Memoir Book Reviews

Review: Skip’s Legacy by Edward “Skip” Biron

★★★★ Skip's Legacy by Edward "Skip" Biron

It is the dream of most people to live a life worth writing stories about. In Skip’s Legacy, a memoir by Edward “Skip” Biron, readers are introduced to a remarkable man and his fast-paced, spontaneous and impactful life. The details that the author remembers from more than 5 decades of life make for an exceptional read, as though this were a journal, rather than a memoir. The small points of humor and philosophic musing also fill in the gaps and give readers time to reflect on a life truly well-lived.

After serving in the Navy as a radioman, […]

2017-05-02T08:40:23+02:00March 23rd, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Molding My Destiny by Patrice M. Foster

Molding My Destiny by Patrice FosterThe most powerful stories are those torn from personal experience, and in Molding My Destiny by Patrice M. Foster, readers are presented with a heartbreaking account of an impossible childhood. Parental support and love seem nonexistent, and selfishness is the crucible in which the author is formed. From the mean streets of Jamaica, witnessing the immorality and cruelty of her father, to the feeling of abandonment on American shores, this book is a painful saga of experience that would be too great for many people to overcome.

Beyond the initial trauma, however, Foster shares the symptoms and side effects of […]

2018-02-27T06:15:38+02:00January 18th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Of Endings and Beginnings by Robert Speigel

★★★★ Of Endings and Beginnings: A Memoir of Discovery and Transformation by Robert Speigel

Understanding why we behave, feel, react and survive the way we do has been a subject of fascination since the dawn of self-awareness. The endless debate of nurture vs. nature, research into the essence of being human, and concerns of destiny and fate have always intrigued our species. In Of Endings and Beginnings: A Memoir of Discovery and Transformation, author Robert Speigel paints a beautiful, tragic, optimistic and brutally honest picture of existence, and also shares a number of tools and strategies to overcome the darkness in your own life, and control the beliefs that will otherwise control […]

2017-02-17T05:41:23+02:00January 12th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Walking Out of the Dark by Steven R. Malikowski

★★★★½ Walking Out of the Dark by Steven Malikowski

Brotherly love is a powerful motivation for many people, but for author Steven Malikowski, his brother’s inspiring life and outlook drove him to write an unforgettable memoir, Walking Out of the Dark. After Mike lost his sight, Steven saw firsthand the challenges of being disabled, even partially, in a world that is so often driven by speed, efficiency, and the quest for perfection. This book is a touching and personal account of survival and success as a blind individual, overcoming obstacles with grace and patience that most people could never muster.

There are equal parts wisdom, storytelling, humor […]

2016-12-23T10:51:35+02:00November 28th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Woodiss is Willing by Henry Woodiss

Woodiss is Willing by Henry WoodissWoodiss is Willing, edited by George Dalrymple, is a fictionalized account of the life of Henry Woodiss, who gained notoriety in the 1920s in England due to his high-profile affair with the wife of Sir Coningsby Coningsby-Clarke, Lady Edith. Penned by Woodiss himself in a manuscript supposedly finished in the 1960s, he presents his story as comical fiction at the expense of both himself and the myriad figures involved in the debacle.

Despite the comic bent the book takes on the incident, Woodiss writes with sincerity, with glimpses into his genuine feelings. If not for the highly satirical tone and […]

2016-11-15T08:53:10+02:00November 15th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Always Picked Last by Kevin Kearns

★★★★ Always Picked Last by Kevin Kearns

Most authors write in order to tell a story that is bottled up inside – whether it is fiction or not. In many cases, the story they need to tell is some version of their own life, because they believe that it will be interesting, helpful, or even cathartic – both to readers and themselves. In Always Picked Last, Kevin Kearns recounts his life as a bullied child, and delves into his journey to seek self-confidence, come out on top in life, and use his knowledge to help thousands of others.

Losing his father at a young age, […]

2020-02-21T05:54:27+02:00October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Corkscrew by Peter Stafford-Bow

★★★★½ Corkscrew by Peter Stafford-Bow

Boasting casual storytelling mastery and the sharp-tongued wit of Tom Robbins, Peter Stafford-Bow presents an incredibly amusing and unpredictable tale in Corkscrew. For wine lovers or those who simply love a great story, this is a mad ramble through the tangled world of wine, taking readers across two continents and countless adventures of one exceptional character, Felix Hart.

The ability of Stafford-Bow to create memorable and visceral characters is notable, and along Felix Hart’s climb to the highest echelons of international wine retailing, there are plenty of other eccentric and unique foils that keep the plot moving along. […]

2016-11-09T02:35:09+02:00October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Miss Matched At Midlife by Rebecca Brockway


For women of a certain age the prospect of dating can be social whirl of a nightmare. But when Rebecca Brockway found herself single in her 40s, she documented her next decade of dating experiences in a humorous memoir, “Miss Matched At Midlife” with a positively can-do attitude. After her marriage of 17 years ended with four kids in tow, Rebecca set out to look for The One – or at least make up for lost time in the dating arena – going on more than 150 first dates – probably more first dates than most of us have […]

2016-09-21T09:00:41+02:00September 5th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |
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