New Releases

SPR’s book reviews of new self-published books

Cheerful Obedience by Patrick McLaughlin

Cheerful Obedience by Patrick McLaughlinAn eager young soldier comes of age through the smoke and strife of Vietnam in Cheerful Obedience by Patrick McLaughlin, a character-focused snapshot of that conflict’s dark legacy, and a powerful work of historical wartime fiction.

Conor McKall is an honorable protagonist – he understands his duty, sticks up for his comrades, and acts courageously in service to his country, but surviving in a war zone takes more than humility, patience, and resilience. As McKall moves up the chain into squad leader, he must navigate the day-to-day trudge of an ever-changing battlefield, including petty challenges to his leadership and explosive […]

Winning Numbers by Jeff Copetas

Winning Numbers by Jeff CopetasA comprehensive plunge into the enigmatic world of the lottery, Winning Numbers: A Deep Dive Into the Lottery & Luck by Jeff Copetas is an eye-opening and entertaining exposé on winning big.

Balancing statistical pragmatism against human nature and the alluring dream of winning it all, Copetas’ narrative highlights the dramatic and double-edged power of sudden wealth in America. Told through a blend of anecdotal accounts and academic analyses, this informative read bounces from bank robberies and Lamborghini parades to taxation policies for the poor and the Pandora’s Box of capitalism.

More than a behind-the-scenes peek at some lottery winners […]

2023-12-04T16:06:53+02:00December 4th, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Across the Kentucky Color Line by Lee Durham Stone

Across the Kentucky Color Line by Lee Durham StoneExploring racial dynamics in the context of Kentucky’s complex history, Across the Kentucky Color Line: Cultural Landscapes of Race from the Lost Cause to Integration by Lee Durham Stone is a brilliant work of sociological study.

From the color-blind struggle of miners and the gruesome history of public hangings to manifested visions of emancipation and the generations of psychic damage enacted on people of color in America, this is a relentless account of prejudice, trauma, and resilience at the dark heart of the American Dream. Interrogating the whitewashed legacy of an oppressed people through the lens of personal anecdotes, historical […]

2023-11-21T14:09:14+02:00November 21st, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

The Quest for Happiness by Andrews

The Quest for Happiness by Andrews The first book in the MacTire Legends series, The Quest for Happiness by Andrews is a gripping romantic fantasy. In a new search for love, self-acceptance, and belonging, Adam faces unimaginable dark turns, as the unsuspected truth about Adam’s family heritage resurfaces, shattering his tranquil life.

Adam is a biologist and an entrepreneur with a golden heart who built a successful sanctuary for wild animals. Thanks to his dedication and knowledge, he’s made the shelter into a unique hub for researchers and the community to understand their environment better. His relationship to animals has always been astonishingly profound – when […]

2023-11-20T18:15:01+02:00November 20th, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Unforgettable by David J. Cook

Unforgettable by David J. Cook

A celebration of resilience, family, and joy in the face of life’s greatest challenges, Unforgettable by David J. Cook is a fearless testament to loyalty and love.

Overcoming heartbreak and tragedy as children, Althea, Gabrielle, and Stephanie are adopted by a gifted couple who devote themselves to raising smart, healthy, and independent daughters. The young women’s lives aren’t always easy, as illness, scandal, and abuse painfully find them, but they perpetually rise above, relying on the strength of their family and community. With life experiences emphasizing numerous overlapping social crises that are raging today, this is a contemporary and nuanced […]

2023-11-20T13:54:20+02:00November 20th, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Christianity 2.0 by John Dorsey

Christianity 2.0 by John DorseyA bold rethinking of devotion, self-improvement, and enlightenment, Christianity 2.0: How Amazing New Advances in the Religious Realm Can Ignite a Religious Revival by John Dorsey is an eye-opening thesis on restructuring religion.

Written through a variety of lenses, from integrity and truth to the concepts of muscle testing and a “level of consciousness” rating, the author dissects the core tenets and texts of Christianity, identifying which elements remain uncorrupted, as well as those that need to be remedied. Peppered with personal anecdotes and powerful opinions, Dorsey presents a passionate argument, albeit one that will ruffle feathers across the religious […]

2023-11-02T13:18:11+02:00November 2nd, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Hair on Fire by Larada Horner-Miller

Hair on Fire by Larada Horner-Miller A charming collection of poems, stories, and memories about Christmastime, Hair on Fire: A Heartwarming & Humorous Christmas Memoir by Larada Horner-Miller is a spirited and inspiring take on the holiday season.

Starting from Joseph and Mary, Horner-Miller has put together a lovely compendium of personal, religious, and cultural anecdotes around Christmas that serve as a gentle way to transition to that wonderfully busy time of year, nudging our own memories forward, and refreshing our knowledge about this festive occasion. Both personal and informative about the holiday season, the book asks questions like when do people put up their Christmas […]

2023-10-30T16:05:01+02:00October 30th, 2023|Categories: New Releases|Tags: , |

The Lost Souls of Guayaquil by Brian Gibb

The Lost Souls of Guayaquil by Brian GibbSpectacularly creative and emotionally gripping, The Lost Souls of Guayaquil by Brian Gibb is an original and thought-provoking novel about life, death, and what defines us in between.

In a clash of beliefs, destinies, and capitalist ambitions, a young woman is torn between fighting beside her oppressed people and staying loyal to her supernatural calling as a healer. An intrepid journalist pushes back against the Ecuadorian government’s sinister manipulation of the press, even if that means landing a target on his back. The reluctant souls of the dead, frustrated at the fate of their still-living loved ones, and unwilling to […]

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