Fantasy Book Reviews

The Realmsic Conquest: The Hero of Legend by Demethius Jackson

hero of legendKing Maebus has only been in power for less than a week and already there’s no peace for him as he rules this turbulent land. Warlord Damian, whose biggest weapon is history itself, and his legion of warriors, are pitted against The Realm and are ready to wreak havoc on the only magical kingdom in existence…will the magical or non-magical people come through? A classic swords and magic style tale with a strong cast of villains, a wizard and a good old-fashioned hero, this book will appeal to those into Tolkien, Pratchett and Game of Thrones.

Demethius Jackson is a […]

2014-10-03T07:16:00+02:00September 26th, 2014|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

The Automation: Vol. 1 of the Circo del Herrero Series

The Automation: Vol. 1 of the Circo del Herrero SeriesThe Automation: Volume 1 of the Circo del Herrero Series is a surreal Greco-Roman clockwork fantasy written through the seemingly-omniscient personalities “B.L.A.” and “G.B. Gabbler” about the life and occurrences of the unfortunate Odys after his encounter with a gory suicide that links him to the victim’s Automaton, a divine and complex being of unknowable machination that work in tandem with a human soul.

The book is very intricate in the ways it is written, shifting narrative gears between multiple levels of storytelling and perspective at times. Like any story based on Greco-Roman sensibilities, both the abstract and tangible divine […]

2014-08-13T17:37:09+02:00August 7th, 2014|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: Galadria: Peter Huddleston & the Mists of the Three Lakes by Miguel Lopez de Leon

Galadria 2 RevewThe second book in the  Galadria fantasy trilogy, Galadria: Peter Huddleston & the Mists of the Three Lakes, follows Peter on more thrilling adventures. It starts off with Peter back at home with his father and stepmom. Once again Peter is in trouble with his stepmom and her nosy friends. Luckily for Peter, summer is upon him and soon he’ll be heading back to Hillside Manor, where he’ll continue his studies with his tutors to learn more about the golden realm of Galadria.

In The Mists of the Three Lakes, Peter has to face different challenges, including attending Supreme […]

Review: Galadria: Peter Huddleston & The Rites of Passage by Miguel Lopez de Leon

Galadria 1 ReviewPeter Huddleston is an ordinary boy who lives in a dull town with his father and stepmother. No matter how hard he tries, he never fits in at school or at home. Peter, who is never without his trusty boomerang, moves from one blunder to the next until his father decides to ship him off to his aunt Gillian’s home, Hillside Manor, for a summer.

At first Peter dreads spending the summer with his aunt. Then he finds out there’s more to Gillian and Hillside Manor. In fact, Peter is his aunt’s only heir and she is Queen of Galadria. […]

Review: Galadria: Peter Huddleston and the Knights of the Leaf by Miguel Lopez de Leon

Galadria 3 ReviewThe final book in the Galadria fantasy trilogy is the shortest of the three novels but it packs quite the punch. Galadria: Peter Huddleston and the Knights of the Leaf starts right where the author left the readers hanging in the sequel. The previous book ended abruptly with a powerful cliffhanger, abandoning Peter in the midst of a battle with Knor of the House of Shadowray.

In book three, Peter and his grandfather are sent by Queen Gillian to seek aid from the Knights of the Leaf. Will Peter and his grandfather be able to convince serpent priestesses, knights, paper […]

Review: A Specter’s Journey by Ekin Odabas

A Specter's Journey ReviewA Specter’s Journey starts in the middle of a hellish gunfight, as our hero Jackie Clarke blasts his way through the streets to rescue his kidnapped wife, Melody. What a great beginning! Instead of the boring start many use, of their hero waking up in bed, or contemplating life over a coffee, Odabaş throws his readers into the action, immediately gripping his audience and seducing with language. Onomatopoeic writing employed at the off, Odabaş opens with a choice of phrase that colors reading in an unusual and sometimes exciting way.

The reader can smell, see, hear and sense, […]

2014-07-08T12:08:51+02:00July 8th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: Crow Creek by Thomas Drago

Crow Creek ReviewApart from a few suicides over the past couple years, the small North Carolina town of Crow Creek is of little note to anyone outside of its residents – friendly, well-acquainted – and while sad news will always rock a community, life goes on for the people within it. That is until the day a sinkhole swallows up a mother and child along with half a football pitch of land, and some residents suddenly have a reason to think that their private suspicions might have common ground, as strange as it may be.

Starting out slow and small, Crow Creek[…]

2018-11-08T13:14:52+02:00July 7th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Mintaka by Brian M. Brownrigg

Mintaka reviewMintaka, the first book of the Road in the Sky Saga by Brian M. Brownrigg follows a young boy named Orion, joined by his friends including his loyal dog Sirius and a strange magician named Isis. They soon discover the plans of the Gods and what Orion must do to ensure the world stands against an evil conqueror whose seal may be breaking, gathering alliances and facing the inevitability of loss during their adventure.

Mintaka is fairly standard fantasy fare that doesn’t break very much in terms of new ground in setting or basic premise. A triad of gods […]

2014-06-17T10:55:39+02:00June 12th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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