Fantasy Book Reviews

Review: Synthesis by J. A. MacLeod

Don’t you just hate it when you’re at a subway stop and you hear someone calling for help from the tunnel? Then when you venture into the tunnel to see what’s happening, you stumble upon a hideous monster. Okay, that hasn’t happened to me. But after reading Synthesis by J. A. MacLeod, I’m now terrified of subway tunnels. And of monsters.

In MacLeod’s novel, Jack Gray can’t turn a deaf ear to someone calling for help in a Cambridge subway station. The monster that he encounters doesn’t seem to be from this world. After a terrible fight, Jack wakes up […]

2012-12-28T14:29:41+02:00December 28th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Grim Reaping by Anthony Lund

I’m not sure many people would volunteer for the job of Death. It’s not an easy occupation, which involves collecting all of the souls of those who have perished. The list keeps growing, no matter how hard and fast he works. But it’s a job that Grim Alfonso Reaper takes seriously.

Anthony Lund’s Grim Reaping, is a humorous tale about the Grim Reaper. Even though his job is daunting, usually everything goes according to plan for Grim. He shows up at the moment someone dies, asks them a few questions, and sends them on to their eternity either in […]

2012-12-27T13:43:49+02:00December 27th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Destinies in Motion by Liliya V. Galitskaya

Destinies in Motion is an epic adventure fantasy tale written by author and illustrator Liliya V Galitskaya, a Russian seamstress living in Canada.

The story introduces the Vladners, a family whose everyday lives are suddenly changed by events that seem beyond their control. Lana, the daughter of the family decides to take on the quest to discover the truth. But her pet cat Tac knows everything about the mystery and starts to lead her on her journey, and once they begin their quest, transforms himself into a hero.

Reminiscent of the film Labyrinth, Lana must find her baby brother in […]

2014-05-09T21:28:48+02:00November 26th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Secret of the Songshell (The Spectraland Saga) by Brian Tashima

When you pick up a fantasy genre book for teenagers, you expect Tolkeinesque trekking through rocks and meeting strange hybrid creatures, right? You expect lengthy descriptions of mountains, tunnels and pathways, yes? You expect charm, betrayal, adventure and friendship across species and a hero with the odds against him, don’t you? You get all of this in the first volume of this Saga by Hawaiian author Brian Tashima, but he adds some extra ingredients to make his writing unique.

Firstly, the touch of his Hawaiian culture comes through: There is a laid back, grass roots way that Tashima writes that […]

2014-05-09T21:36:16+02:00October 19th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Ambril’s Tale: The Return of the Dailluth by Wendy D. Walter

Any mention of the fantasy genre these days brings to mind Harry Potter, particularly if school-age magic workers just discovering their talents are involved. However, it is worth noting that J.K. Rowling didn’t invent child wizards, schools of witchcraft, or many of the familiar tropes of the Harry Potter series. She simply worked in a tradition that goes back a long way. She did it beautifully, of course, but so did many before her, including Ursula K. Le Guin, Susan Cooper, and Diana Wynne Jones.

With Ambril’s Tale, Wendy D. Walter has made her first contribution to this […]

2012-09-25T15:57:42+02:00September 25th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Sylvan Song by Phin Scardaw

In The Sylvan Song, Phin Scardaw has created a magical world of truth seekers and those who wish to keep the truth hidden. Symna lives in the township of Galn, in Naulemn. Naulemn is one of the Nine Realms of the Rión, which were created by and remain magically connected by the now-vanished Sylphs. All are part of the imperial Olymphin.

Symna marries Valcomn after a dream told her Valcomn’s brother, Jono, was not her future. Jono disappears even before Valcomn and Symna fall in love, and years later returns with a music box made by the Mystics, and […]

2014-05-09T21:54:23+02:00September 10th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Fantastica by Victorio Velasquez

Fantastica, by Victorio Velasquez is not a serious novel.  If you sit down to read it and you want your mind to be blown away by a touching story, this is not the novel for you.  If you are looking for something to make you laugh and to help you forget about the real world, then this may be the right fit.

Before I summarize the novel I would like to state that this story is meant to be silly.  Velasquez is poking fun at fantasy novels and about the world we live in today.  He goes out of his […]

2020-02-21T06:30:06+02:00June 19th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: A Searcher Summoned by Perrin Pring

A Searcher Summoned by Perrin Pring“The universe, as we know it, was created as a result of an exercise of thought.  In another dimension, far away from here…”

Do you feel like escaping into a new world?  Perrin Pring’s world in A Searcher Summoned (The Ryo Myths) is filled with lossals, ringers, zombies, dream searchers, Eoans, Afortiori, and the Chozen.

Before the universe was created, the Eoans and the Afortiori were one.  They were not human, but clouds of raw elements.   They constructed the universe as a challenge.  The introduction of free will drastically changed the fate of the universe.  Some of the Eoans developed […]

2019-01-23T13:04:19+02:00May 18th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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