
Articles, how-to’s, opinion and tips and tricks in the self-publishing arena

Top Ten Bugbears of a Self-Published Book Editor

It’s time again. Cate Baum, SPR Editor is back to enlighten writers everywhere on how not to drive their editors up the wall.

Here, I have listed my top bugbears uncovered editing self-published works from around the world. Enjoy, learn, share. If you want to find out more about our editing services tailored to the needs of self-published authors, have a look here.

1. The word “OK”/Ok/Okay

The most overused word in most books I see today, especially from American writers. The most common spelling it seems, for some unknown reason (I’m blaming texting and tweeting) is “Ok”. I have […]

2014-08-05T08:10:52+02:00August 5th, 2014|Categories: Features|

How Do You Develop and Use a List of Your Readers?

Build Your List

One of the pieces of information authors are finding invaluable is a list of their readers. If you want to announce a new release, a promotion or a giveaway, the instant access to a list of your readers is priceless. It could mean an instant jump in rankings and an increase in reviews both critical to the success of your book.

The reader list is being used to develop friendships and relationships far beyond the sale of your novels. Building a list is a lot like farming. You cultivate the field. You plant the seed. You watch it grow. Then […]

2019-02-18T12:06:01+02:00July 24th, 2014|Categories: Features|Tags: , |

Why I’m leaving Amazon’s KDP Select program

Ugly Little ThingsOn Friday, Amazon launched a new service called “Kindle Unlimited.” It’s a subscription service where, for $9.99 a month, a consumer can have access to over 600k Kindle titles, as well as their audio equivalents. You can get up to 10 books at a time. Authors who have titles enrolled in Amazon’s KDP Select program (which allows for free promotions, inclusion in the lending library, countdown deals, and matchbook prices) had their titles automatically enrolled in the program on Friday.

I am not a publishing guru or pundit by any stretch of the imagination. I only know what works for […]

2020-02-21T03:44:18+02:00July 22nd, 2014|Categories: Features|Tags: |

Self-Publishing for Academics

Inside Higher EdAn interesting exposé (that takes some digs at self-publishing) covers the new crop of academics going the self-publishing route for many of the same reasons as other authors.

Many scholars – particularly supporters of the open-access movement, which argues that scholarly research should be available for free online — have grown increasingly frustrated with academic publishers in recent years, Weller said.

“Mostly publishers are making an economic decision (will this book sell?) rather than an academic one (does it add to the field?),” the educational technologist said in an email.

While fiction writers want to eschew the gatekeeping process and […]

2014-07-22T15:43:55+02:00July 17th, 2014|Categories: Features|

Five Factors For A Great Book Cover

Why is it some book covers pop while others are astoundingly wrong? As a self-publishing author it’s essential to get it right. Here are five factors to consider when choosing a design.

Example of terrible book cover1. Does your cover represent the contents of your book?

Sometimes a cover cannot be judged by the book.  Take a look at this edition of Huckleberry Finn for example – does an urn-carrying nude really tell us the story of two boys on an adventure? Obviously not. You may know the image you choose is pertinent because something happens in the book, but does your title reflect […]

2020-02-21T03:21:07+02:00July 2nd, 2014|Categories: Features|Tags: |

Six More Common Editing Mistakes in Self-Published Books


Following on from my last article about editing, I thought it was about time we tackled some more bugbears uncovered in my most recent journeys into the self-published world I tend to inhabit these days.



1.  The “s” –  Plural usage vs. Possessionapostrophe's

For some unknown reason, some writers grow up and make life complicated for themselves with plurals. Often I walk by stores advertising “tomato’s” and “offer’s”.  When we were kids at school, we all knew to make something plural you add an “s”.  This all seems to fall by the wayside for some of […]

2014-06-21T10:57:55+02:00June 18th, 2014|Categories: Features|Tags: |

Six Reasons Self-Published Books Have Subtitles

Six Reasons Why Self-Published Books Have Subtitles
When browsing through books on Amazon or Smashwords it is pretty striking that so many more books have subtitles these days. Why is that? Six reasons halfway to explaining this trend.

1. A self-published book has to explain itself

While bestselling books by authors we know come on reputation, such as “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt (could be about birds, actually is about the life of a boy with PTSD) or “Big Brother” by Lionel Shriver (could be about politics, is actually about morbid obesity), it is more difficult to make a new reader stop and read your synopsis if […]

2014-06-12T13:01:06+02:00June 12th, 2014|Categories: Features|

Google Play Setting Books to Free

trappedAn important warning about Google Play. From the Kindle Boards:

I discovered this morning that Google had listed my best earning historical romance for FREE. Yes free. They were paying me based on my list price of $5.18 but they have it free. Obviously, to me this wasn’t about the money I was earning from those free sales but the ramifications this might have, especially if Amazon got ahold of that price.

The book came out in 2012 and it wasn’t making me a ton a money, but it’s still my bestselling historical novel right now. I emailed them

2017-03-24T06:16:12+02:00June 11th, 2014|Categories: Features|
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