem, of a broken heart. To say this is a sad story is putting it mildly. It would be impossible to come away from this book unmoved; both by the strength exhibited by all involved, the sheer frustration that one family could be afflicted by all of this, and […]

2014-05-14T11:11:12+02:00May 13th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Travels With My Hat by Christine Osborne

Christine Osborne is a travel photographer who has dedicated her entire life to capturing on film what it is to live on Planet Earth. Tracing a line through the Middle East and Africa, into countries that might be thought of by most to be “scary” destinations for a slim, blonde woman, Christine jumped in feet first with her Australian roots to help her along,  in her trusty blue hat and a camera her constant companion.

This book is written so well because Christine has lived these details, these colors, these characters. There is no substitute for writing what you know, […]

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