Health Book Reviews

The Reluctant Caregiver by Joy Johnston

The Reluctant CaregiverWith an open heart and a sharp sense of humor, award-winning writer Joy Johnston chronicles both the reward and the heartache of caring for her parents in their last days in The Reluctant Caregiver.

Suffering through back to back hardship, Johnston’s father passed first from Alzheimer’s, and not long afterward, her mother developed colon cancer. Johnston lived with her mother for lengthy periods in the early stages of her cancer, coming back when death was imminent. Seeing these two strong people endure their final days was inspiring, harrowing and poignant, and Johnston eloquently expresses their strength of character, while […]

Review: It Feels Good to Feel Good by Cheryl Meyer

It Feels Good to Feel Good: Learn to Eliminate Toxins, Reverse Inflammation and Feel Great Again

In It Feels Good to Feel Good: Learn to Eliminate Toxins, Reduce Inflammation and Feel Great Again, author and health coach Cheryl Meyer has lived through her own process of eliminating toxins to address her autoimmune system’s issues, and she has now set out a clear pathway for others to follow.

The US now faces its biggest health challenge ever. Many are obese, allergic, or diabetic (or a combination), with a 300% increase in these toxic conditions in recent times. Chronic pain and inflammation often leaves many without good options except prescription drugs, with terrible repercussions. But what if […]

2019-02-11T09:29:14+02:00September 25th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Living Love: The Yoga of Yama & Niyama by Maetreyii Ma

Living Love: The Yoga of Yama & Niyama

There are many different reasons to practice yoga – for health and wellness, as a means of stress relief, or as a larger part of a spiritual belief system and path for your life. In Living Love: The Yoga of Yama and Niyama, author Maetreyii Ma takes readers on a journey through the self, blending yogic philosophy with practical techniques to help increase happiness, energy and personal power.

For some people, the way that many yoga enthusiasts speak can come across as irritatingly enlightened or even condescending, so it can be an extra delicate line to navigate as an […]

2019-09-20T09:20:10+02:00December 22nd, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Biological Youth by Todd Ewing, Ph.D.

Biological Youth: Reverse the Aging Process Naturally with Mindfulness, Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep

In Biological Youth, the first book of the Total Recovery series, author Todd Ewing, Ph.D. introduces readers to his unique approach for improving overall health. While many health books focus on the dual nature of health – body and mind, diet and exercise, etc. – this book takes those classifications one step further. It combines a wide variety of approaches to fitness, such as the Paleo Diet and other fads/beliefs. The book doesn’t recommend a specific method of becoming healthy, but rather outlines a comprehensive overview of what people should consider with every decision they make regarding fitness.

The […]

2020-02-21T06:37:08+02:00November 2nd, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Tepid Blue by Dev Bhattacharyya

Tepid Blue: Philosophy and Yoga by Dev Bhattacharyya

To many, the practice of yoga is purely a physical exercise; something to enhance the body, not the mind. However, make no mistake – yoga is a deep, spiritual exercise intended to work the mind, body, and soul in tandem, as Tepid Blue by Dev Bhattacharyya makes clear.

Dev Bhattacharyya is an author dedicated to helping bring out the true potential of a person in his writing through thought exercises, examination of scriptures from across the world, and ruminations on the essentials of spiritualism. He has previously written on subjects such as Vedic thought, the philosophy of Krishna, and wider […]

2019-02-11T09:28:59+02:00July 26th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants by Rick & Brenda Redner

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants by Rick and Brenda Redner is an informative and important book.

There are certain books that may be uncomfortable to pick up in a bookstore, or leave lying about on your coffee table, even if their subject matter is completely normal, and something that affects tens of millions of men around the world. Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants has a bold title that leaves little mystery as to the subject matter, but readers might be surprised by the value and insightful […]

Review: The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming

 The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming

The Hourglass: Life as an Aging Mortal by Pamela Cuming is an insightful book about a topic no human being can escape. Cuming’s book addresses how to live with the knowledge that one will eventually die. But it isn’t only about a person’s impending doom. She discusses at length how to view the aging process and how to accept it as part of life.

The topics in this book aren’t easy to confront, no matter what stage of life the reader is in. Almost every person on the planet has lost a person they loved or has encountered insurmountable grief […]

Review: Less Stress: 88 Best Practices by Gabriella Kindert

Less Stress

Inspirational quotes books are always fun and interesting, but when the person writing the book is also inspirational, that’s when the book gets really good. Gabriella Kindert, author of  Less Stress: 88 Best Practices and Inspirations from Historical Leaders is something of an “overachiever” – mother, wife, hugely successful in her career, world-traveled, speaking several languages, and drop dead gorgeous. If she were a character in a novel, she’d be described as “having it all.” So what makes this book immensely attractive to inspire the reader is the idea that maybe if the author has made it this far by […]

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