Children’s Book Reviews

Review: Who Can Fix It? by Leslie Ann MacKeen

Who Can Fix It? by Leslie Ann MacKeen

Who Can Fix It? is a delightful problem-solving picture book for young readers, written and illustrated by Leslie Ann MacKeen.

On his way to his mother’s house for Sunday dinner, Jeremiah T. Fitz’s car comes to a complete stop and then quits running altogether. Jeremiah wonders aloud who can fix his car and despite visits by the likes of Kara Kangaroo, Elmo Elephant, Gloria Gorilla, Petunia Peacock, Barnabus Bear and several others, all of whom offer Jeremiah encouragement and unique ideas to fix his car, no one is able to find a solution.

It’s not until the last animal comes […]

2018-06-04T13:30:19+02:00April 2nd, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Review: Lamellia: The Wicked Queen by Gloria D. Gonsalves, Illustrated by Katerina Brunot

Lamellia: The Wicked Queen by Gloria D. Gonsalves

Lamellia: The Wicked Queen is a charming story by Gloria D. Gonsalves, with the talented brushstrokes of Katerina Brunot bringing color and depth into this imaginative book for children.

Lamellia, the kingdom of mushrooms, is a magical place that would be perfect were it not for the fact that its rulers, King Polipoli and Queen Nobilia, have remained childless. This has left the queen constantly singing sad songs, making those around her sad as well.

One day, one of the king’s Lantern guards finds a human baby while walking in the forest. The baby is brought back to the kingdom […]

2019-02-04T11:51:02+02:00March 6th, 2018|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

What’s a Monster? (Tales from Dulaney Street Book 1) by Maurice Trent, Illustrated by Arisbeth Cruz

What's a Monster? (Tales from Dulaney Street Book 1)What’s a Monster? written by Maurice Trent, with illustrations by Arisbeth Cruz, is a wonderful storybook with a great little twist that goes beyond your typical children’s monster-story fare.

Oliver is scared of the house at night. During an argument over the family bathroom, Oliver’s older brother Ty tells him to keep his voice down otherwise it will attract the resident kid-eating monster, which Oliver tries to ignore. It is only when Oliver receives a playhouse as a gift for his fifth birthday that the forgotten threat of monsters suddenly becomes all too real for Oliver, and it’s cleverly revealed […]

2017-12-08T11:02:52+02:00December 8th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

B.A.L.D.: Lillie’s First Day of School by Tijuana Collier & Khaila Ramey-Collier, Illustrated by Vanessa Alexandre

B.A.L.D.: Lillie’s First Day of SchoolB.A.L.D.: Lillie’s First Day of School by Tijuana Collier and Khaila Ramey-Collier, is a charming storybook with an all-important message about confidence and individuality.

Lillie is very excited about the most important day of her life – her first day of school. She can count to twenty-two, write and draw inside the lines, and can even tie her shoes on her own, making her more than ready for school. However, Lillie’s a little different from other young girls in that she’s bald. No worries, though. In Lillie’s world, being B.A.L.D. simply means that Beauty Always Looks Different…

Influenced by personal […]

2017-11-21T07:36:50+02:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

The Day Momma Made Me Dance by Patrice Shavone Brown

The Day Momma Made Me DanceThe Day Momma Made Me Dance by Patrice Shavone Brown is a children’s book that is intended to educate about the contentious topic of disciplining your child with violence.

This short book begins with some basic house rules as well as social etiquette for children, such as no running in the house and share while playing with others. The young girl in the book ignores everything she’s told to do, until one day, she brings home a write-up slip from her teacher. Her mother becomes angry and wants to see how well the child “can dance,” as she disciplines the […]

2017-10-11T07:26:43+02:00October 3rd, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Review: More Tales for Your Monkey’s Mind by Steve Michael Reedy, Illustrated by Tom Fee

More Tales for Your Monkey's Mind

The mind is a powerful tool and nowhere is it more evident than in More Tales for Your Monkey’s Mind, a highly-imaginative series of stories for young children by Steve Michael Reedy, with illustrations by Tom Fee.

With irresistible titles such as “Chef Tubblygras and Her Amazing Purple Hippos,” “James and the Clock of Torsion Springs” and “The Nuts in Nuttersville,” each story in Reedy’s book is chock full of entertaining characters, thanks to Reedy’s quirky characterization and unique name choices. Children will love names like Chef Tubblygras, Tilly Triller, and Cropper Roo, artful tongue-twisters in their own right, […]

2020-04-03T04:20:07+02:00September 27th, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

My Little Heart, Ruthie by Toni Jannotta, Illustrated by Jennifer Mones

Composed with victims of emotional abuse in mind, My Little Heart, Ruthie encourages and inspires with poetry and drawings. Toni Jannotta, actress and dancer, now branches out to write children’s books, in this case using limericks as her poetic medium.

Ruthie is a heart who plays a harp, but her hopes have been crushed by cruel words. When she tried to soothe people with her gentle sounds, they “barked and snapped.” She’s convinced she’s “stinky” and “ugly,” too lonely to make beautiful music—until she hears a song on the breeze that shakes her from the cold prison of her self-denigrating […]

2017-08-29T04:46:18+02:00August 28th, 2017|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

Review: The Worst Pet Peeve Ever by Anne Marie Hanlon Cook

The Worst Pet Peeve Ever by Anne Marie Hanlon Cook

Defining a “peeve” as something that annoys you, and a “pet peeve” as something you just like to be annoyed about, writer and illustrator Anne Marie Hanlon Cook has created an engaging, readable fable for children, though there is a message In The Worst Pet Peeve Ever for readers of all ages.

The narrator’s plaint in this colorful tale is that her mother’s determination to keep the house clean means no company and no pets. The little girl lives happily enough with mother, father, sister and brother, but no human visitors and definitely no animals are allowed. Pets are her […]

2019-02-11T08:37:55+02:00August 21st, 2017|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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