Book Marketing Advice and Tips

Seven Steps To Maximum Exposure For Your Self-Published Book

7 tips maximize sales book
It’s a very competitive market out there. Here are some more direct tips from SPR’s marketing team to get your book sold and seen.

  1. Good cover design

    The one greatest tool for your book marketing is a professional book cover. Without it, you will fail online, you will fail on a book stand. People do judge a book by its cover.  A professional cover won’t break the bank, but it will cost a few hundred dollars. It’s essential you budget for this expense in your marketing costs.  This expense, plus editing, should be the absolute essentials when self-publishing. Frankly, people

2020-02-21T05:53:07+02:00June 13th, 2017|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: , |

Six Ways You Are Ruining Your Book Marketing Campaign

There’s a great deal of information out there to be sifted through to market your book well – but there’s also a lot you could be taking on board that could do your book more damage than good. Cate Baum busts some of the myths of indie book marketing and what you should do instead.

1. You are joining author groups to share your book, hoping for sales

If you join an author group on Facebook or Linkedin expecting to gain sales by posting your book release news, you’re looking in the wrong place. You will see these groups are […]

2019-02-03T09:01:12+02:00March 21st, 2016|Categories: Features|Tags: , |

How To Sell Your Book In Person – A Step-by-Step System For Book Fairs and Signings

“Handselling books”, as it is known, is aggressive. Don’t tell yourself tales like “I just want to get ten signups to my mailing list today.” No, you don’t. You want to sell your book. You just can’t be bothered. You’d rather send an email and see if someone buys your book after they left.

So here’s how to handle the front line, the trenches, the living marketplace of book ownership. Author Elizabeth Sims says at Writer’s Digest, “Building a readership one person at a time, face to face, is incredibly valuable. And because unlike a juicy rack of […]

2020-02-21T05:52:03+02:00December 22nd, 2015|Categories: Features|Tags: |

Creating a Book Trailer for Your Self-Published Novel

Image Source:

As many indie authors know, it can be difficult to get your self-published novel read by people outside of your inner circle of family and friends. Facebook, Twitter and other social networks can certainly help, but at the end of the day, they are just words – mixed with a static image, some hashtags and some links. Sometimes you need to go a little further to make an impact.

This is where a book trailer can help. You don’t have to be an internet genius to understand the power of online video. YouTube, Instagram, Vine and […]

2020-02-21T03:53:43+02:00April 17th, 2015|Categories: Resources|Tags: |

Six Reasons Why Some Books Will Never Be Bestsellers

Often authors ask, “Why am I not selling any books?” after spending time, and often money, on pushing their books like crazy on self-publishing them. Here, we take a look at why that happens, and what you can do about it if you are in that exact situation.

1. Niche means niche, and if it’s niche…

Issue: A niche subject has a finite market, whatever you do.

Solution: Think of a new angle to market your book to a broader market. But accept that if you wrote a book about a real niche interest, such as coin collecting, corset making, […]

2019-02-03T09:01:26+02:00February 18th, 2015|Categories: Features|Tags: , , |

Self-Publishing Starter Kit

We get a lot of questions here from writers just beginning to self-publish who have little to no idea about the process. They’re all asking about the most basic nuts and bolts: how do I self-publish? We’ve gathered together the best services currently running (and have been running for a while) to publish a book quickly and professionally.

There’s still a fair bit of DIY involved with the services listed below, but you’ll have a more professional book and keep a larger share of the royalties.

So here’s a basic starter pack for the novice self-publisher who wants more of […]

Most Writers Are Unsuccessful: A Pep Talk

Self-publisher Dylan Hearn has a very honest, but fairly depressing, post up on his site that’s gone pretty viral because it speaks to so many: 5 self-publishing truths few authors talk about:

1 You need talent to succeed but it’s no guarantee
The days of being able to publish an average story with an OK cover and finding success are over. There are many, many talented writers out there producing fantastic books who are struggling to find an audience. I know so many brilliant authors struggling to get themselves heard. An excellent story, professionally edited, well presented and with

2020-02-21T05:52:11+02:00January 15th, 2015|Categories: Features|Tags: |

SPR and CreativIndie Announce The Bestseller Book Launch Package


Self-Publishing Review, the leading indie book review site, and CreativIndie, the brainchild of book marketing and design expert Derek Murphy, have come together to offer self-published and indie press authors a guarantee of reaching #1 in their category on Amazon.

The package combines platform-building exposure with solid, provable marketing techniques we are so sure about we will give you your money back if you do not reach the number 1 spot in your category.

The package is only available to ebooks that have not been launched yet, on application. You can apply here.

The Difference Between Platform and Marketing[…]

2020-02-21T03:53:58+02:00November 27th, 2014|Categories: Features, News|Tags: |
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