
Articles, how-to’s, opinion and tips and tricks in the self-publishing arena

Five Reasons You Shouldn’t Rush Publishing Your Book

Many authors think they should make a plan to publish and promote their book ahead of time. Here are five reasons to avoid a rushed book promotion campaign.

Run out of time for your book campaign?

ONE You may find errors in your book and have to rush the corrections

Classic dilemma. You’ve got your book file all ready to go, you have the reviews and promos locked in. Two days before they run, you realize you have whopping errors in your text. This is so common that we advise all authors never to book a review or promo until the book has been completely finalized and read […]

2020-02-21T03:53:03+02:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Features|Tags: |

Mark Judge and The Kavanaugh Book – An Important Lesson About Publishing Memoirs

WASTED - GoodreadsWriting a memoir is a great way of recording your life journey, and many authors want to share their story. But this week in Washington, one author must be regretting he ever published his.

After hearing tearful women recounting their sexual abuse stories in the corridor, Senator Flake went back into the bipartisan meeting today and asked incredibly awkwardly for the floor vote on confirming Brett Kavanaugh to The Supreme Court to be held for a week while the FBI investigates claims and information given. And this may lead to one book in particular being hastily read across Washington.[…]

2018-09-28T12:39:28+02:00September 28th, 2018|Categories: Features|

Self-Publishing Review Launches All-Inclusive Publishing Service SPR Books

SPR Books adSPR (Self-Publishing Review) today launches an all-inclusive publishing service for independent authors who want a package that includes everything from editing to promotion.

Authors will be able to submit their book manuscript and receive two rounds of editing, formatting, a custom cover design, a starred editorial review, and a reader mailer promotion to get a boost in ranking, reviews, and sales to give them the best possible start in marketing their book. Authors will retain full control of their KDP accounts, and keep all royalties.

SPR Founder Henry Baum, an award-winning indie author himself, says, “We have been helping indie […]

2018-09-25T11:03:09+02:00September 25th, 2018|Categories: Features|

Time’s Up on “Women’s” Titles for “Women’s” Books Already

The Time Traveler's WifeIn a world where women are demanding equality at work, why are publishers making a niche of female writers and protagonists?

It all started with The Time Traveler’s Wife back in 2003. A book about Henry, a man who time travels arbitrarily, and his wife who has to deal with it, to tragic ends. But what readers missed was that Claire the protagonist was not really the eponymous hero. Audrey Niffenegger took her title from J.B. Priestley’s book, Man and Time, in which he refers to our “inner time” as our “wife.” Of course, it’s a wonderful play on […]

2018-09-13T09:04:40+02:00September 13th, 2018|Categories: Features|

GDPR – How it Affects Authors in 2018 – With FREE Privacy Policy Template

Europe MapIf you’ve been relying on a mailing list to sell books online, or you sell books from your website, you need to know about the GDPR, a new law that comes into effect on May 25, 2018 that protects people online from spam and unwanted data sharing. It affects anyone who is located, does business, or makes contacts in the EU region, which is basically this area shown in the image (click image for interactive version at Nations Online), and carries hefty fines if you do not follow the rules.

Download our FREE Privacy Policy Template For Author Websites

2018-06-19T06:29:08+02:00May 16th, 2018|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: |

How to Get Book Reviews in 2018 (Without Going Crazy)


So you want to know the best ways of getting book reviews for your book now it is finally written? Here are some ideas for those glowing reviews to come flooding in, updated for what works in 2018.

What Works in 2018

Use a Reader eMailing Service – Success Rate – 100% + 1- 5% quota met as advertised + high ranking and exposure on Amazon

It’s getting harder to get Verified Customer Reviews, which are the reviews that have most weight for ranking high on Amazon. The only true way to do this is to have access to lists […]

2019-07-01T16:21:20+02:00April 25th, 2018|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: , |

Three Ways To Offer Discounted CreateSpace Paperbacks

Discounted books CreateSpace

There is no doubt that the best way of being able to offer discounted paperbacks Print On Demand is still with CreateSpace. While KDP have offered paperbacks, and companies such as Ingram have been market leaders, the fact still stands that these other services do not give authors the opportunity to print really discounted copies on demand, while the author can retain a fair array of distribution and profit.

You won’t make the Amazon ranks with these methods, as they do not count towards your sales numbers on Amazon, but if you are concerned with an institution or other group […]

2020-02-21T05:43:29+02:00April 21st, 2018|Categories: Features, Resources|Tags: |
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