Articles, how-to’s, opinion and tips and tricks in the self-publishing arena
Keanu Reeves and Girlfriend: Indie-Publishing Since 2011
However, speculation about this “new” relationship pretty much dissolved when web-ferrets savvy and bored enough […]
Writing a Book Through Ill Health
We all face a bout of sickness in our lifetime at some point. But what if this hits as we are writing a book?
“I was literally in the middle of a three-month sabbatical to write my book when I was diagnosed with Lupus. Plagued with fatigue and nausea, as well as insomnia, I had no idea how I was going to finish what I had started,” says Pam, a self-published author from London, UK. “And I had a deadline of less than two months. After that, I’d have to go back to work.”
Cathy had planned her time off […]
Kindle Promotion Tips to Maximize Your Newsletter Marketing Campaign
Think of movie marketing – there are a few weeks of heavy advertising leading up to a release, there’s an opening weekend, […]
Ten Steps to Format Your eBook
When it comes to uploading your eBook for KDP or even for selling it yourself from your author website, it seems like a really fiddly job. But there are ten easy steps to getting it right.
This is a very basic 101, and there are many other fancy things you can do. But these are the bare minimums you should aspire to.
You can click the images if you wish to see them bigger.
1. Use Word
1. There’s no point in using a PDF because it’s counter-intuitive to Kindle. Amazon’s system will automatically recognize chapter headings and paragraphs if […]
20 Book Marketing Strategies for New and Experienced Authors
At SPR, we see a lot of books come our way, and we see some of the same mistakes being repeated over and over again. This is not just the case for a novice author, but for authors who have 10+ books out. Obviously, new authors should take heed most of all, so follow this book promotion checklist to make sure you’re doing everything you can – potentially for no cost at all.
Sign Up for Amazon Author Central
This is one that seemingly a lot of authors haven’t heard of because too often it’s not used. Amazon’s Author Central[…]
How Authors Can Help Other Authors
Another author’s success can sometimes sting. But remember: we’re all in this together – that’s why something like #WritingCommunity exists. If a writer is successful, that’s a success for everyone, as books are the underdog in the media landscape.
It can feel counterintuitive to support another author’s book, as they can seem like a competitor in your own field, and you may feel like you should be spending your time only on your own book. However, self-promotion is not normally as effective as word of mouth, so if you spend your days wondering why you’re not receiving enough attention, the […]