SPR’s book reviews of new self-published books
Fracktured by Lance Simmens
There’s a danger in a policy wonk writing a work of fiction […]
SPR’s book reviews of new self-published books
There’s a danger in a policy wonk writing a work of fiction […]
The great hero Orfeo faces one of the most deadly threats of his heroic career.
At the height of Greece’s heroic age, the ruthless Getae advance on new territory in their relentless expansion. Terrifying in their savage conquests, heralded by unflinching group assaults and hails of missiles, renowned for wiping out their foes and capturing their defenseless to fuel the war machine with minimal losses on their own side; it seems nothing will stand in their army’s wake. Will the great warrior Orfeo and his group be able to buck the trend and face down the Getae menace? The answers […]
The Fantastic Travels of William and the Monarch Butterfly: Fly, Fly Away on the Wings of a Monarch Butterfly by Christina Steiner is about a young boy named William, a born explorer, who one day meets a talking butterfly named Anka and shrinks down to her size, then flies away with her as she makes her migration down south from North Dakota. Their journey mimics the real migration of the Monarch butterfly, so kids will learn fascinating facts about butterflies as readers follow William and Anka on their series of adventures.
Though the level of the prose is aimed at […]
Iapetus Shift by Jonas David is an innovative science fiction novella about a world where people can shape-shift by stealing people’s DNA via nanobots. Olan is falling apart due to his constant shape-shifting, and one last kill will put him together again for good. Unfortunately for Olan, it doesn’t go well, and to avoid prison he’s roped into a final job: kidnapping someone in a government facility on Mars and transporting her to Saturn’s moon, Iapetus.
Though Iapetus Shift is called a novella, it’s a sizable book, clocking in at 137 pages, so the book doesn’t feel like a fleshed […]
Send Flowers (Shotgun John and Scorpion Book 1) by Mike Crowley is a pulse-pounding thriller about an ordinary man on the run from the CIA for a crime he did not commit. John Griffin finds his workplace, a pharmaceutical lab, in flames, which puts him on the terror watch list and hounded by government officials. The lab has been working on the cure for a disease, and a corporate executive thinks it’s more profitable if the lab never discovers the cure. John must find the cure and band together with a group of citizens to fight the highest trenches of […]
Readers must know that this is a sexually […]
Without a background and firm grasp of Bradlaugh’s work, some of Wilhelmsson’s book may be lost on novice readers. In the selections attributed to both […]