This promotional price is ONLY for titles that you have already promoted at SPR using either the review-only Amazon Promo or the Amazon Best Seller Promos. If this order is for a new title, please order it on the usual page here. Orders for new book titles will not be accepted using this page’s prices, even if you are a repeat client.
Alternatively, we offer a discount for Pro members, for those ordering many book promos over the year, here.
All prices shown are for eBooks priced $2.99 or under for the promo period (you may change your price after the promo). We no longer promote paperbacks. The optimal price for promos is 99 cents. If you want to promote your book at a higher price, there will be a small supplement payable. The maximum price your book can be during a promotion is $4.99. We do not recommend this, but it may be possible to price your book higher for smaller packages. Please consult us for more information.
Minimum and maximum numbers expected are shown for reviews. We will consider your order complete when it reaches the minimum number of reviews, although you may garner more later.
- Set your book to $2.99 or under (99 cents is optimal)
- We promote your eBook to readers after around 2-4 weeks wait time
- Readers buy and read your eBook, spread out over the month
- Readers will leave Verified Customer Reviews on
- Reviews normally start coming in a week after the promotion date
- Promos are completed in 3-6 weeks (Please allow time for larger orders)
Note: You need the Best Seller Promotion for ranking – or purchase a 50 Sales Promotion in addition to a Review Promotion.
We will not contact you again after we acknowledge your order, so please only contact us if after 10 weeks you do not see reviews coming in as expected.
- Please note that you are purchasing an email list promotion for your Kindle eBook on, not reviews.
- SPR does not have any direct contact with reviewers that receive the mailing list promotions for your book, and will not be able to contact any reader/reviewer regarding these reviews, as they are members of the public.
- By purchasing a package you understand we have no control over the content of these public reviews on Amazon, nor the opinions of the general public who buy and review a book because of our promotion, and we are therefore not responsible for the content.
- It is not always possible to promote on an exact date, but we will try. We strongly recommend you do not choose to promote on weekends and holidays.
- If you are with BookBaby, Ingram, Xlibris, or other small press where you do not have complete control over your KDP dashboard, be aware that many of these services refuse to change categories for wider distribution reasons.
- Your price must be set at $2.99 or under during your promo period, or you can pay an additional supplement for a higher price. You may change the price back again if you wish after your promotion is complete, but you must not change it once the promotion starts.
- Your link as provided at purchase MUST be live and stable for the duration of your promotion or you may forfeit the promotion’s delivery. We cannot be held liable for any deleted or broken links you have provided for your campaign and it is your responsibility to check them.
- It is your responsibility to ensure you can change this price in time for your promotion if you wish to rank higher on Amazon. This is because our email lists work best when books are priced lower, while giving you a 70% royalty return.
- We do not offer refunds on SPR Promotions for any reason, including the performance of your promotion, except in the case of duplicate purchase.
- All our promotions are within Amazon Guidelines. You can read the letter we received from Amazon regarding reviews here.
Amazon Promotions are considered a CUSTOMIZED service. This means we customize the promotion just for your book.
Amazon Promos are delivered in between 1 day and 7 weeks. This does not include resulting material, such as reviews from members of the public, as we have no control over the outcome of your promotion.
- We cannot guarantee a book’s ranking because this is against Amazon’s Terms, although all numbers shown are expected results. In the rare event you do not reach your expected ranking, you accept that Amazon is a separate entity to Self-Publishing Review and is not linked or partnered in any way, and as such, we have no control over their business or activity that results from any book promotion we carry out on your behalf, and on occasion, due to their private and proprietary activity it is out of our control if your promotion does not result in the ranking as planned, and we cannot take any responsibility for this and are not liable for this activity as we are not in control of Amazon’s system.
- By ticking the Terms and Conditions box and agreeing to them, you acknowledge that we carry out an email promotion service to our own email list of members of the public, and that we do not sell reviews or ranking, and that reviews and ranking are as a result of your promotion, not a commodity you are purchasing. Therefore we cannot change or correct any reviews, nor can we contact any reviewer.
- You agree that your live Amazon book link as provided to SPR for your Amazon promotion must remain active and stable during the course of your promotion period once your date has been agreed/ we have started the promotion. If you delete your book from Amazon, or change the link, ASIN, title, or price during this promotion time, your promotion will finish immediately and will be considered finished by you, and any outstanding Verified reviews or sales will be forfeited and no longer owed to the author for this promotion, and we will not be liable for the minimums shown on our website. Please therefore ensure that your link for your book is stable and live and submitted correctly to us for promotion. No changes can be made to your book page once the promotion is running for the duration of the promotion time, including the time it takes for reviewers to post their reviews. By ticking the Terms and Conditions box on our site on purchase, you are agreeing to keep your link live and stable during the promotion time.
How to make the most out of your promotion: Best Practice Guide for Amazon Promos
Want a copy of the Terms of Service for these promotions? Terms of SPR Promotions
Supplements for higher-priced books can only be considered for 4-5 or 7-10 packages and will be charged on a scale accordingly.
We cannot promote books at higher prices than $4.99 (although we do not recommend this).
Any book above $2.99 will need a supplement payable before the promotion to cover the extra cost of promoting your book more thoroughly to meet targets, which become increasingly more involved as the price of the book rises. This is why we ask you to price under $2.99, as you will gain you the best royalties and most sales. You will get optimum results, i.e. more sales and reviews, if you price at $0.99, as readers love a bargain.
Supplements are charged above $2.99 as:
$3.99 = $1 per book review/sale
$4.99 = $2 per book review/sale
Supplements for higher-priced books can only be considered for 4-5 or 7-10 packages and will be charged on a scale accordingly.
We bill this supplement to you via an invoice via PayPal when you indicate to us that you do not wish to lower your price for the promotion period.
You can pay by debit, credit, PayPal, or BACS
Payment is made through the #1 trusted payment gateway in the world, PayPal. You can pay at PayPal by any credit card, debit card, or your PayPal account.
BACS (bank payment) is available to those in non-PayPal countries. These countries include Lebanon, Libya, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Zimbabwe, and Monaco. Contact us for more details on this payment method if you are resident in these countries.
VAT is payable if you live in the EU unless you can provide a VAT number. VAT is charged at 21%. There is no tax charged to anyone residing outside of the EU area.
All prices shown are for books priced $2.99 or under. If your book is priced higher, there will be a small supplement payable, depending on the price of the book and size of the package. Email us if you need this supplement.
- Our services are in extremely high demand, and therefore you should book around a month in advance for Best Seller Packages, and around 3-6 weeks in advance for Review-only promotions. There is always a waiting period, so don’t expect us to have a spot tomorrow.
- Remember that readers will first buy your book, and it takes up to one month for them to leave a review after reading it, although some might review your book a few days after enjoying it.
- Review packages run over 2-6 weeks.
- Bestseller Packages run over 1-5 days, with reviews coming in over 3-6 weeks.
- If for any reason after 8 weeks you do not have all the reviews or sales you ordered, we will re-run your promotion to build up your numbers. We track all reviews that come in with Google tools, and will be aware of how the promotion is going.
- You will be sent a screenshot of your best ranking moment a short while after your promotion runs if you bought a promotion that helps ranking.
Contact us if you would like a further customized package – such as promoting an entire series, or if you want to order promotions for 3 or more books at once. SPR’s promotions are not limited to self-published books, so we are experienced in promoting titles for independent presses as well.
Customized Services – PayPal Buyer Protection
Almost all services at SPR are created just for your book, which means our products are customized, that is, we cannot take the review or promotion back and resell it, because it only pertains to your book. Because of this, you are not automatically entitled to Buyer Protection at PayPal, and we will fight cases where clients file for a refund calling on Buyer Protection, as it does not apply in almost all cases on our services. The only exceptions are:
- Contest entries (before the contest is judged)
- Buying duplicates by mistake
- You purchased two items but received one
- You do not receive your promotion (the promotion of your book to our readers, which is what you are buying, not the reviews or sales that result and that we have no control over) after more than 30 working days from when you send us the link to your book, price the book as per our terms above, and in the case of the Best Seller Promotion, change your categories as per our assessment.
Intangible items like services and custom made items are not eligible for PayPal Buyer Protection. Read more here.