
Free tools, tips and links from SPR on writing and selling your book

10 Alternatives to Goodreads

This post is an addendum to Author Directory Sites: The Complete List. If you’re just looking for library/catalog sites, here you go. There’s no reason to stop at Goodreads, even if it is the biggest and most used.

Well, let me amend that. There are so many hours in the day, so if you want to concentrate your efforts on a library site, it makes sense to stick with Goodreads. If you’ve got time to spare, putting some time and energy into these sites can only help. And if all you want to do is create a profile […]

2014-07-15T13:33:15+02:00July 14th, 2014|Categories: Resources|Tags: |

Author Directory Sites: The Complete List

There are a lot of different types of directories: author listings, book listings, and libraries. This post will cover them all, some for free, some for a fee. I’m defining “directory” as any site where an author can add a book page, author page, or both.  It certainly can’t hurt to put your book wherever you can. It doesn’t even matter if no one buys it when they view the book on a particular page. A reader sees a book enough times and it might have the illusion of popularity. It’s also good for SEO: the more times your book […]

2019-02-06T14:49:12+02:00July 13th, 2014|Categories: Resources|Tags: |

Crowdsourcing Sites for Authors: The Complete List

Crowdsourcing may be how most books are published in the future. Forget advances from publishers – it’s another avenue that makes going it alone much easier, because you’re not really going it alone at all. The process is simple: create a project, add some incentives (signed copy, marriage, etc.) and you can get a book fully funded – pay for cover, editing, marketing and more. Here are 10 good tips for creating a crowdsourcing campaign. The main trick is to find the sweet spot: enough money so you can pay for what you need, not so much so it’s […]

2020-02-21T07:53:32+02:00July 2nd, 2014|Categories: Resources|Tags: |

Are You Looking For Free E-books?

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The e-book industry has become much larger than we could have ever anticipated, which is probably why there are so many people trying to get into it. If this is you, then this search engine is the perfect solution, as buying e-books  could break the bank every single time you find yourself in the situation of wanting to read something!  You can either read the books directly from a smart device, or take the time to print out the e-books. I found Oxford Dictionary of Idioms by simply poking around on the internet!

Some of the more […]

2014-05-15T17:40:53+02:00May 15th, 2014|Categories: Resources|

Getting Listed in the Edelweiss Database

One of the biggest challenges for self-published authors is getting a book into bookstores, libraries, and in the hands of top reviewers. Traditional publishers certainly have the leg up in this area, and they’re using a service called Edelweiss. Here’s a good overview at Book Riot about what Edelweiss does. Basically, it sorts books out via buzz (reviews, professional interest), which makes it easier for booksellers and/or librarians to know which books to stock. Reviewers can request a galley. Edelweiss has a partnership with LibraryReads to get books into libraries.

Sounds great for self-publishers, doesn’t it? Alas, it’s not […]

2014-07-13T10:39:20+02:00April 16th, 2014|Categories: Resources|

Best WordPress Themes for Writers & Publishers


Setting up an author website is pretty much a given for all self-publishers. Given that blogging is also an important facet of author promotion, it can be easier to use a blogging platform for the overall website. It’s very possible to make a blogging template function as a commercial website.

The two biggest blogging platforms nowadays are WordPress and Blogger. Though there are very credible sites using the free service (see, it can be slicker to have your own (or URL using With, you’ll have access to hundreds of different plugins, […]

2019-06-13T07:46:49+02:00February 10th, 2014|Categories: Lead Story, Resources|Tags: |

Designing a Book Cover with 99Designs

Though 99Designs has had mixed reviews of their logo design service, the book cover wing has a good track record. JC Leland was the e-Book Cover Design Award Winner for June 2012 in Fiction at the Book Designer blog using a 99Designs cover.

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The author captions: ““I ran a design contest at to develop the cover art for my book. Highly recommend this process for authors!”

Here’s how it works: you submit info about your book to the pool of designers and pay money up front ($299 and up). This acts as the cash prize, and then designers […]

2014-01-20T14:56:09+02:00January 15th, 2014|Categories: Resources|Tags: |
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