
Articles, how-to’s, opinion and tips and tricks in the self-publishing arena

The Road to the Bottom: 99 Cent Box Sets

sp_3dcover_200A guest post on David Gaughran’s site covers the new world of bundled box sets. A good idea on the surface, and very profitable, but also problematic. She addresses this in the post:

With the attention, of course, also comes the inevitable criticism: that 2012 was the year of the freebie, 2013 the year of the 99¢ book, and now 2014 is the year of the 99¢ box. All cheap marketing ploys that will devalue the written word and destroy an industry.

Pretty much. Next paragraph:

Our business ledger, of course, says otherwise. Despite having built our assisted-self-publishing micropress

2014-04-22T16:29:43+02:00April 22nd, 2014|Categories: Features|

Ten things to do to win a writing contest

10 Things to Win a  Writing Contest

With so many entries to judge, what is it about your book that will win you a prize? Cate Baum, co-founder of the SPR Awards spills the beans on the best tips to get that award.

1. Enter properly. This year, we had around 5% of entries that entered the wrong category, didn’t pay the entry fee or didn’t send in their book! This immediately disqualifies you from nearly all contests out there, and you won’t get a refund. (We’re nice, we tracked everyone down bar one who remains elusive…)

2. Edit your book. If your book has spelling […]

2014-04-15T17:22:35+02:00April 15th, 2014|Categories: Features|Tags: |

Self-Publishing is Dumb

Are self-publishers dumb? Don’t answer that.

Recently, the debate has arisen again about genre vs. literary self-publishing (as if there’s some kind of war between the two) with Chris Meadows gloating on Teleread:

Maybe because, I dunno, nobody wants to read them? I read to get away from the real world. I don’t want to read more stories about the real world.

Anyway, I come to wonder: after all these years of sneering at genre’s low-brow nature, is literary fiction about to die off because its writers couldn’t make the same transition to self-publishing that genre’s writers could? That

2014-04-11T14:38:07+02:00April 11th, 2014|Categories: Features|

6 Things to Consider When Printing Your Book

With the increasing emphasis on e-books and the ease of digital publishing, you may think the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” doesn’t really apply anymore. After all, a book cover displayed on the screen of a tablet doesn’t hold the same weight as it does on the front of a hardback book.

However, data suggests we shouldn’t forget that old saying just yet. A recent study by Voxburner surveyed people ages 16 to 24 on their reading preferences. The findings were surprising — 62 percent preferred print books over e-books. Think about that statistic for a minute […]

2020-02-21T04:26:38+02:00February 19th, 2014|Categories: Features|

AuthorEarnings.com Roundup

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It’s been the week of Hugh Howey and AuthorEarnings.com, and there’s been an immense amount of coverage. Here are the main posts about the bombshell, both for and against.

BusinessWeek: Is Self-Publishing a Better Road to Wealth for Writers?

Howey’s data provide only one snapshot of a single market on a single day. Amazon may dominate the e-book world, but its sales data don’t cover the entire industry. Revenue streams that come to authors with publishing deals, such as advances, aren’t accounted for. The data are also focused on a particular corner of the market that may not move

2014-02-15T13:58:32+02:00February 15th, 2014|Categories: Features|Tags: |

There’s No One Way to Self-Publish


Mick Rooney has a great post up at the Independent Publishing Magazine: Is self-publishing creating a hierarchical community for its authors?

So what’s bugging me about self-publishing now? Aren’t we experiencing a self-publishing boom with little to complain about?

There is an increasing hierarchy developing in the self-publishing community and it shows no sign of disappearing anytime soon. It’s the hierarchy of the true savvy self-publishers and those authors who choose an assisted self-publishing service. I’ve even witnessed the line in the sand drawn between authors who have their own publishing imprint name and block of ISBNs registered with Bowker/Nielsen,

2014-02-06T11:26:05+02:00February 6th, 2014|Categories: Features|

Self-Publishing Has Arrived: Now What?

FireShot Screen Capture #538 - 'Self-Publishing Is Not The Minor Leagues « terribleminds_ chuck wendig' - terribleminds_com_ramble_2014_01_27_self-publishing-is-not-the-minor-leaguesChuck Wendig has a great post up now: Self-Publishing is Not the Minor Leagues

It’s time to take a long look at the culture surrounding self-publishing. We’ve moved past the time where we need to champion the cause, okay? We’ve seen enough success in that space and have plenty of positive examples it’s time to stop acting as cheerleaders.

And it’s time to start acting as critics.

The attitude that pervades self-publishing is that it’s a good place to test your craft, to hone your work. We are reminded constantly that the cream floats to the top, that all the

2014-01-30T14:57:36+02:00January 30th, 2014|Categories: Features|

Agents Funneling Writers to Self-Publishing: Corrupt or Not?

FireShot Screen Capture #535 - 'Novel Rejects_ From Futerman Rose Associates_' - myrejectletters_blogspot_co_uk_2013_01_dear-john-many-thanks-for-this_htmlThis story has generated a lot of controversy lately. From the Novel Rejects blog comes a rejection letter of an agent recommending a self-publishing firm in lieu of representation, likely for a fee.

The writing is strong and the storyline intriguing. I have to tell you however, that agents are finding novels, even intelligently written commercial work like this, harder to place nowadays. Publishers are so subjective and only concerned with the bottom line.

What I can do is to suggest an organisation who, for a reasonably low fee will make the full arrangements to ensure a full Kindle publication

2014-01-30T11:42:34+02:00January 30th, 2014|Categories: Features|
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