Health Book Reviews

Somatic Exercises For Nervous System Regulation by Julian Apple

Somatic Exercises For Nervous System Regulation by Julian AppleUnraveling the mystery of the mind-body connection and outlining practices to achieve a healthy life balance, Somatic Exercises for Nervous System Regulation: Simple Illustrated Techniques with Expert Led Video Course to Release Trauma, Reduce Tension, And Alleviate Anxiety and Stress by Julian Apple is an eye-opening holistic guide.

Laying a foundation of understanding for both the nervous system and the potential of somatic exercises (connecting exercise to emotions), this book simultaneously educates and empowers readers. In straightforward and accessible terms, the author discusses chronic pain, stress, sensory issues, trauma-related conditions, and other issues, before explaining the mental, physical, and emotional […]

2025-01-31T17:35:12+02:00January 31st, 2025|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Quick and Simple Chair Yoga for Seniors Over 60 by Audrey Fitzgerald

Quick and Simple Chair Yoga for Seniors Over 60 by Audrey Fitzgerald

A thorough and confidence-boosting guide for older readers seeking a workout program that fits their needs and limitations, Quick and Simple Chair Yoga for Seniors Over 60: The Fully Illustrated Guide to Seated Poses and Cardio Exercises for Weight Loss and Mobility to Maintain Your Independence in Under 10 Minutes a Day! by Audrey Fitzgerald is an invaluable companion, drawing from more than two decades of experience as a yoga, meditation, and movement teacher.

For older generations, yoga and other new-age fitness methodologies have not always been popular or widespread, meaning that some seniors may still be unfamiliar with the […]

2025-02-28T17:30:09+02:00February 27th, 2024|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat by Ian Breaker

Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat by Ian Breaker Beat Your Weight Beat Your Fat: How To Lose Our Weight with Weight Loss Mastery by Ian Breaker is a hands-on guide to weight loss that looks at dieting from a different perspective. With clear writing and accessible scientific data, this is not the average diet book, but a companion towards a more mindful lifestyle.

Breaker’s nutrition program is based on a deeper understanding on just what we’re eating, rather than following strict rules without quite knowing why. Instead of starving ourselves, obsessively counting calories, and rushing towards the end line, Breaker’s method is built to work on the long […]

2022-12-22T19:35:04+02:00December 22nd, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Brain Injury, Trauma, and Grief by Shireen Anne Jeejeebhoy

Brain Injury, Trauma, and Grief by Shireen Anne Jeejeebhoy

Approaching the cognitive isolation, physical impairment, and emotional struggles brought on by neuronal damage, Brain Injury, Trauma, and Grief: How to Heal When You Are Alone by Shireen Anne Jeejeebhoy is an accessible and eye-opening read for patients, caretakers, and anyone else whose lives have been touched by this tragedy.

Jeejeebhoy begins by easing readers into the concept of brain injury, explaining the unusual nature of this bodily trauma in scientific yet understandable terms. From the vicious cycle of cascading injury brought on by the body’s diligent defense forces to the slow process of re-programming brain cells, the chapters that […]

2023-02-23T14:47:46+02:00December 20th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Forget Me Not by Torri L. Fisher

Forget Me Not by Torri L. Fisher

Teaching caregivers how to effectively serve someone with Alzheimer’s, while also caring for themselves, Torri L. Fisher’s Forget Me Not: A Caregiver’s Guide to Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease: Tips for Caring for Your Parent While Maintaining Your Peace and Avoiding Burnout is indispensable reading for those going down the path of chronic illness with a loved one.

Beginning with the basics of dementia and Alzheimer’s, the opening chapters are general introductions to these afflictions, including the range of their symptoms, which may help caregivers recognize any advancements in the loved one’s condition. This leads naturally into the basics of caregiving, what […]

2022-09-09T13:48:32+02:00August 25th, 2022|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

An Erotic Phenotype by Sherman P. Bastarache

An Erotic Phenotype by Sherman P. Bastarache

Author Sherman P. Bastarache presents a masterful new thesis on sexuality, eroticism, human anatomy, and emotional exploration in An Erotic Phenotype.

With each chapter probing deeper into the body, mind, and societal structures that define sexuality and pleasure, the average reader will be wide-eyed by how much they learn about their own erotic potential. Even for those who consider themselves well-versed in the intimate aspects of their reproductive systems, this book will surely shed fresh light, given its comprehensive overview. From quantum physics and multiple orgasms to “Gray’s Anatomy” and bisexuality, this far-ranging read is enlightening in numerous ways.[…]

2022-08-11T16:36:29+02:00August 11th, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Beating Insomnia by Stephen Altschuler, M.Ed.

Beating Insomnia by Stephen Altschuler Stephen Altschuler, M.Ed. tackles the frustrating topic of insomnia and sleep struggles with his exhaustively researched and compelling new book, Beating Insomnia: A No-Nonsense Way to Natural Sleep.

Part memoir and part sleep guide, Altschuler welcomes readers into the sleepless recesses of his own experience with insomnia as a result of cancer, while also providing a wealth of resources and mental frameworks to address and overcome common sleep issues, whatever the cause. Despite the unique aspect of a memoir, Altschuler’s approaches to addressing his own insomnia could be applied to anyone’s experience, and many elements of the book are […]

2022-08-02T08:04:44+02:00August 2nd, 2022|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: Calm for Surgery by Dr. Chris Bonney MD FANZCA

Calm for Surgery by Dr. Chris Bonney

With experience-based information and a lively sense of humor and humanity, Dr. Chris Bonney, doctor of anesthesiology, advises readers on how to have the greatest success, fewest pains and fears, when anticipating and undergoing surgery, in Calm for Surgery: SuperTips for a Smooth Recovery.

Dr. Bonney explains that there are a number of major issues with which a prospective surgery patient might be grappling: general anxiety, fear of needles, worries about pain, and nervousness about being in a hospital setting without a sense of personal control. To some extent these anxieties are justified by the myriad possibilities, such as […]

2021-12-22T07:33:56+02:00November 15th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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