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Self-Publishing Review Blogs

In the early days of blogging, self-publishing blogs were few and far between.  Now there’s a long list of self-publishing litblogs.  Some self-publishing bloggers come and go, like Poddy Mouth, the pioneer in self-publishing review blogs, but some are here for the long haul, such as Pod People, a blog that has seen other self-publishing reviewers come and go.  At one point, there was a “De Facto POD Review Ring” that only contained five blogs.  Now the number of bloggers interested in self-publishing is expanding.

This is mostly culled from Breeni Books’ POD review ring, with a few […]

2009-12-31T21:44:03+02:00December 27th, 2008|Categories: Lead Story, Resources|

Writing Self-Published Press Releases

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If you’re self-releasing a book, a press release is a mandatory part of the process. Certain self-publishers, like Outskirts Press, include press releases as part of their more-advanced packages, but this does not always include the writing of the press release itself – just its distribution – so understanding the fundamentals of writing a book press release is important. Here are simple steps you should take.

How to Write a Self-Published Press Release

The basic rules for press release writing is to keep it simple and keep it understated. Writing too many superlatives is not a sign that a book […]

2009-12-31T21:44:21+02:00December 26th, 2008|Categories: Resources|
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