Book Marketing Advice and Tips

Authors Must Be Marketers

authors marketingAuthors don’t like to promote their own works. Here are actual quotes from some of the authors we published:

“I’m a writer, not a marketer.”

“I’m uncomfortable asking people to buy my book.”

“I don’t really understand social media.”

“I’ve put a ton of effort into writing my book. Why do I have to sell it?”

On the one hand, I sympathize with these comments. It makes sense. You’ve written a book and it’s somebody else’s job to sell the books. Isn’t that the way the book business works? Plus, won’t your beautiful writing sell itself on its own merits?[…]

2020-02-21T03:54:10+02:00September 16th, 2014|Categories: Features|Tags: |

Selling your book bit by bit

With ebook sales on the rise and considering the number of ebook readers, tablets, and smartphones that provide readers access to your book why is it that your book isn’t providing you steady income?  Their are tons of reasons why people choose to buy or pass over any given book.  One reason is that we live in a “review driven” society.  We don’t buy shoes, books, clothing, etc. without reading the reviews first.  How do you get reviews if no one will buy your book because it has no reviews?

A lot of authors have taken to giving away their […]

2020-02-21T07:17:48+02:00March 24th, 2014|Categories: Member Blog|Tags: |

SPR Podcast With Best-Selling Author Kate Danley

Kate Danley’s debut novel, The Woodcutter, was honored with the Garcia Award for the Best Fiction Book of the Year, the 1st Place Fantasy Book in the Reader Views Literary Awards, and the winner of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Recently, it was signed with 47North. In this, the first of a series of podcasts with best-selling authors, SPR’s editor Cate Baum catches up with Kate in this podcast on her top tips for winning on Amazon and how she was able to become a full-time author via self-publishing.
Kate Danley on Amazon


2013-12-28T12:02:13+02:00November 1st, 2013|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , , |

Creating Attention-Grabbing Children’s Stories in a Tech-Driven World

montage of childrens books
Nearly every child has heard, “Stop staring at that screen and go read a book!” Before TV, parents were probably saying something similar about the radio. And before that, well, marbles might have been a child’s object of obsession.

Today, however, children have such an enormous plethora of distractions — from the Internet to video games to smartphones and even social networks — that TV has become the least of parents’ problems when it comes to getting their kids to read. It can be easy for a parent to give up and let the video games win the war for […]

2022-05-21T01:21:21+02:00October 17th, 2013|Categories: Features|Tags: , |

Review: Red Hot Internet Publicity by Penny C. Sansevieri

Are you a struggling self-published author, “non-techie newbie” or just a marketing specialist looking for the latest tips and tricks in the ever-changing world of Internet marketing? Red Hot Internet Publicity: The Insider’s Guide to Marketing Online by Penny C. Sansevieri is the book written with you in mind.

A self-published author herself, Sansevieri offers the latest know-how from her own experiences, written especially to ease you into the intimidating waters of the medium. If jargon like “Web 2.0”, “media drivers”, “blogging” and “social networking” has you saying “I’m totally lost”, this book will give you both the basics and […]

2020-02-21T03:54:32+02:00August 7th, 2013|Categories: Book Reviews|Tags: |

Book Marketing Using Paid Advertising – A Study

The current buzz in book marketing is paid on-line advertising. Some authors report excellent results, other complete disappointment. This study is divided into two parts: the Good News and the Bad News, as reported by authors who have paid to promote their books.

The study started with a conversation with a fellow author whose blog helps support fellow authors for a nominal fee to cover the costs. Her newsletter has a modest membership and provides a good service to authors.

While discussing paid on-line book advertising, one of her first question to me was “Is there a payback to the

2020-02-21T04:35:31+02:00July 24th, 2013|Categories: Features, Lead Story|Tags: |

What Sells a Book?

Book covers

I’ve often seen independent authors posting a series of cover images online and asking people to choose their favourite; or they might ask a handful of friends what cover they’d buy. Choosing a book cover with either method doesn’t make a lot of sense. I have been telling my family I’m going to paint my bedroom for the last 15 years, but there it is, the same ugly shade of pink it was in the late 1990s.

My point is that people don’t always do what they’ll say they’ll do. A better question to ask friends or people […]

2020-02-21T05:52:23+02:00June 16th, 2013|Categories: Resources|Tags: , |

Free eBook Promotions Can Be Pure Gold for Authors

Well it’s time for another Free Book Promotion. The last one pushed by mystery novel, Black Mountain Secrets, up the Amazon ranking ladder to number ten. But it was definitely a learning experience.

One lesson I learned was you needed more than a general goal of being a successful writer. Giving your work away for nothing had to have a purpose for me. I know some authors refuse to give their books away. Being a relatively new author, I needed to get my work out in the reader’s hands.

As I always do in this type of situation, I […]

2020-02-21T05:52:27+02:00June 3rd, 2013|Categories: Features, Lead Story|Tags: |
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