Book Marketing Advice and Tips

How Do I Sell Books in 2020?

It’s 2020. You have written your book and published it, but nobody is buying it. What works, what doesn’t work? Things have changed for authors but many points of information still churn out the same old advice. We take a look at what’s needed to become a success.

Price is all

Maybe there was a time when you could price your Kindle book at $9.99 and someone might buy it. But now, if you are an indie author, the best price point is between 99 cents and $2.99. Remember that it is better to sell ten books at 99 cents […]

2020-02-21T05:53:13+02:00February 11th, 2020|Categories: Features|Tags: , |

Introducing Bookvertiser: Book Marketing with Results


The team at SPR has created a new book promotion service for authors: Bookvertiser.

The service is a similar process to SPR’s own Amazon Promotions, but with more flexible options, such as the ability to gain 200 sales at once, and new monthly promotions where you can attain 4-5 sales and 50 sales a month to maintain momentum.

The full list of services are:

Kindle Book Sales

We target reader demographics who are likely to buy your book, based on age, gender, interests, and other important factors. You can receive 50, 100, and 200 sales at a time, […]

2020-02-04T01:32:45+02:00February 4th, 2020|Categories: Features, News|Tags: , |

Kindle Promotion Tips to Maximize Your Newsletter Marketing Campaign

Promotion for eBooks on emailersThe window for marketing is pretty small. Certainly, you should never give up on a book once it’s had its major marketing push, but Amazon only gives a 3-month window to end up in the Hot New Releases section, or to benefit from other ranking factors that fade over time the older a book gets. So it can make sense to put all your eggs in one basket and try to make a giant push all at once.

Think of movie marketing – there are a few weeks of heavy advertising leading up to a release, there’s an opening weekend, […]

20 Book Marketing Strategies for New and Experienced Authors

At SPR, we see a lot of books come our way, and we see some of the same mistakes being repeated over and over again. This is not just the case for a novice author, but for authors who have 10+ books out. Obviously, new authors should take heed most of all, so follow this book promotion checklist to make sure you’re doing everything you can – potentially for no cost at all.

Sign Up for Amazon Author Central

This is one that seemingly a lot of authors haven’t heard of because too often it’s not used. Amazon’s Author Central[…]

2019-07-02T03:47:25+02:00July 1st, 2019|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: , |

How Authors Can Help Other Authors

Another author’s success can sometimes sting. But remember: we’re all in this together – that’s why something like #WritingCommunity exists. If a writer is successful, that’s a success for everyone, as books are the underdog in the media landscape.

It can feel counterintuitive to support another author’s book, as they can seem like a competitor in your own field, and you may feel like you should be spending your time only on your own book. However, self-promotion is not normally as effective as word of mouth, so if you spend your days wondering why you’re not receiving enough attention, the […]

2020-02-21T06:49:14+02:00June 3rd, 2019|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: , |

Five Reasons You Shouldn’t Rush Publishing Your Book

Many authors think they should make a plan to publish and promote their book ahead of time. Here are five reasons to avoid a rushed book promotion campaign.

Run out of time for your book campaign?

ONE You may find errors in your book and have to rush the corrections

Classic dilemma. You’ve got your book file all ready to go, you have the reviews and promos locked in. Two days before they run, you realize you have whopping errors in your text. This is so common that we advise all authors never to book a review or promo until the book has been completely finalized and read […]

2020-02-21T03:53:03+02:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Features|Tags: |

Best Free Book Marketing Sites

Most know that BookBub is very expensive, as well as very difficult to get into. SPR’s own BookBub alternative (starting at $199) has no barrier to entry, but it’s also expensive if your budget is…zero. There are a number of BookBub-style newsletter services that allow for free submissions. These submissions aren’t guaranteed, and many offer a paid option to guarantee inclusion, but it’s still helpful if you really have no budget for book marketing, or you want to pad out your paid efforts with some other services.

As with pay sites, it’s best to spread out these listings over 3 […]

15 Places for Authors to Write a Guest Post

Places to Blog

Blogging is an essential part of book marketing. It’s always a bit mystifying to hear authors say, “I don’t know what to blog.” You’re a writer! It’s part of the job. If readers like the way you put together a post, they’ll be more likely to check out your book.

However, blogging can also feel like writing into the wilderness, especially if your site gets scant traffic, which is usually the case for new writer’s sites. If your blog (or book) is hurting for viewers, a good practice is to post on a blog with a built-in audience.

CreativIndie has […]

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