Submit your book to us for eBook conversion from your paperback file!

What we accept:

  • Books that are only text, or that have less than ten photos or illustrations (author photo or front map excepted)
  • Books with less than 200,000 words – a supplement is payable for longer books – contact us
  • Any genre except academic textbooks, dictionaries, catalogues, or large format books
  • A finished version of your file that has been fully and finally edited. If not, get edited here first

What you will get:

An eBook file for upload to Amazon, emailed to you within ten working days.

  • You can upload this to Amazon KDP to publish – we check it for issues before we send it to you
  • You can also sell your eBook as a standalone file from your website as a download.

SPR Paperback to eBook Conversion – $399


How To Submit

We will direct you to an upload link to attach and send your files after purchase. Read the instructions carefully.

If you are not ready, don’t worry. You can use the upload link we send you via email after purchase.

These files are stored in our secure Dropbox, and deleted after use.

What To Submit

After purchase, you should submit ONLY the following files:

1. The Word or Open Office file of your book’s interior – no other file format will be accepted

2. If applicable, any images, charts, or non-text objects as separate files in any format

Unlike other suppliers in the market, we do everything in-house. We do not farm work out to remote suppliers we don’t know. The team members who work on your conversion have trained on the EFA eBook conversion course, and have years of experience.

We accept nearly all books.

But we can’t work on books with illustrations, diagrams, science books, tables, academic textbooks, dictionaries, or encyclopedias. This is because they are extremely time-consuming and require specialist production.

We won’t work on books that promote hate speech or fundamentalist religious, moralistic, political, faux-scientific, or race-related opinion. Hate speech is illegal in most of the world and therefore, for ethical, personal, and business reasons we will not work on these sorts of books. If you are not sure, ask us to take a look at your book.

Contact us to arrange to pay a supplement. We charge as follows:

  • Up to 1000 words over the 200,000 limit – $20
  • 1000 – 5000 words over the limit – $50
  • Every 5000 words after that – $30

So, for example:

  • If your book is 200,005 words long, you will pay a $20 supplement
  • If your book is 7000 words over the limit, you will pay a $70 supplement
  • If your book is 15,000 words over the limit, you will pay a $110 supplement

We count every single word in your text, including titles, headers, footers, and tables of contents in this total.
