Children’s Book Reviews

Review: James Clyde and the Diamonds of Orchestra by Colm McElwain

James Clyde and the Diamonds of Orchestra is a wonderful addition to the young adult fantasy adventure genre. The story is entertaining, fast-paced, and imaginative. James Clyde, an orphan, along with his two friends, Ben and Mary Forester, must safeguard a magical diamond from an evil man dressed in black. In order to protect the diamond, the children need to travel to Orchestra, an alternative world. Each step of the way, the trio encounters trials and tribulations and the army hunting them is merciless. Will the children be able to overcome all obstacles and keep the diamond out of the […]

Creating Attention-Grabbing Children’s Stories in a Tech-Driven World

montage of childrens books
Nearly every child has heard, “Stop staring at that screen and go read a book!” Before TV, parents were probably saying something similar about the radio. And before that, well, marbles might have been a child’s object of obsession.

Today, however, children have such an enormous plethora of distractions — from the Internet to video games to smartphones and even social networks — that TV has become the least of parents’ problems when it comes to getting their kids to read. It can be easy for a parent to give up and let the video games win the war for […]

2022-05-21T01:21:21+02:00October 17th, 2013|Categories: Features|Tags: , |

Review: The Dragon Who Feared Fire by Jeff Shevlowitz

“The Dragon Who Feared Fire” is a delightful tale about two outcasts who find each other and discover the true meaning of friendship. Even before Harold’s birth, his father knew he would not be like other dragons. Percy, Harold’s father, predicts, “Growing up may be hard for you, but you’ll be a dragon unlike any other.” Percy is correct. Unlike the other hatchlings, Harold is scared of fire. When the other youngsters revel in their ability to breathe fire, Harold runs away in fear. He prefers spending his time in solitude swimming in a secret lake. Most dragons hate the […]

2019-01-22T10:46:06+02:00October 30th, 2012|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |
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