Fantasy Book Reviews

Review: GunKnight by Cynthia & Scott Green

Gunknight ReviewGunKnight, the first part of The GunKnight Chronicles by Cynthia & Scott Green, is a quirky sci-fi story set in a world where guns are sacred tools which the desperate and the proud alike must live by. Colt, the only known surviving GunKnight – a technoreligious warrior clad in a powerful suit of biotech armor – wakes up in a dusty crater, alone, with only a crippling pain and a flickering heads-up display to jog his memory and guide his path through what may be a dead Earth.

As his memories return, his “mission” becomes more and more clear, […]

2014-05-30T14:11:07+02:00May 30th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Poe: Nevermore by Rachel M Martens

Poe:Nevermore ReviewThis Edgar Allen Poe-themed story follows Elenora Allison Poe, a desperate young woman suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after a terrible event. She meets homicide cop, Caleb Frost and is dragged into a new truth about her life – and possible demise.

As an opener to the works of Poe, this novel definitely will have you reaching for the nearest anthology. Personally, I don’t enjoy Poe but that doesn’t really matter because it’s his legacy that enthralls here – so even if you aren’t a Poe fan, this book goes deeper than just his works – this is a […]

2014-05-21T12:42:26+02:00May 21st, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Bloom, Or, the Unwritten Memoir of Tennyson Middlebrook by Martin Kee

BloomThe SPR Awards 2014 Best Fiction winner Bloom, Or, the Unwritten Memoir of Tennyson Middlebrook by Martin Kee reviewed by co-founder Cate Baum.

When Bloom hit our judges it stood out immediately. When you open the first pages of Bloom it’s a tantalizing mystery.

From General Knowledge Extraction Subject: Name
Estimated Age: —
Godstem Fragment: 5547896-33398b by 33388452d
Bloom – See Science and Nature):
1. (Science and Nature) One or more flowers on a
flowering plant
2. (Science and Nature) Algal blo0m – A rapid
increase in the population of microscopic algae or
phytoplankton in an aquatic system

2019-01-23T13:07:53+02:00April 29th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Prince S by Anita Renaghan

Prince SAnita Renaghan’s Prince S is a delightful addition to the young adult fantasy genre. S. Avalon Hall, a girl, is raised by the king of Fontanasia as a boy. The king needs to have a rightful heir to the throne to protect his rule and to ensure that the Hall family maintains their control in the kingdom. Not many know the secret and as Avalon grows up, she worries that their family secret will be discovered.

At the age of fourteen, Avalon embarks on a dangerous mission to Cormicks, a faraway land, which is also a secret from most of […]

2014-05-11T21:47:29+02:00April 2nd, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Last Falcon by Colleen Ruttan

The Last FalconWarning: Do not start reading this book until you’ve cleared your schedule. Take the dog out, make lots of tea, and have snacks available. Once you start, you won’t want to stop reading.

At the age of fourteen, Erynn Taylor witnesses her father’s murder. Luckily she escapes the same fate when a dragon suddenly appears and lunges at the attackers, providing Erynn the chance to slip away. Granted the dragon saved her, but the young woman is denied the opportunity to avenge her father’s brutal slaying.

Two years later, Erynn is King Wryden’s scribe and a helper in the castle’s […]

2019-01-23T13:07:35+02:00April 1st, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Echoes of Paradise by Deanna Kahler

Do you believe in the afterlife? Have you ever felt the presence of a loved one who has died, but couldn’t explain it? Deanna Kahler’s novel, Echoes of Paradise, is fiction. Yet if you are curious about the afterlife you can learn much from this story.

Celeste and Connor dated when they were younger, but they drifted apart. Connor moved to Italy. Celeste drowned herself in work and married another man and had a son. However, she never forgot Connor and their love. On his way back to the States, Connor tragically dies. Celeste is crushed when she hears […]

2019-01-23T13:06:51+02:00December 4th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Lives of Things by Stephanie Wilson Medlock

The world is filled with art of all types: statues, paintings, clocks, jewelry, dolls, and more. Artists from the beginning of time have attempted to make this world more beautiful and to leave their mark. Not all artists achieve international fame, but many want to. Or maybe they weren’t appreciated in their day, but now they are.

Imagine if you could communicate with the creator of art and objects that you see every day. Rebecca Katz doesn’t have to imagine that at all. Rebecca is a successful art authenticator for Atherton’s Auction House. However, her colleagues don’t know why she’s […]

2013-11-20T11:54:18+02:00November 20th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: James Clyde and the Diamonds of Orchestra by Colm McElwain

James Clyde and the Diamonds of Orchestra is a wonderful addition to the young adult fantasy adventure genre. The story is entertaining, fast-paced, and imaginative. James Clyde, an orphan, along with his two friends, Ben and Mary Forester, must safeguard a magical diamond from an evil man dressed in black. In order to protect the diamond, the children need to travel to Orchestra, an alternative world. Each step of the way, the trio encounters trials and tribulations and the army hunting them is merciless. Will the children be able to overcome all obstacles and keep the diamond out of the […]

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