
Articles, how-to’s, opinion and tips and tricks in the self-publishing arena

Wooing The Muse

Writing should be easy now, right? I have Creative Writing BA from Eastern Washington University, I got a research/writing heavy MA from the Vancouver School of Theology in Vancouver, BC. And now I live in Portland, Or home Powells, The Attic: A Haven for Writers and more writers than you can shake a stick at.

And besides my book – The Boston 395 – is out now as ebook. Started for the dot.bust and completed in response to the economic downturn.

Writing SHOULD be easy.

But two years of writers block tells me otherwise. Two years of economic downturn, no-to-little […]

2011-11-22T14:16:15+02:00November 22nd, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

Do Self-Publishers Need to Lighten Up? [Updated]

First off, I didn’t wade into the Penguin self-publishing controversy because I took some  days off work to work on my novel and I was keeping to that.  I agree that it’s a rip-off as illustrated by David Gaughran:

Book Country offer a range of options to self-publish your work, all vastly over-priced.

The premium package costs a whopping $549. To be clear: there is no editing or cover design included in this package (the two biggest expenses for self-publishers). There is also no marketing or promotion included in this package, aside from a “Publishing Kit” with “tips” and

2011-11-23T11:39:17+02:00November 22nd, 2011|Categories: Features|

Beware of Free

There’s a really interesting note in a post about Kindle sales on the Self-Published Author’s Lounge:

First of all, free does attract a lot of negative reviews.  I’m not the only author who’s noticed it and neither is this author.  I have another author friend who is shying away from putting anything else out for free because she doesn’t want to get the negative reviews.  Free does attract a heavy dose of criticism.  I still use free, though, because my skin really has gotten thick enough where I honestly don’t care anymore (this takes time to develop) and because

2011-11-14T12:41:33+02:00November 14th, 2011|Categories: Features|

Self-Publishing & Luck

I’ve had my problems with JA Konrath in the past (in the comments of that post). His position used to be that writers needed to be traditionally published in order to prove their mettle – the measure of a writer was if publishing professionals were willing to invest some money in a book. He’s obviously had a change of heart because now he advocates for self-publishing daily – also because of money changing hands: self-publishing is legit because writers can turn a profit. To be honest, I don’t find this the greatest endorsement either because it’s still saying money is […]

2011-11-14T13:03:14+02:00November 14th, 2011|Categories: Features|

Self-Publishers are Dorky

Really interesting post in The Millions about self-publishing – which to me is kind of watershed compared to yet another post about self-publishing in the Washington Post or New York Times. The Millions is an established litblog on the high-brow edge – the kind of site that might have never given self-publishing a second look 5 years ago, but now is finally seeing self-publishing as increasingly necessary for an increasing number of writers.

It also falls in line with the discussion we’ve been having about “indie” credibility. Self-publishing has already cemented its commercial credibility, but it has yet to […]

2011-11-10T10:49:11+02:00November 9th, 2011|Categories: Features|

Why Good Writing Always Enhances Good SEO

Everyone that has a website knows that they are in a sea of hundreds of millions of other websites.  Even if you are in a unique niche or category, you still have hundreds of thousands of competing sites.  This is not always a bad situation, however, you need to let people, that need your products or services, know that you are on the internet.

There are hundreds of thousands of sites that have products and services to enhance your SEO (search engine optimization), in the attempt to make you more noticeable in your particular area of expertise.  Some of these […]

2011-11-08T13:10:50+02:00November 8th, 2011|Categories: Features, Member Blog|

Indie Means Genre Fiction

David Gaughran has a good post up on Indie Reader – The Future is Indie – which dovetails well with Tom Lichtenberg’s post about the meaning of indie.  The question has been why indie publishing doesn’t get the same respect as indie music and indie film.  The answer is pretty simple: they’re entirely different.  Though there are self-released CD’s and independently-financed movies that are attempts to be commercial, the main meaning of indie is “different than the mainstream.”  With independent publishing, this is also the case.  With indie publishing, it’s not the case at all.

I knew that readers

2011-11-06T11:16:49+02:00November 6th, 2011|Categories: Features|

What’s So “Indie” About Indie Writers?

Henry Baum’s recent post (about foul language in self-published books) raised this issue, which has been on my mind for a while. What IS so “indie” about “indie writers.” Is it merely a fashionable term, wishful thinking? The term comes from the “indie” film and music trends of the late 20th century, but I think those artistic fields are fundamentally different in important ways from book publishing. Both music and film require much more equipment, technical expertise and money, and usually involve more people as well, whereas writers only need to type into a computer, save their files, and upload […]

2011-11-04T08:08:53+02:00November 4th, 2011|Categories: Features|
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