Children’s Book Reviews

Review: Emperor Norton’s Treasure Hunt by William Durkin and Shayne Durkin

★★★★★ Emperor Norton's Treasure Hunt by William Durkin and Shayne Durkin

In 1955, a year when the American Dream was fresh and alive, the San Francisco Chronicle had stiff competition to remain in business amidst the city’s infamous newspaper wars. Under tremendous pressure to succeed, an idea is born – like a diamond from coal: a treasure hunt. Not just any treasure hunt, but a treasure hunt of the ages. With clues to be given and real-life locations to visit, readers would fight tooth-and-nail across the city to find Emperor Norton’s lost prize… if it exists at all. With colorful characters both human and animal alike, follow along with this […]

2019-02-11T08:36:01+02:00November 28th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: , |

Review: Santa’s Rescue Dog (Super Speed Sam Book 5) by Monty J. McClaine

Santa's Rescue Dog★★★★

Books have always had the power to bring families together, allowing parents to share powerful, memorable stories with their children. In Santa’s Rescue Dog, Monty J. McClaine adds on to his popular series of children’s book about Super Speed Sam, his family’s loyal basset hound. In the first four installments of the series, readers were introduced to Sam and saw his amazing super-speed abilities in action. No one in the family knows about these powers except for the youngest of the McClaine clan, Molly the baby, but these books actually function as a portrait of the author’s family, […]

2019-02-11T08:36:27+02:00November 8th, 2016|Categories: Book Reviews, Lead Story|Tags: |

Sean Goes To Barcelona by Tanya Preminger

Sean Goes To Barcelona by Tanya PremingerSean Goes To Barcelona by Tanya Preminger is a book aimed at middle-grade readers about a mom and son’s visit to Barcelona to see the Barca soccer team play, explore the city, and maybe meet the boy’s hero, Messi. Expertly illustrated by Elettra Cudignotto, it’s a spirited adventure through a foreign city, and an ode to the world’s most popular sport.

As this is the second book in the series (following Sean Wants to be Messi), it would have helped if the author had established Sean’s love of Messi for those readers who are picking this book up as […]

2016-10-27T03:38:54+02:00October 27th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Finding Amelia by Lynsey Howell, Illustrated by Vitaliia Kalmutska

Finding Amelia by Lynsey HowellFinding Amelia by Lynsey Howell is a charming story for young children about Sara and her dog Zulu who excitedly visit an air show. Given the opportunity to fly in a bi-plane, Sara takes control of the plane and straight into a time portal cloud, where she’s soon joined by Amelia Earhart in the cockpit. There we learn about Amelia Earhart’s achievements, inspiring a love of flying for boys and girls alike.

A trained pilot herself, Howell injects Finding Amelia with a love of aviation, and a special reverence for Amelia Earhart. This passion comes through in the illustrations by […]

2016-10-18T11:48:45+02:00October 18th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Dynomike: Back To School by Frankie B. Rabbit, Illustrated by Lou Francis Isip

DynomikeDynomike: Back To School by Frankie B. Rabbit is a sweet and spirited book about a little green dinosaur’s first day of school. He’s nervous like kids and can be – especially about what to wear – trying on things over and over again. It’s a sweet book with a good message about appearances and judgment.  Dynomike is a cool little dinosaur with a great name who really seems like he could be the spearhead of a long series of books for kids.

The strongest element of the book is that it doesn’t stress its lessons too hard – its […]

2016-08-23T07:47:41+02:00August 23rd, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Light at Play by Rachelle Thimote, Illustrated by Gary Wein

Light at Play by Rachelle Thimote Instilling wisdom and progressive thought at an early age is incredibly important, and this sort of profound message can come in may forms – from the most fundamental visual message to deep, meaningful advice. Within the pages of Light at Play: Foundations for positive self-image and self-esteem, Rachelle Thimote touches on the basic themes that drive creativity, mental development, alternative thought, happiness, kindness and cognitive flexibility in children.

While it is clear what she is trying to accomplish, it seems that the ideas are presented a bit too simply. While the length of the book is restricted by the […]

2016-08-04T07:36:53+02:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Doggy Drama by Andra Gillum, Illustrated by Andy Case

Doggy Drama by Andra GillumIn Doggy Drama by Andra Gillum, a fluffy white dog named Riley, adorably rendered by illustrator Andy Case, puts on a brave face while confronting an escalation of changes in her household.

In first-person narration, Riley recalls happy times as the focal point for all of his “parents’” attention, followed by the chaotic aftermath of family additions: first one child, then another, then a new puppy. While each addition is disruptive, Riley learns to take it all in stride and celebrate the positive. The babies drop scraps of food from their high chairs and the new puppy is a great […]

2016-06-25T06:26:29+02:00June 25th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

The Jellyfish Monster by Bryan Kwasnik

 The Jellyfish Monster by Bryan Kwasnik The Jellyfish Monster by Bryan Kwasnik, with illustrations by Jackie Hahn, is a sweet good-natured children’s book about Billy, who’s playing at the shoreline and comes upon a jellyfish creatures with arms and legs who he dubs the Jellyfish Monster. The Jellyfish Monster takes Billy on a journey through the undersea world, where sea life acts a lot like humans, and Billy gets to participate in things like a shark race, and getting swallowed by a whale.

The illustrations are professionally-done and full of detail, though they could have done with a splash of color to make them as lively […]

2016-05-18T04:43:24+02:00May 18th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |
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