Fantasy Book Reviews

Review: The Jealousy of Jalice by Jesse Nolan Bailey

The Jealousy of Jalice by Jesse Nolan Bailey

Childhood friendship, tribal loyalty, and the bonds of magic are tested in The Jealousy of Jalice, a riveting and brilliantly penned novel from author Jesse Nolan Bailey. This female-led fantasy adventure features visceral descriptive language, an endlessly creative new world, uniquely relatable characters, and a fine balance of emotional intrigue and enrapturing action.

Annilasia, Delilee, and Jalice were once childhood friends, but the years have taken them in very different directions. Annilasia has become a tillishu, a skilled assassin with a shadowy past, Jalice is the revered wife of the Sachem, the chief of all tribes, and Delilee is […]

2022-02-28T05:43:25+02:00April 2nd, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: A Noble’s Path (The Enchanted Isles Book 2) by I.L. Cruz

A Noble's Path by I.L. Cruz

Inez Garza, sporting a new magical streak of purple hair, is back at the heart of rebellion and action in A Noble’s Path, the second book of the Enchanted Isles series from author I.L. Cruz. Following on from the tumultuous events of A Smuggler’s Path, this new installment dives right into the action, supported by remarkably thorough exposition from the first book.

Magic is still forbidden in Canto, but the hidden market is alive and well, and Inez continues to tread the finest line between royal blood and illicit smuggling. Navigating the complex underbelly of illegal magic and […]

Review: Dark World: Genesis by A.R. Kingston

Dark World: Genesis by A.R. Kingston

Tradition, magic, fear and a sinister plot to tear a kingdom apart collide in Dark World: Genesis by author A.R. Kingston, the first book of the Dark World Saga. Blending elements of classic fantasy with recognizable themes that feel starkly poignant in today’s divided times, this is a compelling start to an expansive new series.

In a kingdom once ravaged by war, leaders now rule with iron fists, forbidding pure-blood mages from mixing with any of the “grays,” ensuring that the magical bloodlines remain untainted. Alexandra Hamilton is the defiant young princess of Manevia, sequestered in her room like a […]

2020-03-02T08:10:12+02:00February 11th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |

Review: The Void Revealed by Stephen J. Ethier

The Void Revealed by Stephen J. Ethier

Power struggles abound in the city of Windhold, the entrancing setting for Stephen Ethier’s new science fiction and fantasy novel, The Void Revealed.

Centuries have passed since the last winds of Fury blew through the basin, scorching and burning all that lay in its path. Safely atop the Spire, the city of Windhold now braces for another period of devastation as the Void beneath their feet again turns into a violent realm of death and destruction.

However, there is far more to the Fury than meets the eye, and the tenuous balance of power between the Brotherhood of the […]

2020-02-05T05:34:22+02:00February 4th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Review: Aetherstorm (Songs of Sarin) by Alexander Ferrick

Aetherstorm (Songs of Sarin) by Alexander Ferrick

An eclectic group of warriors are each drawn to an epic tournament to the death in Aetherstorm (Songs of Sarin), the blistering new novel from author Alexander Ferrick.

A horde of demons has decided to challenge the dominion of the elven royalty by luring the greatest warriors of the land to a battle royale. Everyone traveling to the tournament, and their subsequent storyline, is driven by very different aims. There are the orphans Garron and Luca, who are seeking to avenge the death of their magical mentor and fully test their burgeoning powers. Prince Maronir, however, is determined to […]

2020-02-19T07:21:10+02:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Mark of the Medallion (The Wizard Academies Book 1) by Mike Shelton

Mark of the Medallion by Mike SheltonWith great power comes great temptation, as Kyril Siravan discovers in Mark of the Medallion, the first installment of the Wizard Academies series by Mike Shelton.

As an orphan and an apprentice wizard of the mind at the Wizard Academy, Kyril has a lot to learn about his abilities and the complex world of the mystic arts. However, not all is right at the academy, and when Kyril is drawn into a new group of secretive apprentices led by a wizard named Targon, his best friend Sylvie fears that he is treading a dangerous path.

While this fast-paced adventure […]

The Heartless Divine by Varsha Ravi

The Heartless Divine by Varsha Ravi

Author Varsha Ravi weaves a magnificent tale of secrets, gods, love, and fallen kingdoms in her enthralling debut novel, The Heartless Divine.

When an immortal with amnesia named Kiran nearly bleeds out in the doorway to Suri’s apartment, she has no idea that her life is about to change forever, nor that the young man could hold the key to all her tragic pasts.

Leaping between Suri’s modern-day existence and her life centuries ago as an assassin princess, this novel is a time- and mind-bending plunge into mythology, family, the power of memory, and the tangled web of destiny […]

Review: Dragon Blood (Shadow War Saga) by Elana A. Mugdan

Dragon Blood by Elana A. Mugdan

All journeys take unpredictable turns, as is the case for Keriya Soulstar, the intrepid protagonist of Dragon Blood, the third book in the Shadow War Saga by author Elana A. Mugdan.

When Keriya wakes up on the other side of the world, far from Allentria and her loyal companions, she must face a new and terrifying reality. Her part in the ancient war back home is over, for a time, but she remains determined to return and finish what she had started.

Armed only with her magic sword— –  had saved her from the evil shadow of Necrovar – […]

2020-02-04T10:54:15+02:00December 10th, 2019|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: , |
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