
Articles, how-to’s, opinion and tips and tricks in the self-publishing arena

Pay to Play: Should Writers Pay for Reviews?

Spurred by a post (that was taken down) on the New Podler, there has been a debate about whether or not it’s ethical for self-publishing review sites to charge authors for reviews.  I come down on the side of it being not that big a deal: so long as the reviews are honest and thorough and writers understand that payment is no guarantee of a good review, it doesn’t seem like the worst practice.

That said, I’ve made a point of not charging for reviews because it just feels wrong.  I do charge though – for going up in […]

2011-10-08T19:14:48+02:00April 27th, 2009|Categories: Features, Lead Story|

The Loss of a Cultural and Literary Center in the Book Business

You don’t need to be paying close attention to notice the fragmentation that characterizes much of America’s contemporary life. Your home town newspaper has ceased to print or will soon do so. This is happening to the ANN ARBOR NEWS (never a very good newspaper, but one that did a fair to middling job of holding its community together). Some of the nation’s biggest and best papers have already folded and THE BOSTON GLOBE seems likely to follow. These, and the NEW YORK TIMES are my own favorite print sources of news and the TIMES is also having problems.

Elsewhere […]

2011-10-08T19:15:35+02:00April 22nd, 2009|Categories: Features|

The Effect of Poor-Quality Non-Fiction on Self-Publishing

April Hamilton of Publetariat has a very interesting and important blog entry called Hubris, Not Bad Writing Or Design, Sinks Most Self-Published Nonfiction.  In it she describes judging book for the Next Generation Indie Book Awards – including books about weight loss and Youtube marketing by people who are wholly unqualified to cover the topic.  She writes:

The tendency of so many authors to base an entire book or belief system on false correlations, or even mere coincidence, was astonishing to me, as was their complete lack of awareness that their ability to formulate a possible cause-and-effect relationship does

2011-10-08T19:17:41+02:00April 18th, 2009|Categories: Features|

On Being a POD Author

POD = pod

As a self-published POD, I think I may be in a good place, considering. Just got into two bookstores, and I am awaiting a blurb from someone I hope is influential enough to convince more people to read my book.

I learned today, however, that having a book in a store, on a shelf, doesn’t necessarily place me above pod (lowercase) status when compared to the Published butterflies.

I’ve been trying to schedule a reading at one of the stores that currently has my book, but the woman who schedules the events has yet to return […]

2011-10-08T19:58:47+02:00April 15th, 2009|Categories: Features|

This is Why Self-Publishing isn’t Taken Seriously

Via Pod Peep comes news of Lulu buying out Poetry.com and replacing it with their own brand and self-publishing service.  Here’s a screenshot.

Let me count the ways this is problematic.  I can understand if Lulu.com central is more of a generic, corporate brand, as they want to attract more business-minded people who are interested in creating brochures and other promotional materials, or non-fiction manuals.  But this is Poetry.com – something that is only an expression of a person’s artistic vision, so having such a cold and sterile environment just seems antithetical to a place where people are going to […]

2011-10-08T19:59:07+02:00April 15th, 2009|Categories: Features, Lead Story|

I Judge Books by Their Cover – A Lot

Running this website has been eye-opening, in that I now have some sense of what it’s like to be a literary agent being inundated with queries from eager writers.  If you want some sense of what it’s like, check out Nathan Bransford’s blog for his recent query contest, in which he posted 50 different queries from readers of his blog.

I can imagine at some point turning into the Query Shark (Janet Reid) and wanting to rip apart queries because it can be frustrating to see the same problems again and again. As time goes on and I become […]

2011-10-08T19:59:43+02:00April 14th, 2009|Categories: Features|

Self-Publishing in the Blogosphere

There’s a lot of interesting discussion about self-publishing going on in the blogosphere, beginning with Victoria Strauss who writes for the Writer Beware blog.  She calls out a recent article on CNN that paints too rosy a picture of self-publishing.  Not revealing, for instance, that a successful self-publisher also had a high-powered PR firm working for her.  I would argue this is the case with a lot of journalism in general – it errs on the side of being overly positive.  That’s the nature of the puff piece.

But she’s right, in a way.  Self-publishing is not yet a replacement […]

2011-10-08T20:00:16+02:00April 10th, 2009|Categories: Features|

The Internet vs. Newspapers – And Bookstores

Crossposted from Christopher Meeks’ blog at Red Room.  Read Self Publishing Review’s interview with Chris Meeks and a review of his novel, The Brightest Moon of the Century.

Advertising Age wrote last week, “Amid 23% population growth in the past two decades, U.S. newspaper circulation has dropped 20% –one reason your morning paper, downsized every which way, is no match for a stiff breeze. Craigslist, siphoning off $7 billion worth of classifieds, is another.”

I then read in the New York Times on Friday that the Times, which owns the Boston Globe, has threatened to close the […]

2011-10-08T20:01:42+02:00April 6th, 2009|Categories: Features|
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