Fantasy Book Reviews

Elashom the Great Refuses and Other Stories by Erick Drake

Elashom the Great Refuses and Other Stories by Erick Drake A wide-ranging short story collection in both content and form, Erick Drake’s Elashom the Great Refuses and Other Stories is a lush, clever, and quick read for fans of the supernatural and strange.

The collection features six enchanting science fiction and fantasy tales, set everywhere from historical seventeenth-century England to the futuristic darkest reaches of space. Drake’s subjects also entertainingly run the gamut: the dead soul of a witch’s boyfriend trapped in a dreamcatcher, a surprising seance with a devilish twist written in play format, and a story about a declinatory sculptor inspired by the Biblical milieu of William Blake.[…]

Review: Of Prophets and Pinioned Angels by Kyle Fox

Of Prophets and Pinioned Angels by Kyle Fox

Plunging once more into the bleak, battle-scarred existence of Jacobus, the dauntless fallen knight of Korigane, Of Prophets and Pinioned Angels by Kyle Fox is the masterful second book in his Tales of Exile series.

After shearing his way through endless horrors in the first book of the series, this doomed warrior is now tasked by an angel to liberate even more souls from the creeping darkness and brimstone that befell his home. The angel Ezrea tells him of other kingdoms, where other battles must be fought, and more blood must still be spilled, in this dark, mystical, and visceral […]

2021-12-06T04:26:47+02:00October 25th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Fever Dreams and the End of All Things by A.J. Massey

Fever Dreams and the End of All Things by A.J. Massey

A tireless and tremendously creative adventure, Fever Dreams and the End of All Things by A.J. Massey is a strong sequel in a deeply fascinating realm.

The trio of young heroes from the first book is summoned back to the magical land of Meridia after receiving a dire warning from The Creator – the “other side” of the Sovereign they defeated to stop The Fading. He cryptically warns them that three evil beings plague the lands they had all risked their lives to protect, and that they must return. Even though the adolescent trials of the real world are forefront […]

Review: Dreck by Alex Grass

Dreck by Alex Grass

Author Alex Grass creates a haunting and gritty dystopian world in Dreck, a monstrously good read penned with a masterful voice. Driven by an unflinching protagonist who takes no guff and gives no quarter, this dark and raw-edged thriller will suck you in and keep you there.

Dreck, the mystical beast from a sinister nursery rhyme, ends up on Frank Attanasio’s cold mortuary slab, but this dauntless and sardonic hero quickly learns that death is anything but permanent. The antlered monster is still glowing, appears to be doling out gold coins, and has repeatedly broken into Frank’s mind with […]

2021-10-22T03:58:21+02:00September 3rd, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Godfrey’s Crusade (The Griffin Legends) by Mark Howard

Godfrey's Crusade (The Griffin Legends) by Mark Howard

Sacred duties to kings, brothers, and the gods of war collide in Godfrey’s Crusade by Mark Howard, the dynamic first installment of The Griffin Legends series. Blending Arthurian-style questing with riveting battle sequences and a deeply developed world history, this detailed fantasy realm is overflowing with monsters and magic.

Godfrey may be the son of a Duke growing up among the royal court, but he was also raised on tales of bravery and noble sacrifice, and the proud knightly traditions of his family. After earning his sword and knighthood in heroic fashion against wights, vampires, and orcs, he embarks on […]

2021-08-23T02:47:45+02:00August 23rd, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: The Wolf Lords by F.T. McKinstry

The Wolf Lords by F.T. McKinstry

A masterfully detailed second installment of the Fylking series, The Wolf Lords by F.T. McKinstry is an immersive fantasy novel mixing well-known mythology with complex layers of magic, political intrigue, ancient traditions, and noble heroes.

Vaethir, the immortal warlock and destroyer of the Math Gate, has gathered an army on the other side of the Veil, but his single-minded drive for revenge against the woman who permanently wounded him means returning to Math by other means. Then there is Leofwine, a ranger and apprentice to the Order of Fenrir, who bears a mountain of grief for his dead lover and […]

2021-09-27T09:22:08+02:00August 14th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Hælend’s Ballad by Ian V. Conrey

Hælend's Ballad by Ian V. Conrey

A book that feels both timeless and timely, Hælend’s Ballad by Ian V. Conrey is a sprawling, character-driven fantasy novel with an unforgettable new world for readers to explore.

Old feuds are rekindled as the Kingdoms of Daecland and Sunder wrestle with a common enemy. Mysterious, inexplicable attacks that leave behind the smell of rot and death signal to some that the end is near – an ancient prophecy is coming true, and the world will soon be consumed. A spiraling story of bloody histories, boundary-breaking magic, and powerful bonds, high-fantasy fans will not be disappointed with this masterfully imagined […]

2021-07-30T02:47:14+02:00July 28th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Grimdark: Tales of Exile by Kyle Fox

Grimdark by Kyle Fox

A dauntless fallen knight cuts a bloody trail through a blackened world of demonic horror in Grimdark by Kyle Fox, a hellish, sword-swinging work of dark fantasy. Reading like a vivid transcript of an epic RPG dungeon raid, Fox establishes his Tales of Exile series with a savage tone – visceral descriptions that writhe to life in the imagination, coupled with relentless struggle of both the body and mind.

With the progress of each chapter, Jacobus draws closer to the evil that has conquered and ravished his realm, a desperate attempt to eviscerate the plague of demons that has burned […]

2021-07-27T06:14:51+02:00July 26th, 2021|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |
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