New Releases

SPR’s book reviews of new self-published books

I Remember: A Story of Self-Healing by Cassandra Whitfield

I Remember: A story of self-love by Cassandra WhitfieldI Remember: A Story of Self-Healing by Cassandra Whitfield is a story of love and self-love; the story of a healer learning to heal herself. Cassandra Whitfield didn’t have the easiest life – from a tumultuous childhood, a rollercoaster love life, and a colorful career working with the criminally insane. Her inner strength begins to fade, and she doesn’t know why. This is the story of a woman under the weight of the world, who must put aside all those she holds above herself in order to dig into her own soul and become whole once again.

The story is […]

2016-11-23T06:26:30+02:00October 26th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Blood Will Tell by C.S. Donnell

Blood Will TellThis high-drama saga follows Amy throughout her life with all the events that her relationships bring. Difficult to pinpoint as one genre in particular, Blood Will Tell can be described as a New Adult drama that spirals into a thriller with some medical elements and horror thrown in to thrill readers who enjoy stories with a hint of romance and crime, as Amy shifts through many changes as she adjusts to each event.

A story told from many perspectives, Amy must overcome a powerful and destructive bond with her wealthy and heartless father to find love and independence, and learn […]

2016-10-19T07:41:05+02:00October 19th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Finding Amelia by Lynsey Howell, Illustrated by Vitaliia Kalmutska

Finding Amelia by Lynsey HowellFinding Amelia by Lynsey Howell is a charming story for young children about Sara and her dog Zulu who excitedly visit an air show. Given the opportunity to fly in a bi-plane, Sara takes control of the plane and straight into a time portal cloud, where she’s soon joined by Amelia Earhart in the cockpit. There we learn about Amelia Earhart’s achievements, inspiring a love of flying for boys and girls alike.

A trained pilot herself, Howell injects Finding Amelia with a love of aviation, and a special reverence for Amelia Earhart. This passion comes through in the illustrations by […]

2016-10-18T11:48:45+02:00October 18th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

The Emperor Returns by William Durkin and Shayne Durkin

TERIn 2014, a ten-year-old girl asked her father if he could assist her in writing a book. That book was Emperor Norton’s Treasure Hunt, a “real life adventure” based in 1950s San Francisco – a local paper devises a treasure hunt with clues in their publication in order to boost sales and win the war for newspaper supremacy in the city.

The Emperor Returns is the sequel to the Durkin duo’s debut hit, starting off at the launch of Sputnik 1, two years after the San Francisco Chronicle’s infamous endeavor. The team are ripe for a new venture, […]

Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway? by Frank Chase Jr.

KleptomaniacKleptomaniac is an insightful and well-constructed argument on tithing and offerings at church, not only defending the author’s decision not to give money blindly, but also defending his right to seek the truth in Bible Scripture.

Everything that the author Frank Chase Jr. says is backed up in some way with huge amounts of research, resulting in a comprehensive and rather airtight argument against this unfair system that is often foisted on believers.

The balanced approach of the book is particularly enjoyable; there are no judgments or inflammatory language, but there is simply impassioned debate from a man who cares […]

2016-09-21T07:09:28+02:00September 19th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Titan by Michael Van Cleve

Titan by Michael Van CleveTitan by Michael Van Cleve is more than your usual post-apocalyptic novel. Though the blurb makes it seem like standard fare of surviving a nuclear holocaust and its after-effects, Titan veers more into science fiction than naturalistic post-apocalyptic wasteland, as the family at the heart of this novel has to fare a rise of a mutant population – the after-effects of radiation.

The core to any post-apocalyptic tale is not necessarily the environment, but the sympathetic resilience of its characters, and on this front Titan excels. There is also plenty of brutal imagery to spare, and thought-provoking exposition about man’s […]

Deeper Colors by C.S. Donnell

Deeper Colors by C.S. DonnellWhen Gina Martin’s mentor passes away, his dying wish is that she go to Paris and view the works of master painters, as inspiration for her own art. At the Louvre, Gina is captivated by a painting from the late 18th century, and she catches the eye of Jerome Dumont, a gallery owner from provincial Perigueux who collects that artist’s work.

When Gina visits Perigueux to learn more about the painter, she finds herself falling fast for Jerome as they bond over the artist’s letters and journals. Meanwhile, the mother of Jerome’s ex-fiance is scheming to reunite him with her […]

2016-10-19T08:25:26+02:00September 5th, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |

Panacea by Brad Murray

Panacea by Brad Murray Jimmy Porter is nothing special. At least, he never thought so, and neither did most anyone in his life. His dad dropped out of his life at the age of eight, and at 21 he hasn’t got much to write home about outside of a decent vehicle and a few good friends. But Jimmy is about to find out just how special he is, owing to a secret flowing in his veins, which can cure all disease…

Panacea starts with a bang as Jimmy is caught up in strange events, with a fantastically memorable image of a severed arm as […]

2016-08-31T09:29:05+02:00August 31st, 2016|Categories: New Releases|Tags: |
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