Health Book Reviews

Improve Your Health with Simple Data Analysis by Igor Stukanov

Improve Your Health With Simple Data Analysis by Igor Stukanov Author Igor Stukanov presents a comprehensive, thoughtful, and practical guide for anyone who takes medication in Improve Your Health with Simple Data Analysis.

Considering that there are hundreds of millions of people who take pharmaceutical medications (legally and doctor prescribed) every year, yet still suffer from overdoses, complications, and personal injury due to negative interactions from multiple prescriptions, the system is quite clearly broken. When it comes to education and common-sense understanding of the medication we put in our bodies, the companies generating these drugs provide the bare minimum. This guide from Stukanov is based in simple facts and […]

2019-10-30T09:00:26+02:00October 28th, 2019|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: 90 Days to Live by Rodney and Paige Stamps

90 Days to Live by Rodney and Paige Stamps

A cancer diagnosis is one of the most dreaded pieces of news to receive from a doctor, and with more than 1 million new cancer cases each year, this disease feels like an unavoidable part of modern life. In 90 Days to Live: Beating Cancer When Modern Medicine Offers No Hope, authors Paige and Rodney Stamps pull back the curtain on their own lives and Rodney’s diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Unlike so many other memoirs or books about patient journeys through endless rounds of treatment, remission, heartbreaks and breakthroughs, this is a story of hope via alternate methods, and […]

2019-10-23T14:17:52+02:00September 26th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Purple World by Joseph Q. Jarvis MD, MSPH

The Purple World by Joseph Q. Jarvis, MD, MSPH

The healthcare system in the United States has been in a state of change and narrowly averted collapse for some years now, and The Purple World: Healing the Harm in American Health Care by Joseph Q. Jarvis MD, MSPH provides both a professional and personal perspective on this critical issue.

Attempting to parse the ever-changing landscape of American healthcare is challenging, and forming a clear, comprehensive picture of the options, loopholes, tax ramifications and benefits is nearly impossible. Jarvis begins by establishing the crisis facing America, making his political stance known in the opening of this book, but fortunately, this […]

Mindful Dementia Care by Ruth Dennis with Velma Arellano and Luke Nachtrab

Mindful Dementia Care by Ruth DennisMindful Dementia Care: Lost and Found in the Alzheimer’s Forest by Ruth Dennis with Velma Arellano and Luke Nachtrab is an informative guide for caregivers outlining the difficulties of caring for an Alzheimer’s patient, as well as effective alternative methods of therapy.

The author and her two supportive co-authors are connected with the Sierra Vista Alzheimer’s Community in New Mexico. Dennis has care responsibilities for a brother with Down Syndrome, so her wish to share knowledge about the diseases and complex problems of aging is intensely personal, and it is this personal perspective that makes this such a strong guide.[…]

2019-04-25T11:54:21+02:00March 5th, 2019|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Breast Cancer Meets Mindfulness by Cheryl Wilfong

Breast Cancer Meets Mindfulness by Cheryl WilfongWhen writer, gardener, and Buddhist practitioner Cheryl Wilfong was diagnosed with breast cancer, she wouldn’t “fight” her illness, as so many urged her to do. She would experience it, “not wishing for anything different than what Life was delivering.” This is the inspiring message in her unique and poignant health guide, Breast Cancer Meets Mindfulness: Surrendering to Life.

Wilfong’s chronicle moves gently through her thought processes as she deals with the diagnosis. A dedicated Buddhist and meditation teacher, she believes that death, disease, and dying are messengers alerting us to find ourselves. After a successful surgery and radiation, and […]

2019-02-12T13:43:18+02:00February 12th, 2019|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

From Hell to Happiness by Christopher Cooper

From Hell to Happiness: How to Heal When Your Loved One Is TerminalSorrow and hope are equally mixed in From Hell to Happiness: How to Heal When Your Loved One Is Terminal, an inspiring memoir about life with a cancer sufferer by Christopher Cooper.

Cooper and his wife Jenn were enjoying a happy, successful life in their early 30s, with two sons and good career prospects. Then Jenn was diagnosed with a serious form of cancer and the long-term outlook was grim: even with heavy chemo treatments and surgery, she might likely have a fatal recurrence of the disease.

Cooper describes his day-to-day struggles: how to tell the boys what was […]

2018-06-19T09:31:44+02:00June 19th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

Please Stay by Greg Payan

Please Stay by Greg PayanPlease Stay: A Brain Bleed, A Life In The Balance, A Love Story by Greg Payan tells the story of the random and almost fatal brain aneurysm suffered by the author’s wife, Holly, a 39-year old college professor, showing life’s fragility, but also its potential for great strength.

The book is touching and engrossing, and much more than a memoir of an illness. Constructed through actual email correspondence, the reader is unaware just what might happen next, offering a harrowing but compelling account of this tragic experience. Woven together with Greg’s own heartfelt recounting of that time in his life, […]

2018-06-15T10:06:10+02:00June 15th, 2018|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , , |

Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me by Shireen Jeejeebhoy

Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me by Shireen JeejeebhoyCanadian author Shireen Jeejeebhoy recalls her years of seeking treatment, which is sometimes seemingly impossible to find, for a major concussion in Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me.

For Jeejeebhoy, the immediate after-effects of a car accident – anxiety, pain, and fatigue – quickly multiplied and morphed in diverse, often frightening ways. A writer who was at work on an ambitious project, Jeejeebhoy could now barely read, remember, or organize. Her sight and hearing were affected, and she had outbursts of intense anger, while treatment options were limited or nonexistent. Her was perplexed by her altered […]

2022-12-20T11:14:38+02:00October 6th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |
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